JULY 15 l,00 pm meeting Hillier Hall ROLL CALL Member. Menibcn quite contrary, ho“ does your garden grim? ACTIVITY Car pool to Brighton to pick raspberries TEA TIME‘ Bring a picnic Snack [0 eat on the hill overlooking Lake Ontario. . .lO) cc Brovm AUG. I9 - LOO pm meeting - Hillier Hall ROLL CALL: How do you take care ofyourselfto avoid summer problems9 e 3 Wind, sun. rain, bites. cic. ACTIVITY Drive to Nonh Beach For “Fun in the Sun". Bring a lawn chair and picnic snack HOSTESS. Joanne VanDerWyst SEPTJJ - I'UO pm meeting - Hillier Hall ROLL CALL Do you have a lucky chann" ACTIVITY: 2 00 pm - 4 00 pm socml afternoon of fun and games with other branches HOSTESS: Joan Priestman TEA TIME: Jean Alexander. Ruth Crawl'ord‘ Marjorie Darling