[1me in MM WWW? ’Iï¬e Wigflt of tï¬e Wefrose Train ï¬xplbsion W/ien my ï¬usEandKevin's Eeeper sounded tfiat nig/it, indicating a train on fire at tï¬e Meï¬ose crossing, I mumï¬fed "5e carefulԠand ro[[ed Eacfg over and went to sieep. He often was caded out in tfle midd[e of tï¬e nigï¬t as ï¬e was a memoer of t/ie Townsï¬ip ‘Fire ©epartment. I nave gotten so I don 't wake up as I used to and so I assumed w/ien I Heard tï¬e pounding at Me door tï¬at ï¬e liad returned It too@ me a minute to rea[ize tï¬at tï¬e rapid pounding was more tï¬en a nusliandwï¬o ï¬adbckedfiimsfl out. ‘Vl/ï¬en I opened tne door tï¬e expression on tfiejemafe pofiee oï¬â€˜icer's face spoke more to me tnen tfle words tfzemse[ves. â€â€™Z7iere ï¬as 5een a train crasn and tnere is potentia[ of an exp[osionâ€"you must [eave your /iome immediate[y. †I as/{ed wï¬ere tne Tirefigï¬ters were and sï¬e said tï¬ey were Eacflat tne site at a safe distance from tne wrecï¬ ï¬‚it a[most t/ie exact time, tï¬e air stifled and a large wï¬oosï¬ was fodowed 5y an even 5igger exp[osion. ‘Iï¬e fiousefil‘flad witï¬ an eerie g[ow. (Pictures ï¬adfa[[en of tï¬e wads of tfie Eacflof t/ie House and fly t/ie time I readied a window to tfie nortï¬ a uzrgeï¬re out was r0[[ing into tï¬e s/{yh I did not nave to wake my cï¬iï¬fren. Tï¬e eyqdosion did t/iat. I touftï¬em as ca[m[y as I cou[d to get dressed and into t/ie car fls tï¬e Kids worried aoout tï¬e pets I said t/iat anytï¬ing t/iat was in tï¬e car wï¬en I got tï¬ere coufdcome. Our dog, a cocfler spanief, [edtne pacfl t0 tï¬e garage, I am sure s/ie Knew tnere was somet/iing wrong. Sometime during t/iis time Kevin ca[[ed from tï¬e Wefrose station to warn me; ï¬urriedfy I toldflim we were fleaving, We raced in tfie car away from our House, up ’l/l/yman’s ma toward O[d WumEer Two I tï¬in/g tï¬ere may nave Eeen anotner explosion at tï¬is time, My cï¬iufren were frigï¬tened and worried aoout tï¬eir @ad â€We reacï¬ed t/ie ‘Zjiendinaga Sc/ioof wfiere friends and neignoors were 6eing sï¬eltered unti[tï¬e emergency was over. Kevin and severaf otï¬er Tireï¬gï¬ters came to cï¬ecflon tfle group and fi[[ in tï¬e community tï¬at lived near tï¬e wreck It was apparent at tï¬is time tfzat tfze potentiaf for more serious eggp[osions reszdting in. poisonous gases was present. I pacï¬ed up tne kids and [mad furtï¬er away to Wapanee to stay at my Wot/ier's. ’VI/e were contacted 6y CT tï¬at we coufd a[[ stay at tï¬e Ramada Inn @edevide. ‘Me option of a water sfide was a[[ my Kids needed r(/Ve [iougï¬t Eatning suits, and some otï¬er neeessitiesâ€"( we couï¬fn't return. to our ï¬ome}and spent tne weekend vacationing. On Sunday we returned ï¬ome. rMe sme[[ of Erunt [entils flung in tï¬e air. fl â€controded" eeqdosion was set for tï¬e next day for t/ie last propane tank I was refievedwï¬en tnat was over. rInc experience ï¬as cï¬anged tne way I view trains and safety. (We see trains everyday. I cross 3 sets oftracfg every day on my way to work; We potentiaf for serious accidents [ifle tflis one is a[ways present. One must nope tfzat t/ie [egislations put in p[ace are adequatefy protecting us a[[, and wnen an accident like tnis liappens it 6ecomes a â€wake up †cad for tï¬e puï¬fic and tï¬ose tï¬at are protecting us. R0 5in Q7iompson~mcflv0y