Gilbert's Mills WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 1 , [1765] - [1997], p. 148

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Hearing so much these days of; .By has. EMILY .MOéRE. Verses takenvli‘rom “The;Conser-‘ pollution of water 'and air, I am vatiOn,‘Volun_teex-" (MayJune 1968), taken back a number of decades. land ‘am reminded of}; wonderful porsoi‘lality who was wjell-known‘i . . our county town by so many people. Mairifitieet knew hil‘l'i'as "'11-'51 ‘ plain ‘Bi11". He was the .hegult‘h- . guardian for our twang/«their N0:- ? 1' enemy oi dirt; Lanti champion of ~ sanitation; For some 35 yhars he was the “new, broom thatlsweplf ’f’The Last Chapter of Genesis” In the end,- Thdre'wasnartn, and. it was with- fOiTm: and beauty. , Andman dwelt upon the land‘s . ‘ ‘ 0f ”E? earth, the meadows - jandtrees. and he said. ' .Iasi us, build our dwellings in H115 Place of beauty.," dealt" as he YeleritIESsly chased .And the built, we . , - - . . . . . s and covered the straying waste papers and';gen- the PM“? With'cohcrete and steel . Ieral litter that was a‘ithre‘at to e ‘health of a common With his two wheel push barrel . ovel aud' ibroom »he- was named Pie‘to'ls lWhlLe ngS". dressed in'..his iii/lute. ,suit, as he went-about his task.of ‘Ikeeping Picton clean. Bill TSkitte ‘ Was better known}. up and flow .ilvrain. Street than any otheiw'sin . .lndividual, with his. cherry"smil§" ‘and likeable personality. ' " - . T" ' ,1 am also taken baék in memory I ”0 the. dime when Pihton stréiéts iwere sprinkled With ,auarge tank. of water drawn by [nurse‘s to " the rust. and if yml. were we . n . got a Spray over your £5932.- ‘stand pipes at' cert ' \ "at i n‘ fill-the tank. ‘. ampql 5' -.r 5 l A190 there were thlrée‘ wells I And the fourth d . . . ‘ :p -. a 58 th t ‘- ‘ lesseeially remember. for the 6091 animals were in yalm’éan, mild crystal water where one could get ran in the fields and played in the . ,. a refreshing drink on a warm day; ‘where horses could drink too. The Streetshad a receptor 19 chai ' to the pump to d‘rinlpou‘ of. A thrlfg And . ,g . 500 near the edge of the sidewalk t‘mh‘i ,IOI‘ our homes and grind} itown pump as it was called on And man did An > ‘ . . . , - were .- i lthe corner of Ellza’beth and Main more animals on dthtélegsg of tll‘: igAn'd’the meadows were gone- I (1 man said. "Itisl' seed".- 9 pmthgfi co 11 da ‘.< 450 u onltl‘TE wlléitér yorllgifi’ . .An man said, “Let‘ put our‘ wastes in the waters that ,the dirt Will be washed away}? it - «And man‘ did. .7‘ And the waters became polluted i , and foul in their smelt. ‘ ;. And‘ man said, ”It is goodf” ’ lQn‘ the third day, man looked upon the forests of the Earth and Saw they were beautiful. on. said, “Let us out ther '. -he wood for our use." 'fiflEW-hlks Were/much narrower.» And man did. And the lands be-‘ as was a150 the street. There can-fie barren and the trees were‘ ' some. . , 5"“! man said. “It is g‘G‘Od-fi l sun. One was on the corner "of Talbot‘ And than said “ ‘ ‘ . . ,. . Let u c 6 these ,and Main Streets with a. trough animals for our amassergfint and kill them for 0111.513011th >1 Earth. ltnd man said, “It is. good" ‘ Excerpts from ”aw stands; it ‘00 halt u ch filt-QLwE Earth. And man said, Pwii’iichgjl . Leia 95 $511055 of our wastes into ' . ' ”1e 311‘ 50’ the winds shall blow "j ~nem away." d man did. And the air became blimp was on Ea in, near ,. l where St. Mary Magafgfie Church 0" ‘t‘lle {all-h day mam breathed the ed to the pump It . .dri-nk. " I mThe .1” :“PW for theiown find , “ll lce ”565 in the county w 'tl . .33; 11," lgrse Square cakes fro. '“y “’1 ‘ dgfiinié‘d choked and ‘ fly or use in summer,- Wit .- . . ~ . .. [no thought of Water pollu mt“; . And man said. It 15 good. l think baffle the in Was out, 1- Mfl‘. 0n the sm'h day men saw himself. I i I , . it had 1-0 get a health dmrtm' t and seeing the man l gun s and okay. There wel‘e iron troughs 0n tongues, he feargdlllg £14 lifted- ‘many parts of Main Street gm- And man said, “Let us b horses to get a cool drink, mo. machines and destroy lThlS was before the Main. Street :was Paved or covered with tam. Arid man built great ma 5 and arac as It was called. . the Earth was fired. withi‘v qfihage Hearing the thn‘ny Cash son . of geatflm‘i .‘,. Come and We This Train, ‘58] And man said, It ”good. Vantered defin's Shore the hm 30h the ' h . 'day bilouulii hack ainmhie‘r aim fromhlsiab »5 will}, 31 Dry when We had three 1;) ' ' ” r still. for man no 10” ‘ld great so lest they ‘des‘troy us . lvtrfiihoin and out of Fiat ‘ . the earth A "l .andufiarly all stores had egg-M um I hear 533mm .7 ltor .h. was lcrnzyl Rut! is it so on . ‘ s! we mi ht have . . h old Just think about it. . g , . 9d. but W... had» or . clear " *_~ ' .. us. .‘With no air or» a r mllu .pion a ‘t,ha,l.,was mall" your own thing’ IS the no Mir” youth ill)“ What $17 err '11 W yang]: pwi‘l’hliifnan [m , ms in stem and light an 191ng water tfiollgjionl if was had igvenxmnre ‘0‘ tool]: rln ‘d ‘dnmrlnr trash ‘rgi all}? got 5.. :‘been so unreles in our inking :' in a; stride toward pro ss, we lwouil, not be new with . Pl‘QlJ’ Jerri of pollution. 