«(e i LEGION MEMBERS PARADE ..... Part of the activities for Legion Week was a lVlernori started out WIth a pancake breakfast at the Legion parking lot. Members later joined in a parade to the 11 am. church serVIce at the tJnited Church, Picton. Rev. Edward Horton conducted the service with extra help from legion members. After the servrce a wreath was laid at the Cenotaph and j ’ poppies were placed on soldier's graves at Glenwood Cemetery. 06-. 144.1113 ()4;L'ZI'LCLCLy/Cd/ldï¬oA'» ,4/ 7774 (Photo by Pam Buchanan) I. ’gg‘ ' W ï¬ Whre are the brds..... A fellow has to be nuts (pa‘jon the expression) to chance grabbing a bite to eat from this birdbox in full view of a cat. The dozing puss, however, appeared unconcerned and Cyril squirrel gorged his fill without mishap. The photo was taken By Picton Optometrist E.A. Grubin from the living room of his Paul St. home.