W. l.D1str1ct if jr holds vmety night MW†1 . In) 1. 1 The Women 5 Institute ofé the Hastings East District held a variety night and pie social’ j in Gilead Hall on Wednesday evening The ‘District Frosty. dent Mrs. John Fargey, we]- 1 co’med1 everyone present and 1 presided for ’the following,1 varied programme. ‘ r» . i .A- musical number by Bethel , I; Zion Quartet; A skit by ï¬ve 1 W.l members (if Canniftdï¬ \ . CorbyvilleU entitled1,1 ‘ 5 da 11; ‘t and Mary: A1111 Legg. Roslin,1 j Accordion solo, Robert Pound i of Carmel; A humorous skit" physical exercises, Tyen ' "naga East; Piano and Violin number. ewton Demille an§ _ Harold McAvoy, Melrose skit by Chapman W. 1. Testing Sandra Porter Carmel,“Lo1;d at th hyg ne' fcenturiesâ€.' Corbyville WI The Cannifton- stitute was organized m 1950. Meets are held the first Monday of each month, from September t’OJune at8p.m. inthe township hall Can- nifton. Members enjoy speakers and discus- ; 510115 on various topics ‘ laid out by the‘MlniStry 1 of Agriculture and Food.‘ Courses are , given, helpingmembers to bee me â€better homemakers - the courses are available to all women in the com« munity Cahnifton- -Corbyville is part of the East Hastings district and the Trent Valley area. The executive in- cludes: Gertie Bowers, ‘district director; lily Meale, assistant district director; Bernice White, president Windsor, treasurer, Hi1 'Moore, .assistant s ~ Mamie Milton and Iona 11113. Welsh, pianist ; Jean Eégleton ass - tnt pla t â€rm; Corbvyilie Women’s In- ‘ secretar -, Money donated The Cannifto Corhyville Women’s â€" Institute donated $1,000 to the tor- * nado relief fund and $5500 to diabetes 3 research, it was annoimced at their i recent meeting in Thurlow Township Hall 1 . Plans were completed to attend the 715th anniversary of the‘ Plaintield 1. Branch. , ' , l Bernice White 813th report on the i l districtsnnal , Mekose. The area (conve on will be held in , Belleville,at ' Annual 771,1,"199 tjng Plans were made to attend the 1 district annual in Melrose at the reâ€"1 cent meeting of Cannlfton- -Corbyville Women' s Institute, held at the township hall in Cannlfton“ A donation of $75 was made at the $11133? to the Canadian Cancer ‘ 1Aiter heari g an article 1by Edna Weigh melnbe intereSting program by gleton,convene1’- of tamil; monies included sodium '