Tâ€"ï¬ï¬' ‘ ‘ o-" " “'W "“ , mm ALL MEN BY mess PRESENTS not we Thomas Clement of th ,he village of.Mhrmore in the County of HsstingsContreotor WW/fa7/4/ 0f them/W In the County WWM are held and firmly bound ’00 the Zion Cheese manufacturing Company of the Townslip of Thurlow in the County of Hastings in the penal sum of TWO hundred dollars to be paid to the said company or their -' --1 ï¬g?“ master: or assigns in :9ng feg.!h~13£ spgnzgcï¬t»ieg be n] 1 end truly made we [bind ourselves and each of us our and. each of our heirs,executors,odministrutors and assigns JOintly end severnlly firmly by these presents .sealed with our seals and dated this 12th day of September A.n.1904. Wheres; by certain nrticles of agreement bearing even date with the above written bond or obligation and made ,or expressed to be moxie between the shove bounden Thomas _ Clement,(‘.ont.re.ctor and the Compose] of. th Town, ‘ of 'fllurlow Styled the Company, the said ' for the consideration therein eXpressed hath contracted and agreed with the said company of the Township of Thurlow to CUDStruc£~ and build at the places set out in said agreement of even date herewith a certain cement,contrete pig pen in the manner and form and at and within such time as in the said articles of agreement and in the directions and plans there ~in refErred to as are particularly'mentnoned and set forth tee-7:: -‘ J†L :1; 1"?- :1: :0“ 5 ‘ ,..-.~%. -.-»’>"1: , 1.- » ï¬hâ€"- A - ~“*iâ€" sonnet the side.whenn£°c1em£%$.ccnxr£e§3§séie- jk "f* gil3bf:)_§?e % ./ _ .‘i the Shove written bond. or obligation as additional security ‘ to the said company for the due performance of the said articles of agreement and of 0.11 and every covenant matter and thingtherein chntained on the part and behalf of the said Thomas Clement his executors or administrators to be done and perfo med .