4. For several years the WWI collected fruit, eggs, chickens, vegetables, and canned goods which they gave to the hospital in the autumn. 5. 1921- Wellington Women’s Institute paid $55.50 for the gates at “The Wellington Cemeteryâ€. 6. 1921- Sept. 29th, the WWI furnished lunch for the ï¬rst school fair (in a large tent on the school grounds) 7. 1921- WWI installed the ï¬rst lights in Wellington Park as well as the ï¬rst trees and shrubs. 8. 1922- WWI bought 6 hot plates and tables for the now completed Wellington Consolidated School ($74.00) and furnished utensils and dishes for hot meals. Sixty (60) pair of scissors and an ironing board was also given to the WCS Sewing Class. The wage of the school nurse, Mabel Hubbs, was paid for by the WWI. 9. 1922â€" WWI helped to furnish and care for the Rest Room in Picton and donated to the House of Refuge. 10.1923- Oct. - donated $50.00 to PEC Hospital; sent a mile of pennies ($25.00) and 24 pair of socks to ï¬re sufferers in the North; donated $25.00 to Coe Hill to wire the Red Cross Hospital; $5.00 to supply medical attention to an isolated family; $10.00 to furnish a Library for lighthouse keepers and reading materials for inland sailors. $5.00/year was donated for this purpose until 1936. 11.1925-Wellington Library opened in January 1925 and the Wellington Women’s Institute donated books ($200.00). Miss Helen Harris was the ï¬rst librarian. They organized ongoing teas to ï¬nance the upkeep of the Library WWI donated $5.00 to the highest standing pupil in the entrance class (Grade 8) in 1926 Frank Brimley received it. 12.1926- July- WWI donated a piano to the school “domestic sciences room.†13.1926-Sept. - WWI paid $25.00 to Librarian, Miss Helen Harris. 14.1926- Nov. - WWI hosted a banquet for school board members, teachers, councillors, constable and caretaker. Wellington Amateur Assoc. donated $50.00 to WWI 15.1927- WWI contributed a baby layette for a doctor and donated $5.00 toward a doctor’s salary in the North. 16.1927- WWI donated $50.00 to the Library. 17.WWI donated $50.00 to purchase books on Canadian History and travel for the Library and $25.00 to purchase 2 dozen chairs for the committee rooms.