1959 â€" 1960 President Mrs Mitchell Rannie, 1st Vice President Mrs Thomas Keilty, 2nd Vice President Mrs Burton Coulter, Sectyâ€"treas. Mrs W.J. Woods. At our July meeting Mrs Thomas Keilty conducted a panel discussion on education assisted by six members. How does education compare to-day with that of yesterday? The three R's or the option. The course of study too general or too Vague etc. 1960 â€" 1961 President Mrs Thomas Keilty, lst Vice President Mrs Burton Coulter, 2nd Vice President Mrs Thomas Lynn, Secty-treas. W.J. Woods. Mrs Tucker our district President paid us a visit in November of this year and gave us a talk on Our Institute Ode. We also had a demonstration on "How to make Drapes" and Miniature drapes were Exhibited. In May of this year we celebrated our tenth birthday and as has been our practice for the past years we celebrated the occasion at the home of Mrs Harry Coulter. After the Business of the meeting the President then called the Past Presidents Mrs Sam Defoe, Mrs Albert Martin, Mrs Harry Coulter and Mrs Stanley Bateman ( Mrs Mitchell Rannie was unable to be present) to come forward and after a short speech, each was presented with an Institute pin for their capable work in the past. A lovely cake was then brought in and enjoyed by the members after the meeting closed. .. . 1 Left to right - Mrs Thomas Keilty, Mrs Stanley Bateman, Mrs Harry Coulter, Mrs Sam Defoe and Mrs Albert Martin.