JULY Mrs, Cecil Thompson's Home. Programme in eh; ‘ge of Ofï¬cers. RefreslimentsiMr St Clement, Mrs. Percy Alli- son, Mrs. George Holmes. AUGUST Picnic-7W:nBlaricom‘s G rare. SEPTEMBER Mrs, Ethel Lawry's Home. 3 three-minute talks on “How to Got Most anue Out of IL Dollar Bill."iMrs, Keltch. Mrs. G. Allen, and Mrs. Arthur Wright. Musi iGrnm‘nphone. Roll CulliReCelpt for Pickling. RendiugiMrs. Kent Walker. RefreshmentsiMrs. U. Nelson, Mrs. Lowry, Mrs. Arthur ‘Vright. . OCTOBER Miss Annie Riehnrds‘ Home, Gilbert's Mills and Bethol Institute responsible for programme. , . . RefreshinentsiMrs, E. Gorshne. Mrs. Ed. Christie, Mrs. B. Ri iurtls, Mrs. D. B. Gorsline. Mrs. VnnBlnii- con], Mrs. Gerow. NOVEMBER Miss Norma Wright's Home. Paperâ€"“Do We Not Get Enough Pleasure from Life, mid if Not, \V-hy N0t?"â€"Mrs. G. Hough. Roll Cull-«Hints on Etiquette. Butt 1>hole Competition. _ ML Instrumen ‘ lâ€"Mrs. Perry Allison. Refr slimentsiMrs. S. Brumulel, Mrs. Harry Gerow, Mrs. Chester Longwell. DECEMBER Mrs. John VanBlnrieom‘s Home. . Christmas Paperâ€"â€"â€" . Dr B, Gorshne. Current Eventsâ€"Mu. Lowr Musicâ€"â€"Mrs Blake Thompson. . Christmn. RendingAMrs. Everett De)I]119_ Roll Cnllâ€"â€"Exhihit of Inexpensive Christmas Gifts, Refres mentsâ€"Mrs. Everett DeMille, Mrs. Frank Morden, M s Perry Brooks. â€"____‘.â€"â€"# JANUARY Son-in] eveningï¬Town Hull. FEBRUARY Mrs. D. B. Gorsline‘s Home. Girls’ Meeting~Musie by Girls. Roll Cullâ€"What to put in the Hope Chest. _Pnperi“A Girl‘s Preparation for Life,â€â€"Miss Annie Richards. Valentine Readingâ€"Norm Thompson. Sewing Contestï¬Quilt Blocks. Blocks to be given to ï¬rst bride 11 member of the Institute. . Refreshmentsâ€"Mrs. T. Trumhle, Mrs, Clarence Emburr. Miss Norma Wright, . MARC}! Mrsl Urins Nelson's Home. Paperâ€"“The Stewardship of Time and Talents.†â€"Mrs. Manson Hmve. Musitï¬Mrs, Nelson. Surprise Contestl Roll Call~A henutifu1 thought from poetry 01‘ prose. Refreshmentsï¬Mrs. F. Gorsline, Mrs. Ed. Carter, Mrs. Alfred Brooks. APRIL Mrs. Blake Thompson’s Home. . Paperâ€"“The Part the Farmer's Wife Should Toke in Her Husband's uBusiliess.â€â€"Mrs. Percy Allison, Musie~Mrs. Whitney. R011 ColliSeed Exchange. Easter Readingâ€"Mrs. Nelson. Contestâ€"Mrs. F, Gorsline. Refreshmentsâ€"Mrs. 0. Kent, Mrs. Manson Howe, Mrs. Everett Johnson. \IAY Annual Meeting. WW Mme} W Roll Callâ€"Suggestions for next yenr‘s programme, Retr ‘hmellt57311‘5. Cecil Thompson, Mrs. G. Hough, Mrs. Keitch.