PRIME MINISTER 0 PREMIER MINISTRE I am delighted to extend my cordial greetings to everyone attending the 23rd Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World, being held from june 11th to “Mb. I would also like to bid a warm welcome to the international delegates who have travelled to Hamilton to take part in what will surely be a most enlightening session of deliberations. This conference â€" with the theme, Volunteers Make Visions a Reality â€" will no doubt offer you a chance to reflect upon the important work carried out by your organization on behalf of women and the community at large. It is particularly appropriate that you have chosen this topic to be the focus of your discussions in this, the International Year of Volunteers. For decades, the Associated Country Women of the World and its member organizations including the Women '5 Institute, the women of the National Farmer’s Union and the Cercles des Fenniéres du Quebec have worked tirelessly to create a better society for all. As you participate in the various workshops and hear from your guest speakers, you may take great satisfaction in knowing that through your efforts, you have helped to effect positive change the world over. Please accept my best wishes for a most productive and enjoyable gathering, as well as every success in meeting the challenges of the years to came. m M OTIHWA 201) I ll’egmtefullv acknowledge the support ofour Sponsors .ilhl Hun ‘ru Your gunrrositv is much .ippreriatcd. Manv thanks v Agricultural Adaptation CounciV CanAdapt Small Projects Initiative - Canadian International Development Agency. Conference Secretariat . Quicken Farmers of Ontario 0 Council for Bid Technology Information - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - Economic Development Department, The New City of Hamilton - GlaxoSmirhKline Foundation - Jackman Foundation . Peggy and Wally Knapp o Merial Canada Inc. . Mother Pafler's Tea and Coffee - Ontario Agri-Food Technologies - Ontario Apple Marketing Commission - Ontario Com Producers' Association - Ontario Egg Producers - Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Ontario Plowman‘s Association - Ontario Soybean Growers - Ontario Veal Association - Jane! Paquel - Myrtle Reid I SC. Johnson Sons Ltd. - Seed Com Growers oi Ontario - University oi Guelph Ontario Women’s Institute Branches - Alma - Anna P. Lewis . Athlone - Auburn - Avonton - Balderson - Beachburg o Beamsville - Becher - Beechwood I Beehive o Belgrave - Belmore o Bethany - Bethesda Reach . Binbrook Bloomingdale Hand Head Bowmanville Branchton Bridgeport Brigden Cailingford Castlemuie Centennial Clachan Clover Valley Coningsby Crediton Crumlin Derry West Elder's Mills Embro and Wes! Zorra Gamebridge Glen Gowrie Gordon Guwans‘rown Hillier Hillsburgh Auxiliary Hollie Archer Kerwood Kuhryville Lakeside Langton Laura Rose Laurenlian View Listowel East Louth Maggie Johnson Maple Ridge Melbourne Melrose Motherwell Mount Albert Mountain View Nassagaweya New Prospect Noblexon Oxdrifl Peace Penhage Road Pinkerton Prince Edward . Princess Elizabeth - Princeton Woodbury - Reid'sCorners - RiverRoad - RiverValley . Rockion - Roseland - Sallord - Shetland . Silver Maple - Singers Corners - Solina - South Raleigh . Speedside e SLPauls - Sunnidale Corners U Union Street - Unoxeter - Warsaw - Washago - Waters ' West End ' White School . Winterbourne . Varmouth Glen Districts ~ Essex - Hastings North - Huron South - Ontario - Perth North . Perth South - SimcoeKempenfeldt - Thunderaay ' Wellington South 0 York Centre - York North Areas - Guelph - Hamilton - london