hwwwwmmuwv bumflummwmwx away . g . . , "a†,II’I’leï¬lfllllfl'AV/INIIN awumMumeMR‘ nuwmwmh nunnuuuuunayuanfl MMMMMMMMMH‘ N llflllflllflflflllflflflflflfl â€WHINJUN ’ uwflmmmnwwmuwl 'IIIIIINNIIII.‘UIIIIIINHKIIN VflIl/IIIIIIIUIINIIIIIIJUN E a i a l § 3 K § § 3 ‘Nflflï¬ï¬‚flflflflflflflflflflfl III I!†’ MIIWNMN†V~Nflflfll£ we ~41» you ~ it ’7 â€I?†‘V fl â€Nflflflfl'flllflll Vflllflflllllflflflflflllï¬ï¬‚†'Wfl'fl'flflflflflll , Mflflfl'flflflflfl ' .01~N- 4" ’1‘! 40‘ l-‘l--‘l Vfl‘d ""-I-“d~ï¬l:.f‘l ~41 I Nflflflflfllflflflll .~ 'Nll’lllllfllllffl ’I’IIINII IIIIII’I ' HOME OF RALPH AND MARGARET RICHARDS This dwelling is located on lot 46, concession 2. west of Green Point; the road was named Black Street because two familie n " lived here in the early days. ' S surnamed Black Dan Goodwin sold th ' - ‘ purchased it. e property to a DeMille, from whom Willet Richards Willet Richards' son Blake and his bride Flor V _ I e n in this home UDtll 1932. at which time they moved to :ï¬e(:0ttea) lived lot 47,- following the death of Willet,-his wife Margar t(aln Iarmhouse predeceased him in 1919. e Sprung) haVINg From 1932 until 1943,tenants occu ied th ~ unoccupied several years. p e house,0r It remained In December, 1943, Ralph and Margaret were a , ma programme of renovation and addition which has inciiégg and began a of all interior walls and ceilings, new floors, add replaCement sunporch , an east addition which includes a lar lt10n 0f a hall and bathroom With a lar g9 Klton ' - ge bedroom u stai en bed An original woodhouse was replaced by a Shgp a5: and a hali bgoom. A second basement containin ' den, th' g an Oil furnace wa the east Wing. vvvvv HOME OF VERNA RICHARDS -AN APPRTMFNT BUILDIN: wf7§?Tï¬ï¬Wï¬Â§rttpjtpï¬E$5ï¬ It was built in 1972 by Mroï¬ud This has It has 10~two bedroom apartments and 2~one bedroom units†KingstonoMr. Chris Moore was th . _ e - Presently the property is owned next Owner,~an Ottawa lawyer“ b M . “ - r . . been my home since July?19gonmorrls Yarrow Of DemoreStVIlle° Fennelgiater it was sold to Mr. Mel MacDouaall of