IQ on 7-!» 77/ pl] .ZuxfliyZUJ 7h;t is Citizenship? tfljflk the best answer is found in the Bible, "Love thy neighbour as thyself", ?irst of all mood citizens need to be Christians in word ard deed, good acting f‘ni ocnsientious people, heinq very concerned in helping others. For in helping others one Lielps oneself. They should also he interested in what is happening in other lands, in moral “ffairs, social problems and puhlic affairs. A good citizen will not shirk his responsibilities ’tti if he helives a thing to he riï¬ht, he will tight For that thing and not just follow the crowd. There are so Few people these days who dare to he different. It seems everyone has a ‘icrror o? stic:1nc their neck out and heinq counted. when we are memhers of a church, we should he very careful what we say or do, for the VCEIf r reneration are watchinf us. There has heen so much hypocrisy in the past, that I Feel is L olis is why some of the youn: people are sick of the church and are 20in? hippv. How ma v really honest people are there to-daV?. You find it in all walks of life. Tf anyone thin s they can set ewav with anythini, they think they are clever to be ahle to do it. and Whatever they can cheat the wovernment out of, that is just fine With th.n, hut it is so n k silly, For those very people have to help pav for this. It is our own faults that thinzs cost so much, for we do not use common sense. The more we as? for, the more it will cost us in the lone run. If we were not so â€needy, this world would be a hetter place in which to live. Yew Citizens have been cominz to Canada from other Countries and What those Citizens are“ edends on the way they are used hy us. Many rememher the horrors of the concentration camps are so clad to he ahle to come to our Country, Where they need never he afraid and can e a wood livine For themselves. Watucally the initiative in makinq friends must come From ‘ as who have lived it the Country the longer, the Native hornl The children ehsorhed into ,h life of their schools have less difficulty. It is the parents who are lonely. They look ipcn our land as a land of opportunity and their knowledqe of our history and Government 'bu7o put many of us to shame. out they need people to talk with, to drink tea with and share Yokes with, someone to explain the small differences in manners and customs from those of their irthland, and above all, friends who appreciate and want the friendship they have to give. if those who seek Citizenship and a chance to work in peace and decency, we have a right to ask, and iemand loyalty to the principals and traditions upon which our Government is based, %;t have we a right to ask them to forget all that has made them what they are, and begin aeain? Is this Democracy or Patriotism? Can men and women forget the land of their Fathers? ï¬nd if they can, if their loyalty to the past is so weak a thing, will they make 2001 Citizens of the future, or will their love and duty be equally frail? Perhaps the loneliest among our new Canadians are those who nave the most to offer, whose need is not for basic English, but for 2 friend. May these new Citizens find friends in Canada among their neighbours, or members of oar “omens Institute, Good Citizens should not have the feelinq that these people are somewhat like ï¬surperr. Some people I have heard say "Why do they come here anyway." They are hlamed sometimes for taking jobs away from the Canadian people. I do not think that is so, for they are mostly hard working people and I am sorry to say that there are a certain class of Canadiansï¬ who would rather take their unemployment checue than work anyway and if they were as enerdetic as these new Caraciens, it seems to m e they would find somethind to do. . ter all our Forefathers were one time Immigrants to this land too, so who are we to refuse those people the Privileze of living in Canada. Each year a certain number of New Canadiars are given their papers and as their 1n",s are called, they are presented with a Bible from the British and toreiqn bible SOCiety. DOWN, ALWAYS DOWN I used tu"hink that God's gifts were on Shelves one above the other; and that the taller we grew in“ Christian character the easier we could reach them. I find in: that God's gifts are on shelves one beneath the other; and that it is not a question of growing taller, but of stooping quged Ewr‘ Gl lower, and that we have to go down, always down, to get God's best gifts. 1P ’9‘! -/¢7y_