‘ :4- -:.-,1,.â€"*:i.‘.' flâ€":" I}! 1: A ‘ n Aâ€" .,: On Tuesday May 23rd 1950 nineteen ladies met with Mrs Thomas Leslie, District President of East Hastings Women's Institute at the home of Mrs Harry Coulter, for the Purpose of Organizing a Branch Women's Institute. Mrs. Harry Sills, the incoming District President was also present. Mrs. Leslie presided and opened the meeting by reading the Institute Ode and the Lords Prayer was repeated in unison. It was moved by Mrs Stanley Bateman and seconded that Mrs Robert Wheeler act as Secretary for the present meeting. Carried. Moved by Mrs Harry Coulter and seconded, that Mrs Albert Martin be President of our new organization. Carried. Moved by Mrs Charles Jeffrey and seconded that Mrs Clayton Fisher be our first Vice President. Carried. Moved by Mrs Wilfred Laberge and seconded that Mrs Harry Coulter be our second Vice President. Carried. Moved by Mrs Howard Countryman and seconded, that Mrs Robert Wheeler be Secretary-treasurer. Carried. Moved by Mrs. Harry Coulter and seconded, that Mrs. Stanley Webb be our District Director. Carried. Our Directors are to consist of these officers already elected and three more to be appointed. These are Mrs. Howard Countryman, Mrs. Stanley Bateman and Mrs. W.A. Countryman. v Mrs. Wilfred Laberge and Mrs Thomas Lynn were appointed as aUditors and Mrs Harry Foster as Pianist. Mrs. Stankey Bateman was appointed as 3rd delegate to attend District annual with Mrs Webb and Mrs Martin. The following were appointed convenors of the Various standing committees Agriculture and Canadian Industries- Mrs Charles Jeffrey. Historical Research and Current Events - Mrs. John Rannie. Citizenship and Education Mrs. Ken Fisher. Home Economics and Health - Mrs. Harry Coulter. Public Relations and Community Activities â€" Mrs Borden Countryman. A card committee and lunch committee are to be appointed later. Mrs. Clayton Fisher was appointed to head the resolution committee i: }