By Sue Dickens Gazette staff Friendship Church in Demorestville was an appropriate site for the 77th annual Prince Edward District WI meet- ing, which attracted representatives from the ten county WI branches. 1 The Year of the [Youth was the theme of the meeting, which boasted a full I day's program of WI business with financial reports and auditor’s reports ‘ and a special youth panel of high school Students. Displays showing selected aspects 0f WI work were also set up for everyone to 586. Officers elected The election of officers took place with the reappointment of the executive for their second year of a two-year term as follows: Rena Foster, past president; Mary Lou Norton, president; Phyllis Lowe, first vice-president; Thelma Coul- ter, second vice-president; Jean Alex- ander; third vice-president; Edith Cairns, secretary-treasurer;Faye Wood, assistant secretary; Nora Barber, federal { representative; Myrla Motley, alternate; Phyllis Wight, public relations officer; Nellie Montgomery, curator for the Tweedsmuir History; Mary Ellen Clos- . son, and Lynne Keene, auditors. Convention delegates are Mrs. Nor- ton and Mrs. LOWe as alternate. Convenors Convenors of standing committees were chosen as three of the members’ terms were over. Those newly elected l n Verne iq (Q; i: are: Mrs. Joy Moore of RR 2, Bloomfield, citizenship and world affairs; Mrs. Mary Sallans of Demorestville, education and cultural activities; and Mrs. Jerri Manlow of RR 8, Picton, resolutions. Those remaining in positions on the committees are: Elda Brooks of RR 3, Demorestville, agriculture and Cana- dian industries; and Marion Townsend of RR 1, Carrying Place, family and con- sumer affairs. List of donations In the financial report for the district, the list of cash donations is lengthy, totâ€" alling $11,620.50. WI projects such as the Erland Lee Home Foundation Fund, Pennies for Friendship fund and Ade- laide Hoodless Foundation Fund and others amounted to $1,248.93. Educa- tion expenses included conferences and conventions, as well as support for 4â€"H Homemaking Clubs, and totalled $1,630.04. Also in the area of education, scho- larships, bursaries, school competitions, music festivals, and money for the re- tired or handicapped totalled $4,507.91. Health costs for sick shut-ins, seniors, meals on wheels and so on totalled $2,962.52. Community donations Community costs for such things as halls, parks, bus tours, for fire victims ‘ and arenas, as well as a donation to the homes-for battered women, cost a total of$856. 16. Cash donations to other orga- nizations such as scouts; guides, and sponsor-a-child, totalled $415. ¢ x.†l)i( kvns photo Lite members District life members of the Prince Edward County WI are (left to right): Ethel Brooks Evelyn Barber Thompson and Bessie Dulma ~ ‘ . . _ ~ ge. These women received : ' r - recent district annual meeting. (â€â€œ3895 (ll â€19 wherefOre orise WI wants why and â€Cancerâ€"â€"the very word drives terror , into our hearts,†said Ethel Brooks of the Cherry Valley Women’s Institute to deâ€" llegates at the district annual meeting ‘ held recently in Demorestville, . At the urgings of her group, the Prince “ Edward County WI approved a resolu- ‘ tion asking for a survey of county resi- ‘ dents to see if research can find a related . Cause to the number of cancer patients. Wholehearted sappOTt “Since many patients are from related i families would they also make a detailed study of cancer relatedv‘ families,†says the resolution. l ,, The county WI received wholehearted ‘ support for the motion, Which notes that a lot of land in Prince Edward iS used for cash crop and apples, â€which makes use of large quantities of commercial fertilizâ€" ers and pesticide sprays." Most of the people in Prince Edward are rural and have wells as their source of drinking water. Approach ministry Mentioning there is a high incidence of intermarriage among families in Prince Edward, the resolution calls for a study of this relationship and the appaâ€" rent link to an increase in the number of cancer patients. The Prince Edward WI membership agreed that both Jack Ellis, MP for Prince Edward-Hastings, and James Taylor, MPP for Prince, Edward-Lennox, be approached about the matter to ask the ministry of health to undertake the survey. A' recent booklet published by the Canadian Cancer Society says cancer survival rate has increased from 40 per cent in the 19505 to about 52 per cent in 1985. Statistics Statistics in southern Ontario on di- agnosed cancer from 1981 t0 1983 show that275 ofever 100,000 nd theoihers were UV. , . cer and 215 of] every 1t â€63 years Of‘ have cancer. It is estima i will be 51,000 new canceere may have been more,†said: year in Canada by 1994'_m‘.’k§- The Cherry Valley WI feels i found, explained Mrs. BllS IS Just too high an incidence of The society says that‘ea§e tor Athol Township people . among men has increas‘Pt In proportion to the remainderll women has decreased. T COUnty, Their urgent r9999“ t0 3 er, an increase in the the resolution followed. deaths among women, which 5: “vjjvc U UtmutS be related to the fact that more are smoking. Although there t le L a! hope than there was 30 years ago 15 a very serious problem. _ “People have been Plishin Bowery St, Picton (Behind 5 study on the incidence of cz7 am, to 9 p,m, ...__ 7 fl