Lieutenantâ€"Governor CGibbon awards Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship and Hon. James Taylor, Prince Edwardâ€"Lennox M.P.P. congratulates lVlrs. Breg de Groot of Carrying Place Trained as a social worker in Holland, Mrs. de Groot established a mental health clinic at Trenton with her own funds, operated it for three years before its ‘ in(Pc’rporation into Belleville Mental Health Clinic where ehe now has three CO-Workers. l l Minister Of COl‘nrnunity and Social Services, Mr. Taylor crtes Mre. de Qroot’s work as an. igample Of "What the volunteer can contribute to the community ,n‘eerâ€"leeryice ï¬eld-H l / 'vv‘vvvvvvcvvg ‘I I iiâ€...- ... IN? a were». v‘vvv'vvvvvv d. - r " l .n {:53}? W -‘ ï¬ll“ l. r? 33.0 .. \(K I“