w T‘ï¬â€˜ii'Elsl-TB’LUVECI‘, 1* 1973 here, Tith it come~ eliM of security; t11e knowled e that again 3': 3 its, frowina and ha a v seasOn -s new behind us; deep freezerr5 are .1, vegetables and pickel re stored in the basement; fhe cows rest LarLs, co tent‘u chewing their cuds, and over r11ead is stored their tons A 't a‘ . n1 vâ€"w '1‘ a n_ ' “ "5’ “S1uufle l eke out and sees (Le lea ‘es being 11 urried of11the trees and scattered across L“6 :rIk , pushed oy the Wind; aii as the wind wh Lstles around the corner of the house, a warmth, security, love and knowledge that God is in his Heaven above and all is OVGI’ DIS 3 is a day set aside, to remind us that our secure feeling is a feeling ,n hour“: with a very high price tag. e vrhos e lives were taken on the Battle fields and in Action on this day, we remember tlwo e :3 protect and ensure our safety. So often we forwet hovevei those me11 who were able to :‘eturn home, scarred for life, p hysic.allya and mentally, the tortures they endured returnin to civilicm life, the patience to lear:1 th is awkward 5min~ of a wooden leg, the incessant "epeatinr of pickinq up o;jects with mechanical hands replacing the manzled hands beyond efaira The mental arony in tryinq to close doors or memories of cruelty, put upon men r prison camps, starvation, work, hi the slow passin: of time, as they waited for the reat day of liheration. 'r trust in God must have been tried, indeed, no douht many times theyu ~ s a row aroat the? d "GOD 0? LOVE" such a thing a and children at home. Toâ€" day we still know of the to an empty house, 1~ecause T+ was no fun for Mothers, Wive s when little ch 1ildren come home from sch1oo , affects created, their “0 her Was workihc at sore ammunition plant, an:l without supervision of Mother for 'hose few hours., and from a Dad, as he battle d for freed uow, children felt insecure, leading to uns a_vory ways of iving. Certainly such was far from the case in all homes, especially where there was constant faith in God, th eir home wa_s a happy home, ide r all these things, our own li fe, eir family life our community life, .7 in the Dominion of Caiiada, and eren further afield, let us remind we form the mass s of the world, and if you and I are God fearine pGoFle, 'f we are not guil1ty of "Stirrinc up trouble" hLit h.ave only pleasantness in i “rrnoundiri us, it may he a thread picked. up here and there and th.e continuation of this :uali t" may he"in a chain of :appiness, which will Wanish u1n“est, that we may never who wave us freedom, Let us n w begin tt“ arguments and arievences and oeain creatins .Y 1 W 3 >1 C) 'O 4.0 U) our responsahiii ourselves that as ‘r’1v1ouals need a â€'hem embrance Da y" to pay tribute to those setting and feigiving our pe " mks. 3:31.}: ‘ n 3k CL for "ain of golden L 7 FA. hens our chain will he a small one, yes, but with F1ith, and Devotion and Love Per Ln our 5 arts, it can grow and grow and grow. How nice it w uld he, if peace was spread far and wide, throua ah this earth, that iod fave us†"les , it can be done, but only with Fa:Lth in God 'nememjrqnce Day"; We thank those who save us freedom. UhVLord, May they have frv-wâ€"w-wwn ~r Trig-H Hub HALO l o By: Kathy‘ihstin Typed By: Gladys Simpson