I9u2 I9u3 Con't 19u3 I9bh I9hh I9MS OFFICERS THHOUGH THE YEARS 1:»..me *'. v r ,r-sp a; “surf". ‘1:-.§."f'MH'45anu'ï¬\f-‘IW STANDINGLCOMMITTEES. “mun; Lu...“ Agriculture - Mrs. D. B. Gorsline Citizenship - Mrs. Goe. Dyson Historical Research - Mrs. P. T. Gorsline Home Economics - Mrs. S. Clement Social Welfare - Mrs. E. W. Gorsline Publicity - Mrs. W. Canniff War Work - Mrs. P. N. Allison President: Mrs. P. N. Allison Ist Vice President: Mrs. M. Sprague 2nd Vice President: Mrs. Ed Carter Secretary- Treasurer: Mrs. T. Howard Treasurer of Red Cross: Mrs. F. J. Gorsline District Director: Mrs. E. Johnson Directors: Mrs. W. Anderson Mrs. C. Peck Mrs. W. Canniff Auditors: Mrs. Elgin Gorsline Mrs. Harry Gorsline District Representatiye: Mrs. T. Trumble Programme Committee: Mrs. Ed Uinksr Mrs. T. Tnumblee Organist: Mrs. E. W. Gorsline Sick Committee: Mrs. E. Johnson Mrs. Harry Gorsline Mrs. W. Canniff . W. Gorsline nt: Mrs' E 5::83338 President: “r3° Roy covert President: Mrs. D. B. Gorsline Eggrziggy-Treasurer: Mrs. T. Howard Treasurer of Red Cross: Mrs. F. J. Gorsline District Director: Mrs. P. N. Allison t rs: Mrs. W. Anderson Dirac 0 Mrs, w. Canniff Mrs, C. Peck rs: Mrs. Carter Audito Mrs. Dyson t Representative: Mrs. T. Trumble ittee: Mrs. E. W. Gorsline Mrs. D. B. Gorsline Mrs. T. Howard Mrs. T. Trumble Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Dyson Mrs. Sprague : Mrs. E. Johnson Mrs. Canniff Mrs. Harry Gorsline