NOV. 20 - l0200 AM. Hillier Hall TWEEDSMUIR STORY TOPIC: Tie a Quilt Canadian Film Industry ROLL CALL: Your favourite Canadian movie LUNCH: Joyce B, Nina H. Carole H. LeeAnri Scammell PLANNING COMMITTEE Merle E. Joan P, Mary D, and Pat VanK. Quilt Guest Sonya Smits HOSTESS: Nina and 10ch NOTE: Bring items suitable for C.A.S. Christmas box (please no canned goods) Volunteer hours Hillier Women’s Institute Our Christmas meeting Will he held in tile L‘nni- ntttitily Centre at Wel- Itttgton-on-tththkc on December 18‘" at it a.ltt Please remember to bring )tttlr imine baked eonkies to be made up into plates for the shut-ins This is the time of year when we do our gilt exchange: there- rurc a gin nrarnunti $5 in he tied with either a red or green ribbon Slttiult‘l also be brought 'lltis IS a fun meeting so please try to come tryon cart We Ionk forward to seeing you there. Quilt: a few of our older members with a couple of the more tccctit ones ttent on a visit to [Jetty Alyen Betty who has been ill for some little ttlis presented Willi her lifetime badge during this \'IS|l Betty's daughter ititntmt-d us t| Bell} ttas delighted with tilt: badge and it also gate her tiltttlk’r about int» day's north of conversa- tton Wt- art- rm proud it! in- form _\|)|l that our unit // Peggy Burris “435 me elected to the council for Ward 7 fnllouing Ilic te~ cent clcctittits. l’egg} read its her grand~ mother‘s legacy wtth man) little anecdotes added this made the readingy not only interest- itig liiit Etlltlt’latttlttg at the same time Marylin Rennie gate a report on the Area Con- thtlton ntCL‘tlng this re- port was full at tmpnrtnrtt dermis concerning \Vl limiters Our quilt, which we nittkc and give to the Children‘s Aid each year “as an e\- tmmgnnza of delight Ruth gave the Royal Blue designer samples as .1 do- nrtttnti Merle and it qtltll~ tttg friend placed these pieces almig ntth the tour [tasting pteL‘eS Merle do~ noted together to make it pleasing chtgn winch Merle ltten senetl to- gether. Merle illSO dnnatcd the batting underside sheet The quilt was their sewn, iIL‘ kl)â€. It} the members ttsiitg the \\'| colours ttl’ blue and thA ll)“ Merle hits no“ "is (armed me she bitnli scncd the edges together. which tank 3 hours (i can nun hlrpc SiIL‘ tintt grind light or she will need n gtlttlt‘ a in stinn) a noiiderttil hint-n mmntcti in Mint and l0)CC‘ m: litid rt guest speaker stun 5min; .1 Television actress of sitclt prngmtns as §ticet legail initials alttl the it“‘ lliittr “litclt l< tntn its 2"“ sett- sun, gaw \lS Lin insight into the behind the scene workings of drama on televtsion. She also told its that Canadian shows are not well supponctt by the "i’nuet‘s That Be“. there» fore their tune slots keep getting shifted abriut also they are very pontl) funded. Canadian shows spend 53.000.000 versus USA. shows that cost 56.000.000 a time. lite nflcrrtuon ï¬nished with a question and answer time. 17mm Arm-o J