Gilbert's Mills WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Book 1 , [1765] - [1997], p. 139

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3 (By c. H. J. Snider in ”Schooner gDnys," Toronto Evening Telegram) ‘ Durward Cole came to the family ferry on Long Reach when it was more mQUINTE' IDYL A HUNDRED YEARS O F , Intlle'Siiéilé in“; or it the exports OccasionallyT the Oliver Mowat, one were stored and. the imports were reâ€" or the low three-masters to call. She BEIVCG. W'be totalled 0"“ the fine‘wns run down by n strainer off the 30herl‘l'W00d counters in 'the storey False Ducks, Capt. T L. Vnndusen above. Remaining nrchs and jomér'flnri half his crew were drowned. ' Milena; I aw milking theyh ’ ‘ I n~ I ity to ‘acco‘nqo....,7 . n, ".81. shi merits to foreign countries 'inrfudin MexicoHChvile.‘ and}, Italy. They, found this way of i life more interesting than: milking, Due . to' an‘ unreliable! ; source o'f"lla_bor and uearin .~[ retirement age must of the her ‘ were sold at d‘dispErsél in 1994. keeping; few that were over the basic. herd set, up“lirn1t which are maintained in other‘ i breeders herds on a share basis. ' I To diversify the form set up, 15 acres of orchards were . plantedconsisting of cherries,‘ apples. pears and plums. Being A _ situated on the main highway of like the Queen Elizabeth highway v‘than :1 Silent side street of Lake on.- work show that the 53°“ "“15" have And tileislieamer captain went to jail. lbeen an attractive one, wit-h its shelâ€"' The Ema, Lizzie Metzner, small but fin‘wfgfiléggfi 1;; .li‘lfilifiz: Ves 211d drawers 1359“ with prints. full-rigged threelnlrtsier. was another. mg g n 11 m cottons and woolens, hats,>‘cnps. boots, _ e upsurge o. prospe ty to ow g and. shoes, paramls.' paper collars,‘ The Lyman DnVls, lost of the lak- , . xn‘ggfigflfl no; 31:51:; ifthgxe , ser oil, crockery, chm-'17 . .tinware, ers, burned at Sunnysicie. 1935. RANK HUFF ‘ > t‘bddSI mightily. for it was strategically ploc- $231315, {nits xiii-g Cma'swgezc;::;l These were all lake schooners ‘0! 3 , . , . attended Bellevrlle Farmers . ed at the ferry, with the High Shore ‘ ' ~ ‘i'nir size, ranging from six to sixteen - Century farm I: Market for 25 years whereirnost 1 m i . . , ‘â€"including conversation lozenges, ‘ , . ‘ . - ~ .. . l , (i. it . or from 200 Q! the . roducts of fruit road behind it and so many schooners cough drops, builseyes, sugarsticlrs, thousqnd busha cap a y vegetables, poul and eggs ! building and loading at Robiln's Mills ‘llco rice, Godey‘s‘ HUI-gazing family to 700 tons dondweight. The Mowrtls ‘1 I, Chang-es hands i.wereretaile d. i in the cove below. . . might carry [more grain. but as a rule _ , , , , . .blbles, and Currier Ives prints. : - . ,. h 1' Mr (1 Mr 3 Then- three sons who assisted i Cole's ferry landing was much more , > these vessels would be picking up On- T e farm 0 . an 5 5- mat » - ll - th farm 0 era- l than just one end of 3 crossing. Half ‘ With the gmwm of general stores 1y 1,000 bushels or so at the Ferry to Frank Huff, Mount Pleasnnt. erla Y m e p l » at every four-corners the retail fee: . ~ - h , tions as teenagers were eager- , 3 dozen steamers 031184 HIE” TWP S'ture of this ferry emporium contrac- finish out cargoes gathered here and Eight?” gig; 1“, geiatlifxlg 1y interestea in a wfifin‘md .y lerlyâ€"the min Ross twice a. day, the there for Kingston, Oswego or Ogdens- 1 Y- 0? 8'9 . ., l i . the can t e operated, ,a ’7’ Emil ,onta Jurist), Lted, but the wholesale expanded with‘ and "well . oyer a hundred education. . '.' 