WI awards scholarship The 77th District Annual for Prince Edward District Women’s Institute was held in Demorestville Friendship Church, with Gilbert’s Mills Women’s Institute acting as hostess. All ten branches in the county were represented, and each branch had a dis- play on the different aspects of institute work. Coffee and cookies were served by Gilbert’s Mills WI before the meeting started at 9:30 a.m. with an address of Welcome by the president of the host branch. . District President, Mrs. 3 Mary Lou Norton, chaired the meeting. Minutes of- the 1984 annual and finan- cial reports were read. Mrs. John Beedham, area president, brought greetings from the area. A member from each branch answered the roll call of “Your Institute and Youth†with a variety ofin- teresting comments. The theme for the annual was "The Year of the Youthâ€, and the high- light of the program was a panel of youth, composed of three girls and two boys who had been exchange students, Spending three months with a student, liv- ing in their home and attending their school. One, student had been in Italy, One in Switzerland, and three in QuebeC proâ€" vince. Connie NOT“)n chaired the panel. Each student SPOke briefly on the following topic: family life, educa- tion and schools, language barriers and favorite fOOds served by host family- Mrs. Nellie Montgom- ery gave a brief history 0f Prince Edward District Women’s Institute SChO' larship awards. The SChO†larship was started in 1959 on the suggestion of Mrs. Clifford Barber, who was district president that year. Each branch contributed equally to the fund, WhiCh was completed in 1964. Dit ktvns photo The $2,000 was pre- sented to FWIC at the 1964 board meeting. This scho- larship is awarded annualâ€" ly to a student who, during their 4-H Club experience, has shown outstanding Progress, given excellent leadershlp and carried out club work of a high calibre Mls' Montgomery gave a brief resume of each of the 21 recipients. Mrs. Barber- spoke briefly sented the 1 ThOmpson I and pre- 984 Scho- 00 t0 Mi‘Ss course at W versity. Dickens photo Scholarship warded Mary Lou Norton (left), president of the Prince Edward County WI, and Evelyn Barber Thompson of Belleville, Mountain View WI, presented Connie Norton a 4-H Club member from Bloomfield, with a scholarship to further her education [She has ‘ “t completed her first year of studies at Western University, where she is'workih t lktus‘ Bachelor of ScienceDegree in home economics. , g owarc5 her 1M5 WI displays This Hillier Wt display was one of several set up for mem- bers of the Prince Edward County WI branches to View at the recent district annual meeting. .