Pictured left to right hOIding the Elm Hurst Inn voucher is Donna McPherson, Irene Drenth with her Hardanger table-runner and Margaret Ross holding her oil painting. ' Y , I ' ~ . .» '- 1' ' . * Contributed photo Oxford County' Women'sInstltuteholds raf?e to raise funds for prefeonfcrqnee Workshops bmitted b 0 0rd County WOMHIE Institute "jalawal'ded: a H er tablerunner made and squford Chung Women's Institute responded donated by Irzrllgalggunth of Brooksdale WI and to Wellington County WI'5 challenge to raise W09 by Susan Hunt of Braemar WI; an oil $2001 to Support pre--conferenee WorkshdpS .pamtmg by Margaret Ross of Braemar WI, won prior to the ACWW Conferenee in Hamilton in by Ruth Mem'll, and a Sunday ovemight stay June. There will be women from Third World and breakfast for two at the Elm Hurst Inn in ' ent whowillbenefit from the pre; Ingersoll was won by Frances Rutherford of gg?gfcgr?rkshops. BTOORSdale WI- More than $2001 was raised A raf?e was held and three great prizes were through the raffle,