Gilbert's Mills WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 1 , [1765] - [1997], p. 13

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,Stoney Creek Celebrates 1-397 Ti947‘v 50th Birthday of WI .. Original Minutes and Constitutions _ " ' Reveal Foresightâ€"Mammoth Golden Jubilee 3 Planned for Juné l9 at Guelph I mns‘Jfi . -/ â€" #4 ’44!!! merit of the Farmers7 Institute oil, -a.iid experience gratifying far beyond the hopes and vision of . a group of enterprising pioneers ‘ goes back over that long span of time to a small gathering of pub- licâ€"spirited women in the now world-known Saltfleet district. Commemorating the birth on *Feb. 19, 1897, of the first Woâ€" men’s Institute in the world, . Stoney Creek welcomed on Wed- nesday of this week a momen- tous gathering to a celebration that will take a proud place in ‘ the annals of history for all time. To readers of the Ottawa Farm Journal is well known the story of the event that has re- corded Stoney Creek as the famâ€" ed setting for the beginning of an organization that is now inâ€" fluencing Ithe lives of rural woâ€" men‘ the world over and a large following of urban folk as well. The infant of 1897 now stands as a glowing monument to the foresight and faith of those who launched into the unknowri :m a great cause. But though familiar to readers there are some facts about the domgs fifty years ago at' that small gathering of farâ€"sighted women which all will find in- teresting. The mammoth celebration oil the Golden Jubilee is being- planned for June 19 at the OAC, v Guelph. Mare details will be given of the plans from time to time in the Ottawa Farm Jour- rial. l lHALF a century of progress l First Minute Book. 1 One .of the interesting momenâ€" toes of the beginning of Wo- men’s Institutes brought to light in the planning for the anniver- sary celebration is the first min- ute ‘book 'of the first Women’s Institute. This book, "still in excellent condition, is in the , possession of the Stoney Creek ‘Wmsn‘s Institute, sci-11 going. .strong after 50 years of eamest' essayist ma matinee-f. . ’ In plain and simple language, as racorded by the first secre- tary, Miss M. E. Nash, the story. .pf'how the Institute: came into being and planned their early aca ’JVltlES and programs. is record-‘ ed lor posterity, and at this time, .when Women’s institutes have become practically worldeide m them scope, it is of special significance. 'Ijhe simple story of the organi- zation meeting is told in feel, words, because the following ex: {act from the original minute book gives all that appears in‘ connectltm With what is now an historic meeting; ”Organization meeting held melatuary 19, 1897." "Mrs. Erlnnd Lee was chair-, man of the meeting and an ad. drosflywas given by Mrs. John Headless, ' “thod by Mrs. Maison se- conded by Mrs. E. Lee that We organize a womouis depart: fiat: 14-. of Dvmeitlz; Economy in 3 Hum with the Farmm' inatltute. «tinned. “It was (l (\l ' ' I. would an MA lotxtll‘nvllilm Mm ' “ m l noun South Wentworth‘. First Officers. “The following ofiicers were; elected: Honorary president, Mrsi John Hoodless; president, Mrs. E. D. Smith; lst viceâ€"president)? Mrs. Melson; 2nd vice-president,l Mrs. J. Dean; secretary, Miss M.l- Nash; treasurer, Mrs. J. ,H. Mc- Neilly.” Given Its Name. Less than a week after the l organization meeting, anotherl meeting of the new organization was held. It was at this meeting that the present name of “Wu- men‘s Institutes” was adopted. The minutes of this meeting are ,. recorded in the old minute book as follows: ‘ “Meeting held at Squires’ Hall., February 25, 1897. “Name of society discussed. Moved by Mrs F. H. Carpenter, . seconded by Mrs. Melson, that the name be changed to The Women’s, Institute of Saltfleet‘. Carried. i Other regular business usual at just such inauguration meetings comprised the minutes of this second gathering of the infant organization. Thus were Women’s Institutes started, and a program launched that had so broad an appeal to, rural women that it could not be. kept within the confines of the! original organization, but in thel Years to come spread all over Ontario, then all over Canada and across thescven seas to many other lands. The Pattern. _ . The pattern of the meetings an the type of subjects to be studied by the Women soon became ap- Parent and, it is interesting to note, from the minutes, that many l of the topics considered vital fifty ,1 yeers ago still have -a large place . in Women’s Institute activities to- ’ day. For instance, it is r corded that on March 11, 1897, rs. McNeilly KPVG an interesting and instruc-‘ tive paper on “Proper Food for , Children: 9'33“! at a meeting on; March 25 Dr. Mabel neuuerson gave a paper on “The Child in Health and Disease”. Thus from the outset, health and nutrition were the subjects which com- mended the attention of the organization. The constitution having P1‘0~ vided that the annual meeting be held in June of each year, the first annual meeting was held on. June 3, 1897. At that meeting the original officers and directors were re-elected, and a paper on “Child Culture" was given by Mrs. McNeilly. ‘ The year 1898 saw the advent of; the second Women‘s Institute, that of South Ontario, organized at a meeting held in Whitby on June 29. It is perhaps somewhat of a: coincidence that while Mrs. E. D. Smith was president 02' the first Women's Institute, the second was organized in Ontario , in which her daughter, Mrs. , . D. Conant, has made her home since hor‘ marriage, and of 'Whlch her'hus‘bnnd, lion. G. I. «fitment, was for some years the I‘Opl‘emntutive in the (bionic Mfilnlotuso. . .