APRIL - ACWWD ]’ DATE angï¬ 2006, PH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 98" Mill Hillier Branch hosted the 98th Annual Meeting at Hillier Hall in March 2006. Pamela Littlefair and committees organized the program and the lunch. This was another bang-up year for our members who have participated in many community projects. Wilma McCagg opened the meeting by welcoming everyone with a lighthearted poem, followed by a welcome from branch President Marylin Rennie. Dorothy Beedham. our Eastern Board Director gave a very detailed account of what is hap- pening this year at all levels. Dorothy spoke about the new Connecting Link document sent to the branches aï¬er each board meeting. This is a great vehicle for our grassroots members at the branch level. It provides us with information and ideas from the Provincial Federated Women's Institute of Ontario that may otherwise be overlooked and not spoken to. We were reminded that on February [9, 2007 Women‘s Institutes. will celebrate their llOth year. Prince Edward District Wl are pleased to announce that Courtney Kiss won the 4H club eastern scholarship. Peggy Allison. n Demorestville branch member, was awarded the Women of Excellence Fair Award Peggy earned this award for her many years of dedication at the Picton Fair and in Community work. She worked with the 4H group-training program and judged at the Picton Fair for many many years. She tells us W that she has now become and exhibitor. Eight of her nine entries last year won. Betty Cronk. accepted the Curling Rock on behalf of Wellington branch. This is the second consecutive year they have earned this award for recmiting the most new members. Betty thanked members for keeping them focused when they were having trouble retaining their membership This is a wonderful organization and we encourage women in all parts of the County to look for a W1 branch near you Try a meeting and you will ï¬nd out why the new members in Wellington and other branches came and joined The web-site wwwlhecounoiwamenoncn will tell you where to get in touch with a branch of your choice or phone membership coordinator Evelyn Peck 613 968 9402. Grace Clements our humourous member, led us in some facial exercises. One joke afler another was enough to make anyone cry with laughter. We will gather in Consecon next year See you then! At noon we took our lunch break and then settled down to an aflernoon with our guest speakers. Secretary Mary Lou Cameron introduced Mark Larrattâ€"Smith and Mary Woodman who came with an easy-urfollow-and-under- stand presentation on the Prince Edward Family Health Team Service Plan. Mark opened by commenting on how appropriate it was to speak to the Women's Institute at this time because of their support regarding the impending implementation of the Doctor‘s Family Health and of their well-known support in the past The objectives are: - A practitioner for every patient - Maximum accessibility and services for all County residents - integrated delivery of all primary care in PEC - interdisciplinary multi-provider service model - A high-level ofcommunity involvement. Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Mary Woodman explained in great detail the role and duties performed by nurse practitioners. Email Mary at mwood@np- educationeca» JOYCE BROWN PRO Prince Edward District Women 1: lnsn'nue 77/“: M“ m. â€" 2mm I7