w LIJ LORD and LADY TN: DSMUIR “FOREWORD†I am so glad to hear that the \Vomcns Institntt's of Ontario arc going tn compile \‘illago history hooks. Events mm‘t' Very fast nowadays; houses are pulled down, now roads art‘ made, and tllt‘ aspect of the t‘onntrysidn‘ changes conr plt‘tvly smnt‘timt‘s in a short time. It is a nmst usetnl and satisfying task for \thnt'n's Instii tntt‘ members to see that nnthing \‘alnahlc is lost or lorgnttvn, and wmnvn shnuld lw on the alert always to guard tliL‘ traditinns of their homes, and to see that water mltmr skt‘tt‘ht's and prints; poems and prose li‘gt‘nds shunld ï¬nd their way into tlwso lmoks. Thu oldest pvoplt' in thy \‘illagt‘ will tull us tascinatnr;r storivs of what thm' rt‘inemht‘iz whit‘h tho youngt‘r nu‘lnhcrs can \vritc down. thus making a hritlgo l>(’twcz'n than antl (‘Vt‘llts which happened lwlhrt‘ tho)" worn lmrir Alter all. it is thv iiistm’y ()l' humanity whit-h is L'mltmnally mlvrvstmg to us. and }()III' \‘illagp histories will he the hasis nl' accurate lat-ts Innch valuul hy historians ol tho lillt'lll't’. 1 an) prowl t0 tlnnl< that _\'()ll haw callt'tl thmn ~~Tho 'l‘\\w’(ls|nnir \‘illagt‘ llistm'ivs". ~\\'ritl‘<‘n ln luuh '[‘\\'i‘<‘(lsmuir.