’ Hand of Godscnlpinre ‘C-Omes closer to Metro The 2Wear old (1 l - ream of l ublic -g £2211ng Metro .ChairmanAl- tphe costflampalw11 to cover sculptuixgl'lllfél 130 1:11.ng the H. Spencer Clark, presi- to Canada movean of God dent of Guild Inn Limited. reality yesterda G closer to and one of six businessmen a Scarboro y. pledged to support the proj- lC t ugh Board Of ect said 't ‘ on rol approved 'tl , 1 would cost lby a grou is 18 plan abOUt $90,000 1‘0 have the p o carborOUEh sculpture cast, shipped to bUSlIIES o Sm ' " 1‘ ‘ en to organize a Sea borough and mounted THE ORIGINAL HAND About $100,000 needs to be raised on a 30-foot-high base 011 Albert Campbell Square. The sculpture depicts a huge hand bent backwards. B a l a n c e d between the thumb and forefinger is the figure of a man. The original sculpture is . displayed in Milles Gardens ‘ in Stockholm along with other works of Carl Milles, I the Swedish sculptor who died in 1953. GREATEST On a visit to Stockholm in ' 1958, Campbell and his wife, Helen, saw the scuip. ture which Campbell said; made the greatest impres.l sion on him of any work ofl art he had ever seen. Clarkl “In describing it and be-l knowing the title,â€; Clark said, “Mrs. Campbell exclaimed. ‘It looks like the 1 hand of God.’ Later they found that, indeed, was the title.†;. Campbell hoped that} some day a reproduction of the work might occupy a prominent public place in‘ Canada. ‘l l “When the great new civ- ic centre was being planned ‘ for Scarborough,†Clark said, “his thinking was to- cussed there.†Controller Gus Harris de- scribed the idea as “great, , “I don’t want a big heap ‘ of iron like the Moore Sculpture in Nathan Phil- lips Square,†he said. “1 like something I can under- ‘stand. I can understand a Ihand and a man standing! )DII it.†l