IO Picton Branch has been a very busy branch since its inception in I963. The members made several beautiful quilts, lined them with nylon bats, and realised a nice sum out of each. They experimented with flowers on Main St.. Picton main street is very hot and dry, and real flowers just could not survive. In 1967 Plastic flowers were put in the pots, and add a bright bit of colour to the street. Several Short and Extension Courses have been enjoyed. There was Institute Procedures; Floor Coverings; the making of Samplers; instruction in Millinery; Vegetables with a Flair; Desserts. Each course was thoroughly enjoyed and the knowledge gained gladly shared with others. There were bus trips to Guelph and Peterborough to hear our world leaders. There was excellent participation in Loyalist Days. The members instituted live demonstrations at Picton Fair. The Branch entertained other branches in the District on various occasions. All are looking forward to many happy events in the future. August, I967.