I Agreement made in duplicate this 25rd day of April A. D. 1904. Between The Zion Cheese Manufacturing Company, Limited, hereinr after called The Cempany, of the First Part, And John D. Carl of the Township of Thurlow in the County of Hastings, Farmer, of the Second Part. Whereas the Company have heretofore maintained at their factory in the Township of Thurlow aforesaid pig sties and having fed and Kept pigs therein during the factory season. And Whereas the alumna: party of the second part has omn- plained that the keeping of the said pigs at the said factory in the manner aforesaid had been and is a nuisance to him, imperilling the health of himself and his familY. And.Whereas the Company are desirous that no injury should be sustained by the party of the second part from any of the acts aforesaid, and in order to settle the said matter amicably, the said Company and the party of the second part have agreed as follows:â€" 1. The Company shall have the right without melestation and without any claim or claims being made or any action being taken for any damages or other claim whatsoever by the party of the second part to Keep, maintain and feed hogs upon tho said factory premises in the manner heretofore Kept and fed by them during that portion of the factory season of 1904 ending on the let day of October next and will in the interval keep the premises as clean and clear from accumulations of filth as is reasonably possible and to at least the extent to which they have heretofore so provided for the same. 2. The Company shall on the 3rd day of October A. D. 1904 remove ~ ~ - w __i WWm-W_piga,_QigstMnlm.milz . i- other equipment and appliances for keeping or feeding pigs at the said factory and shall remove any and all accumulations of dirt, filth or other harmful or offensive material that may then be upon the said premises arising fram the keeping and feeding of pigs there as aforesaid and will on or before the 15th day of _0ctober A. D. 1904 properly and sufficiently disinfect and deâ€" odorize the space occupied by the said pigs, pig pens or other equipment or appliances used in connection therewith by properly spreading at least twenty bushels of lime over the same at that W:- ,_ ,,,.