PATRICIA (PAT) and ARTHUR COLE This home was built on parts of lot356 and 57, concession 2 WGP, in the early 19205, by Mr. and Mrs. Horace VanDusen. After Mr. VanDusen's death,his widow, Jessie Blanche VanDusen, married Albert Cook. In 1943. Mrs. Ethel Brooks purchased the property; this house became the home of Ethel's son,Roy and his wife, Elda,-from 1949 to 1956. At this time, Ethel moved into this smaller home; Roy and Elda taking up residence in the larger farmhouse, across the road. Ethel occupied this house until her death in 1959. Various renters occupied the house; Art and Pat Cole being the occupants from 1975 until the time of writing. There are three main rooms downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs. In 1980, the shingle roof was replaced by a metal one. The outer covering is insulbrick. In 1956, a woodshed was added and later, a sunroom was built adjacent to the kitchen. mom a: +2..) .. 63> a seam gayva Qémâ€15{;5 ot3‘30t33‘5b4 5? ajcsfl a], éyï¬ï¬in/DO’†if . "W Buvckm241735f37 , fl