The Prince of Wales kneels before ‘theVQueen on the. dias at July 1. the streets of Caernarvon. Maximum Age For Medical Care is Advocated LONDON (CP) _.. A British health officer. surveying pres‘ sures on B r i t a i n '5 National Health Service. suggested today the time may have come when elderly persons should be left to die. Dr. Kenneth Vickery told .3 health congress that Britains growing population, of: elderly persons is swa-mping the medical services preventing younger persons from getting full treat ment. . “The time has come nor an age to be agreed. beyond WhiCh medical, {and nursmg may be relieved of the prevailing Obligation to edit 1 . l... .mirl If]; (7' The Queen and Prince Charles smile as they drii'e throng}1 UNITED The symbols of Prince Charles office, a gold coronet, an ermine cape, a sword, a ring and a sceptre, were presented at the Investiturc. He wore the uniform of Colonel-in-Chief of Regiment the Royal “'elsh under the cape. The Prince of Wales coronct was made from Welsh gold and contained ’75 diamonds and 12 emeralds all in platinum sct~ ‘ tings. By in “745593 SWANSEA: P r i n c e Charles visited the southeast corner of Wales July 4 â€" scene of recent terrorist bombings â€" on the third day of his royal tour while contro- versy bubbled over a BBC tele- vision film on how to blow up a pipeline. Police in Wales accused the British Broadcasting Corp. of “total and bloody irresponsibility" for giving a “sabotage lesson“ on television during the royal tour. In the film â€" called Free Wales Army Activities â€" one of the men convicted in a trial of terrorists this week gave a detailed account of how to blow up a pipeline. The film was used in eviclcnce'at the trial. “It was like thl‘Owing a match into a petrol (gasolinc) tank,†said one senior police officer. The BBC cancelled a scheduled program to show the film. A BBC spokesman refused to comment on the controversy set off by the documentary showing. W e 1 s h nationalist extremists have threatened violence to make their opposition to the investiture of Charles, the future king, as Prince of Wales. They seek a Wales independent from Britain. A soldier was killed by a fire- bomb nine hours after the Queen invested her son and heir as Prince of Wales at Caernarvon Castle July 1. There have been no serious incidents since then. however. al- though a rash of bomb scares have kept the security forces busy. Wherever the Prince of Wales has gone so far in his new domain, he has been received warmly by the crowds. July 3 at Carmarthcn. lli‘arlland of Welsh nationalism, Charles got. an uproarious teenage welcome rivallingT the deafening days of wildest Beatlemania. Four t h o u s and squealing. screaming schoolboys and girls jammed into Cal‘marthcn Park to see the 20-year-old prince. Charles delighted Welshmen in St. David’s Cathedral by singing a. hymn in Welsh. Three thousand citizens lined the. town streets and massed among cathcdmd gram. stones ~ where security men with dogs had been on guard throughout the night. RICHARD MACKIE Telegram Ottawa Bureau ' OTTAWA m- Canada’s Indians will get: a sweeping new deal 111 housing, citizenship rights, schooling and welfare services under .. plans expected to be announced tomorrow by Indian Affairs Minister it Jean Chretien. PURIZL L’ View: [Ewe-e 7}“ CAVlELIER DE LA SAILE‘BDO’"ANNNERSARY 02) 0 Zip 3311319311 UEBEC conference 5 'va‘liâ€"‘r-‘~" _‘ PITCH EH PLAN fl @ ‘ so . f‘w i CANADA 335‘“ 5 EHdHflod EINEDVHHVS :1 HDTV >525 Mir tripp‘ch in! hell / . and . __| v. IVW SCI 5031.4