‘j ["1 Q "'1 1/) .1 ~41 W i 55’ IL, H037 OF C311? AW: Lot No. 1596. Town of 3icto 9, rince Edward - Emmq Wineker Peq'ï¬ hawk to Feb. 1899,?m. - 19 e 1931.Emm9 119 we “illiqms C9lv19 Garfield Vinaker 999,3,1956 nurchflisec by Colin 1 Lois querman All mqllg % cei1in~e in kitchen, b9 CL stairw9v,unst91re be éroom were matcheé cine lumber.?“nel1efl bemroom Oct. 1973. 1'9 999 to 619 cell9r oirt floor @een er to be iole to stand 99. Cister9 19 cellar with sink 1 hanfl UUTU in kitchen. Town W9ter on t99 996 electic lights only utilities. Inet9lleï¬ 2â€"90. bethroar in room form9lly used 99 pantry,later afléeé b9thtub 19 19 3's. Firet time for a tele9ho9e to be wired in. First time for TV. aerial,19ter c9ble Dec. 1993 First to use 011 for he9t199 fror 9 0091 stove. First for builtâ€" 19 kitchen cupbo9rc1e,ouilt by McFarlanfl Const. CO. New wirinfl re9uirefl.7e diï¬ tnie 19 sections. First Elumiuum floor 995 wi9flnwe ï¬ec.1959. Two stairWQVSâ€"front onenyb9ck steirwev cloeeï¬ with 9 door; 999 9 metallic cei1i 9U 9919te66 Livinv room with 9rchw9v connectine fro9t 1 livir~ room 1364. Ee9lecefl floorw9v when removinv 016 roof,f0995 wooflen $91991? fl9ter Oct,é,1916. 91199 999 Urev roof June 1153,9ew Drown r99f198d clotheq rooms 19 two 9,9roome, â€m1 99969111th lQrver r0-39 with b9eement to ihetc1_ 1 999 Jena 1995. (D . cefl ‘ur9ece 191 ce9t19l he tinw, trade“ to 99tur9- c" outeifle 091'319ev 0 e9 wraition * 9~11 99rirti9~ 119 two 1r ont 19799 91ft from our chiléren I-) _ 99r 25th 099119 Vmuahter L1999 998 aer '19 «cec9t109 9t hove Wny 5?19%40