The roll call at the District Annual is to be answered by the Branch President, stating the year of the organization of her Women's Institute. The third Tuesday of each month was selected as our meeting date. The fees are 50¢ per year to be sent to Mrs C. Akey, Marysville, District Secretary, before February lst. This 50¢ is divided thereby: 15¢ per member goes to F.W.I.O., 5¢ to F.W.I.C., 2¢ to A.C.W.W. and 10¢ as conference fee. The balance of 18¢ remains with our W.I. There is a further annual fee of $1.00 per Branch as District Fee and $2.00 per Branch as area fee. The name selected for our Branch was Chapman Institute, East Hastings District. I Mrs. Leslie then explained co-operative Programs and stated that our District Director, Mrs. Stanley Webb was to give our Choice of program at the District Annual to be held May Blst at Carmel. Mrs. Harry Sills our incoming District President gave a very interesting paper on the origin and growth of the Women's Institute- Mrs. Harry Foster at the piano led us in "The more we get to-gether" The meeting closed by singing God save the King. Lunch Was served and all enjoyed a social half hour. "Attest. Kay Wheeler, Secretary, Isobel Martin President.