Tweedsmuir History â€" Volume 5 - Rednersville Women’s Institute â€" Index Page 1 Introductory pages and index. Page 5 Branch History - Ofï¬cers Page 9 Autobiographies of members â€" Marjorie Bedford, Margaret Bourgoin, Edith Cairns, Margaret Vandervelde, Marion Calnan, Marlene Corï¬eld, Linda. Dulmage, Vivian Green, Nellie Montgomery, Evelyn Peck, Elizabeth Redner, Claudette ter Brugge, Marion Townsend, Daisy Wannamaker, Florence Waterhouse, Fay Wetherall, Ann Weese Frances Young Page 39 Meeting summaries and pictures Page 65 Quinte Exhibition displays Page 69 Other activities â€" Pie booth, Art Craft sale, District Annual Page 73 Centennial awards Page 75 Farming â€" Top rated show â€" Wizard of. Willowlee Maple Tree farming Canadian agriculture prepares for new millennium Goreland Farms - dairy Appledoorn Farms Page 91 Community Residents â€" Harmon Monmomery Earl Onderdonk, Roger Redner, John Smith, Audrey Carter Carol Dawson, Al Purdy, Brenda. Chambers, Erik. Stone Sharon Vanclief, Lyle Vanclief, Brian Price Page 115 Community Services â€" Ameliasburgh Fair, Seventh Town Historical Society Phonebusters, Community on Phone Patrol, Trash Bash, Rednersville Band, 4-H Dairy club, Albury Ladies Aid, Albury Church Choir Ameliasburgh Volunteer Fire Department Page 161 Community Facilities â€" township map and street index, Quinte inn Dance Hall Rednersville Church, St. Alban’s, Albury Church, Albury Cemetery Al Purdy Library, Fort. Kente, Ameliasburgh Museum, Quinte Educational Museum, Marilyn Adams Genealogical Centre, Trafï¬c Lights , Water Treatment. Plant Page 195 industry, Trade and Commerce - Blue Jane Lane, Quinte-Eco Consultants Dovetail Woodcrafts, Rancor Wood Recycling, Exterior Furnaces Page 204 Miscellaneous â€" Conference ‘98