1-1“ P5 Wk? ll beionwo hi jlllre' this mohair to an, E r, . at? W 9t .Prinfiaf Edward 911.. int, ,1: verse sitar gill: puts has” contact-nod over W, , , lutirm in their twin. ‘ , ‘ ' '5! ing to do something about it. Here. are the verses as copied, l’mmthut. ‘ high school paper: 1' l M EMOi' ll; . By MRS. EMILY MOORE Friday, March 7, 1969, is World ' Let us pray for the homes of UUL‘, . Day of Prayer, Women the world over will gather to observe a dlay of prayer for a better world for all ' people. Never did Lhenworld. nation and governments stand so in need of prayer. What this worid needs is “Love ‘S-weel Love." the sweet love of God, and of Jes s ‘Chr‘lSll, God's son. Do the leaders of our country turn in God. in prayer with one voice for help to solve lheir's and ' our country's problems? In times like these we neccl a Saviour. In times like these we need to pray more. A memI-y of a World Day of Prayer our extra leap.year (lay. Feibnu y 29. 1952. From down on the Fl slands to dusk on the Arc. ti‘c Island of the St. Lawrence, woâ€" men of 104 countries united in ser- ; vices of dedication, lhymns ulul . prayers s‘cendcd lo the Father ol . all. Thi service had been plan ' and printed in the January ue of the W.M.S. Missionary onlhly 1952. (Our beloved King 4 George VIdIled February 6, 1952). that. service: Theme “Christ our Hope." Happy is he who hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in. the Lord his God. The Lord preserv- eth rthe strangers. He relicveth the fatherless and widow. Praise yr the Lord. (Psalm 146:5.‘9, 10). On this day our prayers become a part of the great volume of pray- er that as in flood surrounds the Throne of Grace. and we plead with our Heavenly Father on beâ€" half of all sorts and conditions or men. We see about us “man's in- humanity to man," we realize the failure 01‘ even the best of human efferls: we turn with: living God. in whom alone there is Mal-p. The Lord‘s hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither Hills our heavy "that lit cumml hear (13:; 59:1). The money of the Lord is from everlasting to ev ~ "s inlg up: On them that fear Hi . and His righteousness unto children's chil- dren (Psalm 103117). 'vl'st, let us pray for the nations- of the world. hhe‘lr leaders. anti especially fro“ the representatives of those form. ing United Nations Organization; for all refugees and displaced per- sons. for those robbed ol‘ their lib» er-ties and living in Want-and four; for all those caught up in the grip oil war. L€t us pray for our King and Queen. for Pnln‘ces's Elizabeth. and Philip Duke of Edinburgh. for all lions and advisers of one ‘ Crown. for the'l'eaders of our great Commonwealth. 21 nd especially . our own Dominion of Canada. our own local communities. aurli'or a ‘set up amm *flvz‘. .- ‘- land, for our young people. the many new homes being so rapidly us by people of other lands: 101' all children and young people everywhere, and es- pecially for those whose lives have been scarred by hunger, homeless- r.:*»= falsehood and fear. ’ .1. Let us pray for the Church Univ vernal, that the older Church of the W i maybe rencwed in s 'l‘jtunl . lil'e. the younger churche of the East Lhalhhey may ."md firm and go forward and for L C‘hrisâ€" , lions being no culeri for their,‘ faith \\rhel'e\'cr~they may be. Let us pray for all mis. queries, their work and witness, esrpeciallly for those having had- to leave their fields to an uncertain future; for ourselves that we realize mone ure gently our share in the advance of the Kingdom at this time of up . neural and danger. In unison “0 God‘, who hast put into the heart. of men a great 10mg- ing for peace. but hast also given lo man the power to choose. grant us to make that choice in accord- alrce with ’l‘h-y will. Blind the World together 0 God. in fellowship, s'er« vice and love. and help us to take part in the fulfillment-of Thy pur’ pose. T'hrougih Jesus Christ our Ilord. Amen. Benediction: Now the God of hope fill you wiL-h all joy and peace in believing lll1‘21‘t ye may abound in: hope. through the power ‘of vlhe 'Holy Ghost. Amen. (Romans 15:13). The country Church where that day of prayer was held. has been closed for ‘a number of yea-rs. 'Dhe W.M.S. and Missionary Monthly are no more, and most of the members of whom I was one. who met format sew-ice of prayer. have passed on to their re-wall'd. As one of this generation looking at an antique long handled bed warmer, tasked: what's this a darn popper? Will in <21 l‘ew shout years! Prayer too. become an; antique. God forbid! Will your Cl'lllld be asking “What's a prayer?" . One of the most ohenished‘ merm- nl‘it‘s 94‘ my We is learning to pray at ‘m ' mother's knee. Remember the pilot of World War 2 who bro/ugh! all his passengers to safer ty writing in on one wing and) a, prayer, Let us Dare to be oi SQUARE. , To do God-‘s work. We must have God's power. To have God’s power We must know God‘s will; To know God’s will»: ”We must study God's Word." Lol'di. teach us to [may Prayer is the soulfs sincere desire. Ulllntered or unexpressud: The motion of a hidden fir That [rambles in the bi .th

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