MAY 19 - 1:00 pm meeting - Hillier Hall ROLL CALL: Report card for 2004â€"5. How did we do? ACTIVITY: Select the programme for 2005-6. HOSTESS: ROSE (Education) coordinator, Peggy Burris TEA TIME: Louise Humphrey, Rebecca MacKellar, Mary Darlington JUNE 16 - Hillier Hall - 1:00 pm Business Meeting 1:00 - 2:00 pm ROLL CALL: My favourite flower. Tea Time: 2:00 - 2:30 pm Carole H., Joyce 8., Peggy 8. ACTIVITY: “Flower Arranging Demo" by hostess Ruth Crawford. Hillier Wl get; a demonstration of flower arranging By Rehert'a Mackellar The June meeting was held on the June l6 in the llillier Hall as usual at 1 pm. Six- teen members were in attendance. Family obligations prevented President Brenda Dunlay from chairing the meeting. Marylin Rennie ably ï¬lled in for her. Secretary Lee Ann Scunrmell received an invitation to the WI from Glenwood Cemetery regarding a tour of this historic site. which takes place on the lime 26, from l2:30 until 5 pm. There is to be an auction of bagged lunches. which should be fun ï¬nding out whttt each person has bought. sight unseen. if you do not fancy this then bring your own with no surprises, The FWlO's Premier Quilts. Quills and Bears Show is being held in Hall I of the lntemational Centre at 6900 Airpon Road in Mississauga. Ontario from September 16 to IX. 2005. Show hours are Friday noon to 8 pm. Saturday from It) am. to 6 pm. Sunday from 10 am. until 5 pm. Admis~ sion is $15 for adults and St: for seniors. Advance tickets must he purchased by lune30 at a cost of ï¬lo. These can be obtained from FWlO Provincial Ofï¬ce 7382 Wellington Road 30. RR. 5 Guelph. ON NIH 612. All cheques are payable to FWlO. Quilt show website at www.wi~ quiltshowcom Free demonstrations will be ongoing throughout the quilt show. Lots of seating on hand: also food can be purchased from the concession booth at the hack of the hall. The weather had tumed cooler and it was raining in: a change when Ruth Claw? ford shared her demonstration at 2:30 pm. Ruth brought a rainbow of colour into our lives with an array of beautiful flowers for her floral arrangement demonstrations, There were yellow ones. pink ones, deep red ones, white ones and lavender onesv each one more beautiful than the last. What a gift Ruth has as she artfully placed each bloom. making it all seem so easy (but of course we know this is not the case). The roll call was our favourite flower. and why? Most ladies chose the rose with only a few exceptions. Ruth started off by saying, “Let us use our imagination in the use of containers." There were some real interesting answers. Ruth brought along several containers. everything from a large shell and a wine» glass to a painted mustard container plus everything in between A delightful afterâ€" noon was helped by the fact we could use the gifts of one of our own members. A heartfelt thank you Ruth for this happy and relaxing entertainment. We will meet at noon on July Zl in the lack Taylor Park. Bring a brown bag lunch and take part in the fun and games orga- nized by Grace Clements. At l pm. we will assemble at the Hilli- er hall for the business meeting. The roll call for this meeting will be A Memory ol‘a Special Picnic. 4.42577? 07! (V- :fl-r