- _V.,_. «. ._.. _._._...__ ,, u._-_..w .__. _‘ JCOUNTY LAoiss ATTENDED W.l. L ANNIVERSARY ; On WednesdaY- 'Iune 18th. the 50th , anniversary of Federated Women's lInstitute of Canada was held at lGuelph. There were 10,000 present l'for this grand occasion and among .them 30 Prince Edward ladies. The Wetter chartered a. Blackburn bus, leaving at 6 am. and returning the ,next day. The ladies attending were: ‘ Wellington â€"- Mrs. C. Blakely, Mrs. W. (gallow, Mrs. E. B. Phillips. ‘ Greenbush v Mrs. Earl Hicks, Mrs. l G' McCaw, Mrs. Percy Anderson. ‘ Bloomfield # Mrs. Morley Jackson, Miss Marjorie Gougli. Consecon â€" Mrs. Ross'Bush. Mrs. , Robin Adair, Mrs. Roy Jaclson and Mrs. Geo.‘Hari‘is. Hillier â€" Mrs. S. Wood, Mrs. Sher- man Foster, Mrs. Thomas Mindle, Mrs. l gNorris Defoe. Demorestville â€" Mrs. Elgm Gorsg Line, Mrs. Geo. Dyson, Gilbert. Mil â€"â€" Mrs. Harold Nox- on-rm“. é’ ”toâ€"«£4. Cherry Vall , ~â€" Mi'S. J. A. Beck- with‘, W. Mrs. M. Flake, Mrs. W. Metcalfe, Mrs. E. Bi’uinmell. Plcton â€" Miss Helen Kelly. Rednersvllle â€" Mrs. Lorne Brick- r‘nan, Miss Audrw Briclunan. Mrs. Earl . Fox. MIs. Bert. Rediier. ; ’ Mrs. Elmer Youngr and Mrs. Harâ€" old Motley. Mt. View, represented the Junior Women's Institute. iTRIBUTE T0 STONEY CREEK 1897 INSTITUTE 1947 It is with deep and sincere grati- tude that we pay tributefto our Mother Institute, Stoney Creek. Little did our first members realize that. out of that memorable meeting held fifty years ago would develop our vast Women’s Institute organ- ization as we know it toâ€"day. What an inspiration and thrill it has been to read and reâ€"read the early records and follow through the accomplishments of our women throughout the years. When we meet and talk with our charter members and read their first much treasured minute book, Thomas Campbell’s poem “Hallowed Ground" comes to mind. “What's hallowed ground? what gives birth To sacred thoughts in souls of worth!” . Surely Stoney Creek is hallowed. ground in Institute history! Have not “Sacred thoughts in souls of wort " been born in this village? To think that from this nucleus Women’s Institutes have spread until now, fifty years later, instead of 76 mem- bers as there were in the first year of Institute history, Ontario now has 86,000 members, Canada 70,000 and Institutes have spread throughout Ontario and Canada to Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Ceylon, Africa as well as other coun- tries. And from the idea of Country- women meeting together our for reaching or onization, The Associated Country omen of the World, ht: developed and thrived; the will do and has prevailed. "5711mm hallowed ground? "I‘ll What gives birth To sacred thoughts in souls of worth! "I‘is Peace! Independence! Truthl go forth earths compass round; And your high priesthood shall make earth All hallowed ground!" May we the daughters and grand daughters of the first Institute women go forward with dauntless courage, determination and faith to help bring “Peace! Independence! Truthl” to all mankind. Matthew Arnold has said, "If ever the world sees a day when women shall work together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a. power such as the world has ' never known”. Surely this is our Women’s Insti- tute challenge today. With chaotic conditions as they still exist through- out the world it will take all the power we possess and can create to build right principles and relieve human misery. As our organization has expanded so also our responsibili. ties have increased. We have accepted the countries of the world as our neighbours. Are we ready to erâ€" form the neighbourly acts of kind- . ness, understanding, tolerance and mutual help in order that we may live in harmony with our neighbours? This is a challenge which must be met if we are to help bring true peace to our world. “And is he dead whose glorious mind Lifts thine on high? To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to dial" Are they dead whose "glorious minds” have lifted ours on high? Have we not been stimulated to greater and nobler‘ thoughts and deeds because our early Institute women lived and had a Vision! Are we, the young women, measur- ing up? Does this same courageous unselfish spirit and Will to com live in the hearts of all Institute women today? Let this be our aim. May out ever inreasing' membership follow on to greater accomplishments because this Institute idea was born and be- cause these noble women lived and inspired us. Truly WE TREASURE THE PAST. We pay high tribute to our Mother Institute, to those who helps with its organization and to our , ‘ r members (several of whom we are halpgy to say, are still wlizh us to co e rate this great occasion . The finest: tribute we co d pay is' ‘our assurance that We shall! go o keeping our vstando’rdsl Manta buil our great orne s no 1 u e super structure on the firm foundation al- ready laid. The thousands and thou- sands of Institute members regard; less of colour, need or politics who about doing good the world over arm a living memorial to the great Women's Institute idol originated at. Stoney Creek. WE FACE THE! over before us our 6, .he I‘ ',s»co“ oh wealâ€"42in flood 0! fl] If? 'n ',. ' A: r, L.

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