'Memn’ Hero, Vim“! Reindeer, Des- hhe big barley business. the building!burg down the St’ Lawrence. ‘ ' years, has been transferred to After 5’3“”th from lei-onto, Alexandria. every day. on ex. " . . McMaster and Guelph Univer- I was devoted to the storage and ship. Then t h _ 1 g of ‘ - Kent and Jame Douglas. Mr.‘ cursions or tor passengers. Not allot ' . ,. , . here were 1. 0 ““9" W .l , ‘ties they continued until two _. . _ . m» 7 ., ensure l Huif‘s andfather the late“ s' - . , - ithese came daily, but there was as‘lmfint of grain, Ahzy. maples and root? from 100 “ms down to 30' or a. 1mm gr ’ ‘ Obtamed them Masters Degree». 100:! a. passenger service on the Elly , l ‘ craps. 11,000 bushels, like the schooner scows , James Edward Huff was 0‘18.“ and one his PH.D. , Mbuinte eighty years ago as there is . the ioneers to purchase 'reg‘isâ€" , . ’ Two Brothers of Picton, the Maggie tereg _ holstein cattle about, The oldest son Morris has ,in Toronto Buy now. Perhaps better. The Ella. Ross, for example, plying b4 andLoum D. of Kingston, the John 1910_ With the h olstein busi~ , ‘ advanced to Alssmtant Manager ‘ Wesley that they nicknamed the hess being continued by his son} 32:31; Ogtalilo ggggmgourri‘fil, ‘ “,6 ten-mile hue beweenbmmw Punchv. and the Madcap and the Morris Huiiiewasanacural stl' Wendie“ E‘eér 9 who 6mm: and, Proton de ‘ to ‘ " , - Idlewyld, and scow sloops like the (lull the third generation to grow up ' an fishegi ' ‘ t' t a] ,ma ours ‘15 “her lea" and the Gran er rnd perhaps the with and'become a prominent “com? 3' '5'. . 5" VLng Cole‘s Ferry â€" at Huff’s ~W'hari’ g ‘, te broil ht up holstein breeder. teaches Selence and Physrcs me across the Reach, at Bogort's Wharf ‘ fTrent miner :3? 55h 2:19“ sieclnl- For several years. after h‘ ‘15“th m Toronto. below, 101' Bay Bay, at Hoblin’s Cove, and barrow, shovel and spout, for the rom Que ec, a oug ‘ or. Thomason’s Whnri’ on the‘other“feTTY wharf wash shipping place up side, occasionally at Honeywell - Mills ‘0 the time of the Great War. 1 r i , med in the bl nohwoocl trade. The oth-' ceasing to milk' cows they were I he youngest son. Dr. Bruce ‘ or Glenom, and then into Picton. Some of the vessels Durward re- ; . . . Huff is an economist with the ‘ , _ . en a ed in t .efiheifer business. - ers would load holed buy oi grain or 111.55.; ybun "animalsyikee 3‘8 Federal Department of Agriculâ€" These stops give an idea of the ex- l' members his father loading were: tent of traffic on the Bay then, It The graceful Acacia, when Capt. apples from whatever hnrf ad ‘ 50 to 70 on hand, breeding t em ture in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. was r 5' thronged highway 70" steam, Byron Bongnrd sailed her, Hut} built a new.homeuon .1 five and soil. The bulk freighting was done The Baltic of Wellington Square The Gales operated the grain ware- house for years, charging 2 cents a- bushel for “welgjliing”â€"unlonding and: [reloading and tallyingâ€"the farmer-3' Stain: A million bushels of Prince Eds wardmunty gold went in and out through those limestone walls by hngv fthe trees. Their market was Kings- ’couhtries‘ ton. the Richardson elevators there or . ‘ “fly is 8 sins - f th . them, or even flom the banks 0 e and selling some to 10531 acre lot in View of‘the home ennt bottoms allowed them to moor to ‘ 1 sold r for “with”? rfayglgn ‘ orchard and roadside business W n, . qt Ithe In 1973,} Tihe-utunsagtion dis : 4 » . hfifl' -“ in o-t ere'main ero t by the sloops and schooners. Durward 105‘; at Oswego in December, ”94' \U’i: Montreal Tmnspm-Lation Comp- fairs. exhibition cattle F’s i e under soil at one time in the ten-mlie‘ Mind-stem“ Dawn”. hard W ~ ‘ence - le‘toh ‘46 I with gfim‘fly long Reach; n glad sight with thelr' Mr. that had been the Dove An- ' ; ' . ' p to’fiéte markgt‘ .098 and '5 (5:1,: I fluttering p‘inions of new blue-white am” ' ' One little sloop. perhaps it was the -, the 1,1094! line .t_ i: were , ‘ ‘shadES't/o which wind and weather, miles below the Perry in the mouth: 0,‘ lending her thousand bushels 0’3 IFQMMFS lanky-Wu '7 em?” ,m'nlmiust. cool and iron ore bleach 0f Hay Bay by a mum “will ou- the peas at the Fen-y, Running down the E‘s“. urn, n, gunmen sail-Illa, ,or bluken canvas. The sails would, High Shore, drowning two of her Reach with a fresh breeze, she nip- .