Finest Shopping Destination Men’s Ladies’ Clothing Antiques Git‘tware Tony Brenda Sine RR #2 Frankford, Ontario 6 '5355 or To“ Free 1'800'465'9297 24â€"26 w_ From Street, 613-398-7324 . -. _ â€W ' ‘ M“ '05'm“~' ' ' Stirling. Ontario OPEN: Friday 2-6 8: Saturday 9-5 or by appointment ' - » y £53396" 6 1 3 - 3 9 5 - 4 3 3 7 Special Events More Special Events '1 P 0 N D E B 0 SA F AR M S _ ‘ Ti ’I »‘ f 5 $305: ‘ The Quinte Area's Beef at Wholesale Prices :1 _ r7. , .. .“i V i’ . ‘ ‘ 3km west of Hwy #14 on Fish Game Club Rd. HWY 14, 10 km STIRLING Hastings County Women’s Institute Quilt Display . Stirling Fair â€" Farm Machinery Demonstrations Antique Tractor Display Quinte Fly Wheels Weekend , Small Steam Engine Antique Tractor Pull Our Mandate “To recognize and preserve our agricultural heritage for future generations by displaying ' and demonstrating artifacts in a living environment which will emphasize their educational and nostalgic value. †.‘ I" P 7 “Ill 5 .l ,r ., z , «III I I “I Artist's concept of ‘ '. l '3 Hi, I i ' ‘1', . " I. U Jr"! e interiorofmuseumbuilding ‘ " ' - ' ' _ shorting milk unloading area and cheese vat. PLAY ALL DAY FOR ONE FEE - 36 HOLE FACILITV °LARGE PRACTICE AREA 'DRIVING RANGE TOURNAMENTS ' LEAGUES ' PROSHOP ' LESSONS INC Year-round Entertainment ((271 l and Special Events for the whole family M (613) 395-2100 www.stirlingfestivaltheatrecom 1-877â€"312-1162 OAK HILLS ' CLINICS - LICENSED ° BANQUET FACILITIES GOLF CLUB 613695-261 l 15 minutes north of the 401 on Hwy 33 - 2 minutes south oi Stirling 227 Front St. W. Stirling, Ontario KOK SEO For Reservations call 615-595-6562