IIIIJJER II The November meeting of the Hillier Women's Institute will take place on Nov. l7 in the Hillier Hall at 10 L111. (please note the time ladies). At this meeting our Annual quilt is completed and Ill members on asked to participate in this project please. Our roll call is “Name a quilt pattern and show it. if possible" A hearty stew will be served at 12:30, followed by dessert. tea or coffee. This isjust a gentle reminder lo the members who have been Islred to provide this lunch. An open invitation is extended to n11 other W1 branches to come Ind share with us the lunch and the enteminment that follawsr Ruth has graciously speed to host this meet~ ing. She invited ‘Letitia Yournlnx, dressed in eostume’ as her guest who will provide the entertainment for the utter- noon. This sounds like fun. The October meeting It the Macaulay House Museum was very interesting The lunch was Ipprecinled by all who managed to attend on the 20th Thsnk you to the museum xtefl'fnr the tour and lunch that followed REBECCA MACKELLAR1 Picmn Times I/</‘ -0r NOV. 17 - Hillier Hall 10:00 am ACTlVlTY: 10:00 - 11:00 am Chair: Mabel Wright “THE. A QUILT" Business Meeting 1 1:00 - Noon ROLL CALL: Name a Quilt Pattern show it if you can. LUNCH: 12:30 AL]. BRANCHES INVITED A hearty heritage stew provided by Hillier Branch members. ACTIVITY: “Letitia Youmans Dressed In Costume" will entertain us, hosted by Ruth Crawford Bring Items to send to the Christmas Sharing Programme.