AUGUST 194:5» EM. flflllarlialt TOPIC: “kaish Delight: Thawel Experiences byMarjorieDatinguti‘if With a Turkish flu. ROLL CALL: An mums-x the I know: abommodem or 7W . unseat museum. bdrm Best. Josie , ruyldr,Ruthcrrwrora HOSTESS: Joyce Brow Hillier Women’s Institute learn interesting facts about Turkey mam Specialto‘lheGulde /,_,_ 7? Hillier Women‘ s Institute met in the Hillier Hall on August 19, 1999. Once again Marjorie Darling, our hostess. prepared a very informative, educational, travelog. slide show on her visit to Turkey. Our President, Marylin Rennie, was enjoying a holi- day in Ireland, therefore, Norma Till our vice president opened the meeting the the W.l. Ode, Mary Stewart Collect read an amusing story about a Princess and a Frog. During the business meeting, a mo- . tion was passed to give a working bud- get to Pat VanKregten, Lois Conley and Joyce Brown. A message from the vendors at the 16th annual Prince Ed- ‘ ward District Women’s Institute Craft Show was relayed by Norma. The vendors wished to thank the many assistants who helped with such willingness. They were “GREATâ€, was the common comment. Norma read a message from Bernie McCabe who moved to Stoney Creek August 17, 1999. In this message Bernie and Lloyd thanked the members and men's aux- ' iliaryfor the farewell giventothemon August 4. Although Ben and Lloyd were busy packing and organizing their own move, they were still avail- able to volunteer valuable time to set up andorganizeouricecreamboothat the 16th annual District Craft Show. Bern and her committee and mem- bers who scooped ice cream, reported the sale of 1135 cones. We will remem- ber themior their energy volunteered. Phyllis Wight, a Hillier Women‘s in- stitute life member, who has been able to get out to only a few meetings dur- ' ing the past year, sent an encouraging message and donation. We miss Phyl- lis and we hope she will be able to at- tend more meetings this season. Helen Lamb from Amherst Island W.I. sent a thank you to Marjorie Dar- ling Ior our reciprocal invitation to join Hillier W]. at Macaulay House for lunch. house tour, and visit to the mu- seum and Bird House City. It was sug- gested that this exchange visit be a semiannual event. Pat VanKregten re ported on the Tweedsmuir Millennium project “Grandmother's Legacyâ€, and how wonderful and fulï¬lling it would be for each member to write about theirfamilytopassontofuturegen- erations. Let's make this project a highlight of the year! As head of the Pumpkint‘ost Parade, Patalsogaveusacommitteereportof it's progress. Ruth crawt‘ord gave her “Associated Country Women of the World†report focusing on the Unite Nation’s connection with â€World Rur- al Women’s Day" which-ls celebrated inmanypartsot'theglobeonOctober 15. Concern about the lack of labeling of genetically. engineered foods and lackoflongtetmtestingwas alsore- ported. We were urged to become aware of this problem. Ourroll call "Aninterostingii'acti Know About Modern or Ancient Turkey" was also very interesting and diversiï¬ed on topics of war, culture. agriculture, archaeology, fabrics, an- gora and camel hair wools. HIE mak- ing. accommodation and housing, etc. Joyce Brown introduwd Marjorie Darling knowing that Marjorie had se-' lected her slide presentation with all thethingsinmindthatmightbeeduâ€" cational, and culturally interesting. Marjorie suggested that we could eat our lunch while watching and listen- ingto her slide presentation This plan worked and we wish to thank Mabel Wright, Lorena Best. Josie Taylor and Ruth Crawford for the delightful ï¬n- ger foods. Margery Rutherford thanked Marjorie and the program was adjourned. '1