by Mrs. “Juanita n McLennan 'of Melrose. A solo, by Mrs. Freeman of Melrose was ‘LES'C’Ha‘sï¬ngs .'A party which celebrated , the 75th anniversary of the ‘ ding of the Women’s In- was held in the Gilead ‘ing of April 5. A crowd of ’dZE'WI members which re- ;p as? ted the combined Insti- I all was appropriately cl’e'co ted in the WI colors of presidéd and/oped ‘ She extended 1 1 . l i hep McMechan saying The secretary and read a tribute to Ad founder of the W.I. ’elaide Hoodless the setting for the occasion. Royal Family and mementos, made /a ï¬tting 1 l colors of} blue ‘ and yellow. The, Hall' was decorate The District president, ' Banner,- cluster of silver bells, d in the Institute , the East Hastings read a letter front Lois she was sorry she could not resent. A tribute to the Queen was re: ’ Gw'ven Hall presided" ‘ d pictures of the ‘ v 1777 First on line was Tyendjn- aga East branch who gave a humorous reading which dealt‘ with the problem of buying clothes to suit a teenage boy. Melrose ladies: Mrs. New Comer, Mrs. Old Timer and Mrs. Young Family present- ed a play in which the ad- vantages of being a WI mem- ber were expressed. Nelhe Radcliffe of Roslin Branch rendered a solo with Mrs. A. Bates as accompanist. Mrs. A. Mitchell, represent- ing the Quinta branch._ gave two humorous readings. Phil- lipston Zion and Plainfield branches presented a fashion show in which eight ladies took part. Mrs-Harmson pro- Vlded music throughout the style show. Mrs. Harrison then twenty-fifth silver Jubilee. . W.I. at. Stone annlversal,‘ :eig'htieth anniversary On Thursday evening; District met at Gilead Hall, to celebrate the " y Creek and the 1 celebrates 80th )7 »l l Women's Institute membersof East Hastings of the founding of the , October ï¬fth, Queen’s led in a sing Song with Mrs. Jack Parrott at the p1ano.. Mrs. VanCe contributed an oral poem on behalf of the Donsdale branch cannifton â€" Co1byville and Carmel branches gave a pre- sentah'on whichadealt with the "Mary Stewart Collect." Sinoerity in repeating the Col lect was emphasized. A hum: orous reading concluded their part o_f the program. ' The president congratulated the branches on their various contributions Board director, Mrs. C Barber spoke to the group on Institute work. Happy anniversary was sung and the presidents gave con- cluding remarks. Refresh ments were served and. a so- cial time enjoyed. . Institute l E i Women’s 61:» t5. i777g WI Marks Anniversary 3 ‘