I boueht the Wee House June 23,1978. Frqm Ariie FcFarlana _ It wee etueoed 2016 colour,enï¬ the outeifle WinflOAs weee a little loose 'rl rat thine wee to fence in the heck yï¬rd “ma mï¬ke a 6riVeâ€"wey for t e eer from the street. - 1 - fl . I haï¬ to Daint enfl Gamer every room enm hut newg iloor coverinq. We moveï¬ in enï¬ event our first nieht Oct.7,l?7o. ï¬ent 1931 we hefl the thirfl eiflinCr nut on,elum1uum anï¬ new aluminum outeide Winflowe enfl floors. In October 1932 We hefl new kitchen Cueeoerde,counter enï¬ Bouble Sink inetellefl. In 193$ We hag 9n ï¬wninw nut over eifle ooor enfl front dOQrg' In Jen.1935 we 6 e wee furnace instelleï¬ to renlece our Oil fHTUQCe Kuwust 19Q5 We hdï¬ OLr chimney taken flown,the fire-tlace hefl been . equieï¬ed with an electric heater enï¬ the gas urnï¬ce fliï¬n't need a chimney. NOW W9 hâ€V€ lOtS Of Wâ€te« Pnï¬ the first entometie weehinw mechi ï¬ryer,doine our firet washing with it Dec 5, 1373. p L 13¢ ‘7, » I]; ff , ,1 /\ {L f/‘éK/{Ldlg/