“YQFSV. 00 ‘ Rim! ,IB'ay fields, for their light drought and , breeders but the majority were ‘ f in 1969 .mhey sol d- the ' ‘ _ - _ in leted Cole recalls twenty eight schooners .nny's barges for down the St. Law- .5319; We} he "were . P. 1 . . I .-..v~. ». - mulniy‘ . linen 0,. yellow cotton duck, 0, all the Kate of onkville, capsized three Madcap, came to grici- Within an hour i cui‘irently pond], . By mflklnll ; i be crowned by long colored masthead crew. . - poll the come? too close our Trum- export. Trive ' uyers , was like whiplashes, above hulls: Also thenmt Arming, lost on Ston- ,pgur PM“ “he” the “mph“ h finch??? tile W :33; fl 5‘6" black and white, green. red, lendcoior 1Cy Poht'sdrowned ggmndijn a snow- ”“5 east from the Long one, and. lln‘ and 511i WEEK ,1): misfit t “ f or yellow or all these in combination, ' ~ } storm in 1886fnnd the second Ariadne,“'€tm€k ‘1 Mk ”1“” I“ “'3‘“ mwgh .tllemgfiromtt . ._ . , H‘ with contrast-mg stripes and gay much He:- her and she filled with waterl The 9 5,, . i 8m, , l1 converted Cuthbert ~ . l howesnlps. rigureheads and quarter- ‘iymht which went. to pieces at Port 3 Beds in her hold swelled so quickly a 21 boards with the vesicle names en. Credit in 1919; and perhaps the third i that she burst like a paper bug. 139' “mm- ‘ 1 ‘Arlndne, a ‘soow sloop ‘built at ‘Shlln-j -' 3 "A "W ' “’5‘ Funnel-s drove in with their but- «in Amherst Island about this time, lien, (15 cents a. pound. top price 1.9.: ‘One of the last of the Bay trading tail). em (10 cents a dozen it good 510%- - ‘ 2:1 03:: elite? apples. pens. om, Other callers included the schooner .~ m n‘ Y Me for dry ‘Eoods. Mary of prmee, Young Andy Baird’s 'th; were, grolcerles, corti oil and all pride and joy, which carried him and granting alludes 01- life brought his crew to death of! Oswego 45 years from Kingston or Oswego. Bloom and .. ago. ‘ «mowers of from 30 to 300 tons bur- ‘ den .hrouzht them in, and too tawny | The Snow Bird. formerly the Mm- , . nle Proctor a little 3 all th n th the farm products: principally to the ' m er ‘1 9 inichnrdsan groin elevators and the $13th 132:3” and with long market unre at Kingston‘ " . - wego brgglet‘los. Though son: $25,261 Pmbabiy the Hormrshuilt from the Eagles: on: South Amerlga. At any ménifgd. Whfldenfid otyonmue. r so oaner Pm in, built at r W n “‘1 ' en mun , did. She cam-led bones and EFF" ml" 19”” “10“ he” ‘0 “19 13W . rough lu‘mubler to England and nitrates TimELNm Toronto 1“ 190°- ; from Bou America to Boston, and ‘ w D. Freeman, built in Port Was an” on the coast of Newtmmdlund I'Burweil, which became-m. .bllwk float- 2 coming We WWI n. 0mg 01 cool. mi? elevator at Kingston after fifty The start use a. s bswntlrl struc- Wm afloat. , tin-e, renowned low. timbered ._ (1130,“. It rounds solidly yet at the writers 5 , after it“ yours, although the min, sternum once surrounded ' N. ”J“ who: memories it must .orlnelim Md Grecieh bends, cl ‘ coy: Milli fibres and in"! work: or hard WEN! In! no Wfikl‘oi' prosper- ltéy mm W Mid mom horns re- flm _ 1" WW. and steel WWW 543341!“ now» and Maribel-h” oi: low v‘aqk «ma nlml

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