1955 - 1956 President Mrs Harry Coulter, lst Vice President Mrs Stanley Bateman, 2nd Vice President Mrs Mitchell Hannie, Secty-treas. Mrs W.J. Woods. At one of our meetings this year we had a visit from Mrs Violet Elliott, District President who gave a travelogue exemplified by slides of a recent trip. At another meeting Miss Faye Irwin, Home Economist, Gave a talk on h.H. work. 1956 â€" 1957 President Mrs Stanley Batemsn, lst Vice President Mrs Mitchell Rannie, 2nd Vice President Mrs Thomas Keilty, Secty-treas. Mrs W.J. Woods. At a meeting held in May we had Dr Hunt as a guest speaker. He spoke on "Signs, Symptoms and Diagnosis of Cancer" 1957 - 1958 President Mrs Stanley Batemsn, lst Vice President Mrs Mitchell Rennie, 2nd Vice President Mrs Thomas Keilty, Secty-treae Mrs W.J. Woods. At our July meeting Mr Nelson, Inspector of Public Schools gave an address on education, outlining problems, lack of interest, lack of resources, grouping of children, problems of the home and criticisms of teachers. 1958 - 1959 President Mrs Mitchell Rennie, lst Vice President Mrs Thomas Keilty, 2nd Vice Presedent Mrs Burton Coglter, Secty-trees. Mrs W.J. Woods. Mrs sauve,Home Economist, came to one of our meetings and Spoke "Fashion centre returns to normal". The A. H. girls demonstrated on dresses they made having completed their project "Cottons may be Smart"