Gilbert's Mills WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 1 , [1765] - [1997], p. 18

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. Beautifru-IV‘Thouéhl-s 1,, A tribute to ME. W. R. MunroY iwho has been secretary-treasurer ofi ‘Prince Edward Women’s Institute {for twenty-five years. and who has ,always and at all times rendered 1 excellent service to the ten branches . of this district, to :her position in the Institute andl to her county and com. ‘munity at large. Through ill health ers. Munro has been forced to re- sign her position in the Institute, but not her watchful. interest care, in Institute branches and- their work. We hope her health may soon be restored and. that she may live many years to enjoy the fruits of her labours. ‘ 5‘ A‘ 3‘ Duty The sweetest lives are those to duty wed, ‘ Whose deeds both great and small, iAre closeknit strands of an un- broken thread, Whose love crumbles all. ‘The world may sound' no trumpet, ring no bells; The book of life, the shining- record tells. Thyt love' shall chant its own beati. I tud‘es, After its own lifeâ€"working. A ' child’s kiss Set. on thy singing lips'shall make ‘ thee glad); ' _ A poor man served! by thee shall make thee rich; A sick man helped! by thee shall. i make thee strong; Thoul shalt be served thyself. by every sense (xi service Which thou renderest. â€"-Bobert Browning. . . 95 $ ‘5 Roberta Francis writes a few lines entitled ”A Pledge," and they 3p. ply beautifully as the motto of Mrs. Munro’s life. I will be kind! ’ For there are those who need: me I will be braveâ€" I For there is much to dare, é‘will be honestâ€" or therevare those who trust i will be trueâ€" me' For there are those who care. Y 'i 3 G Samoa Iflwouldtgetfllemosbtrom " we can it best in giving; me’ For happiness in aerfice hm, And. not in narrow living. Life is a mwhAWMk thing at best Made up or joy or sorrow; ’ . A kindly deed! to-day may bring A burst of song to-mormw. So let us make the: high. resolve With service our endleavour, ’l‘o banish thought at! selfishness ; And! bring ,goodkwill forqwr. ‘ \ â€"W. H. Johnston. ‘ a a: a Mrs. W. . Wild. President of thePrince Edward County- Women's Institutes, ended hat address Mon- ‘ day, {Rune 144111, with. an mmpfifit his piece by Edgar Guest, entitled, . "Time." There is a depth of thought therein, and when‘ we apply it to * rlnatitute work, madamyicmm ‘20 0111‘ minds the Wondeflul service [94' M“ W. 3-. Munro, Mrs. W. R. ‘ Browne, We. Taicott-Oox, and. Mrs. PM. an’d‘ mehy'otber fine Institute grkergamwho are Jammie rm ‘_ gm, enema Ton throu out Mme Ward) in 1387. an a. o as | 7 Time (By Edlgar A. Guest) All the countless thousand ages Lost or kept on history’s pages Lit the torch or paved the way For the world we know to-day. Had some ancient hero faltered Or of course one footstep altered By that difference long ago . ‘ Different were this life we know. Whether soldier, sage or peasant, We who make the living present Are the past, and just as they For the future pave the way. Time in us is‘endless, deathlessl' Breathing now or sleeping breath» , less. Of the first and of the last, 1 ,We are present, if ture, past. ..I Report of Gummy Committee at W. 1. Convention, June 14 ' A resolution was passed unanim- ously that our sincere thanks and appreciation be extended to make the convention a splendid! success. 1. To the Wellington United Church Board for the use of thel church. 2. To the Wellington Women’s In. stitute for the excellent lunch. . 3. To Mrs. McDowell, Miss Pol- lard and Mrs. Denyes of the Dept. of Agriculture, who gave excellent addresses. " 4. To Mr. Simpson. for his excel- lent address on' music in the schools. 5. To Mesdames Beckwith and Flake for a vocal duet, and to Mrs. ‘, Webster and Mr. Simpson for vocali solos. 6. ‘To Mr. Bechtel for his generous services as pianist. 7. To Mrs, W'ard, District Presi- dent, who spared) no efiort to make the programme interesting and helpâ€" ful. 8. To Mrs. W. Pumlle, who kind.- ly took the office of District Secre- tary for the day. , 9. To Mrs. McKenna as press re- porter. 10. To M'rs. W, R, Munro an ex- presison of regret that she finds it necessary to relinquish the office of secretary, and an expression of ap- preciation for faithful service for many years. 11. Last, but not least, a generous vote of thanks to the Picton Press for its (to-operation in Institute Work by so faithfully printipg In- stitute matter, â€"Mrs. Haggerty, Mrs. York and .Mh‘ss F. Barker. (‘MUNRO â€" In Sophiasburgh. on Sun. day. June 29, 1947. Mary Ellen Red. . mond beloved wlie of Wm Mal I Munro. Funeral. service from her late residence, RE. 3 Demorostvllle, 'I‘uesday. July lst at. 2.00 fun. Inâ€" terment Glenwood Cemetery. ADELAIDE HUNTER 1, Blue lake gcwrge, Ont, Rd‘ NOE 1N0 (519) 448-1130 curator: Sue Dom,

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