Area WIS. sponsor health fair Dear Editor: I would like to inform yourreaders of 'A Health Fair' taking place on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 from 2 to 8 p.m, at the Tavistock and District Memorial Hall, 3 Adam St. Tavistock, This event is being sponsored by sev-' - " booths many of which are interactive. eral local Women's Institute branches - Brooksdale, Browns, Lakeside, Anna P. Lewis, Princess Elizabeth and_ Embro under the auspices of the R.O.S.E. Program. (Rural Ontario Sharing Education). The local lns'titutes under the leader. ship of Frances Rutherford, Carol Innes and Tara Alden have worked very hard to organize an event which " will'prove to be educational and infor- mative. . , _ It is planned so that people can dr0p in, enjoy a cup of coffeeand visit the many booths learning what is avail- able and how to access it. , Come and learn what is accessible from Alzheimer's, Aromatherapy, Dental, Diabetes, Cancer Prevention . and Nutrition only to mention a few. There will be oVer 25 information Of special interest will be the Ontario Breast SCreening Booth which will. provide-a mammoyiewer- which will enable you to see the many different types of tissue. . Plan to attend this free event spon- sored by 'the Women's Institute. It will be one of the best and most important , programs which you will ever attend. ' Sincerely, - Sheila Greason Uniondale