CURTTORS e, a! Mrs. P. W. Roblin. Mrs. Roblin was a member of the Gilberts Mills Institute for many years. She was largely ‘ ' ’ responsible for the beginning of our Tweedsmuir Mrs. Dorothy Doxsee. curator from *Boqk. 1966 to 198k, passed away Dec. 18, 1984 f} mi. The DOROTHY DOXSEE MEMORIAL TROPHYv “StabliShEd in presented 5 annually to the Sophiasburgh grade 8 pupil making the best submission with a Prince Edward County theme. WinnerS.- 1987= Tina Doxsee 1988=Becky Wager 1989 Deane Hoekstra /?f0 J15of A M JeriyKL ’{v /Q7/-Kqfl pggyng . IVKL [13am 0515Ҡf1?3 JhMt RDLOQ§M\ /9?¢IflgUTwLï¬AChaJI qu§Jaamfwbeb qqï¬ï¬han1Uï¬ky l// J: >1’L‘1 /‘/J b 7* DOROTHY DOXSEE MEMORIAL TROPHY /QZMQTJL94/Zfllé2Q4i42jZ§4ézï¬)Té%i 115a;4§:agï¬