copper tea services. The cen- .Bay of Quinte members and interest and brought back many Bay or Quinte WI â€"3 â€mmâ€; Had Outstanding Year The Bay of Quinte Women's Institute had an active year during 1972 and early 1973. They raised enough money to purâ€" chase Johnstown United Church to use as a meeting hall and are in the process of renovating it. The members enjoyed two bus trips. one to the Collingwood Pottery. and in April a trip was taken to the Science Centre. Toronto. The members held a suc- cessful fall bazaar and on May 30 a Spring tea and bazaar is to be held. In May of 1973 an Achievement Day will be held at the Quinte Secondary School. Belleville. The members have as their foremost project the training of two 4-H Clubs and two of the girls. Tracey Mann and Elizabeth Dunn. won first prize at the Rotary Science Fair held in Belleville in April. . The aim of the Women's In- stitute is to improve conditions in the community by teaching and by example. They work with many young people in the community and teach homemaking. sewing and help where they are needed. Many of the members do volunteer work in the com- munity and in the area. assist the needy. the sick and shutâ€"ins. Each Christmas the members make and donate baskets to the elderly and shut-ins and donate to the Retarded School at Belleville. They are active in canvassing for various funds and assistingat the hospital. The annual meeting and election of officers was held in April with Mrs. A. Darlow elected president. The honorary president is Mrs. P. Jordan. vice-presidents, Mrs. F. Hamilton and Mrs. G. Loxley, secretary â€" treasurer. Mrs. R. Stickle, district director, Mrs. P. Jordan and alternate Mrs. A. Ketcheson, public relations, Mrs. K. Mann. curator. Mrs. L. Mastin. flower co'nvenor. Mrs. H. Dickens and Mrs. Sjostrom. pianist, Mrs. H. Dickens. Convenors of standing com- mittees. family and consumer affairs. Mrs. F. Hamilton, citiZenship and world affairs. Mrs. F. Eaves, agriculture and Candian Industries. Mrs. P. Jordan, education and cultural activities. Mrs. A. Ketcheson, resolutions. Mrs. G. Loxley. Bay orï¬uime WI Pennies for Friendship. Mrs. Ketcheson. nominating com~ mittee. Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. H. Dickens and Mrs. F. Hamilton. home and country. Mrs. C. Curtis and auditors, Mrs. E. Curtis and Mrs. M. Sjostromw 1W1 Workshéffi 1‘ 'At Stirling ..q...=r>u.«-«..w â€" and interested WI members 3. an all day work day work shop, ‘: having a box lunch at noon 7, the Stirling Institute served tea , and coffee. hold their color for year come. r iv t h i ,5 I: ‘9 STIRLING â€"- 80 Tweedsmuir History Curators met at Stirling , Community Hall. The Trent Valley Area Womens Institute Curators and their assistants Mrs. R. C. Walker, profincial the day, as to how a curators history book should be compiled. taking in all details from cover to cover, also the preparing of pictures for the books, so as to and curator, was the instructor for . years. Bay or Quinte WI Over Half Century Old ; The Bay of Quinte Women’s Institute was organized on Feb. 17. 1921, with Mrs. Rowe Hunt as the first president and Mrs. ,Fred‘ Gardener as the- first secretary - treasurer. The branch has three life members, Mrs. Clarence Holmes, Mrs. Casey Ketcheson, and Mrs. John Reid. During the ensuing 51 years, one member Mrs. Clarence served as provincial president. John Reid as area president and four members, held Clarence Holmes, Mrs. Ketcheson, Mrs. John Reid and Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey as district presidents. Mrs. Alva Meyers served the branch as public relations officer for a total of 12 Holmes has sto Sketch of Stoney Creek, 0nt., home of Erlnnd Lee, founding father of the W0- men’ 5 Institute which has spread across Canada and around the world since ’.Feb.. 19, 1897. Celebrates Birthday The Bay of Quinte Womens' Institute celebrated their 50th birthday with a party at Sidney Township Hall at Wallbridge on Wednesday evening August 11. The hall was appropriately decorated with royal blue and gold streamers which are the Institute colors. The tea‘ table was decorated with a hand crocheted table cloth made by Mrs. F. Sandercock and Mrs. J. Sandercock, blue candles and terpiece was a cake decorated for the occasion by an institute member Mrs. Ormond Moran. Fifty guests signed the guest book at the door plus eighteen seven 4-H girls. Mrs. Peter Jordan and Mrs. Stanley Holland welcomed the guests at the door. A display table of records, Jordan, president of the Bay of Quinte welcomed the guests. Mrs. Clifford Barber. the area president gave greetings from the area followed by Mrs. Roy Tucker, Hastings West President who also brought greetings. Mrs. John Reid, a life member read a list of presidents and secretaries from 1921 to 1971, those present came forward. Music was played by Mrs. Harold Dickens as highlightaof the past 50 years were read. Mrs. Clarence Holmes, 3 life member began by reading the main events from 1921-1940. Mrs. Ritchie Ketcheson read the highlights from 1941-50. Mrs. Ross Stickle read from 1951-60 and Mrs. Robert Campney read from 1961-1971. , The formal proceedings were closed by the singing of Hymn of social hour was held and a. delicious lunch served. At the tea table pouring tea were Mrs.‘ Frank Sandercock and Mrs. Clayton Stickle. Mrs. Will Yateman and Mrs. Ernest Curtis and Mrs. Alva Meyers and Mrs. Clayton Curtis. The 4-H girls Vicki Stickle, Barbara and Helen Ketcheson, Karen Doxtator, B‘etty Fleming, Tracy Cun- ningham, Charlotte Clever and Gayla Campney served sand- wiches and cookies to the guests. The birthday cake was cut and served followed by the guests singing Happy Birthday to the Bay of Quinte women. A door prize was donated by Mrs; Clarence Holmes and won by Mrs. Pat Tracey. Mrs. Pat. Tracey, public relations officer from Hastings West thanked the Institute for the evening. scrapbooks, pictures and old LAD Nations. ,Following this a meeting books were of great merrieries. The program was opened by Mrs. Donald Sandercock who led in the opening ode and the Mary Stewart Collect, Mrs. Peter. l In the early years the main ‘ project was the maintenance of White’s Cemetery, east of CFB " Trenton. Mrs. Mrs. Casey ,f-l ._ .â€" Ont. 1W.'I. restores place of birth STONEY CREEK, 0111.: The Erâ€" land Lee home, opened here last week, will be maintained by the Ontario Women’s Institute as the birthplace of the world-wide orga- I nization. Here, in 1897 Mr. Lee gathered 101 women together at a " South WentWorth Farmer‘s-3 Instiâ€" tute t0' hear Adelaide Hunt;- er Hoodless. Out of this came a new women’s organization and its original constitution was handwrit- ten at a dining room table in the old house. i ’ ’ The Ontario W1 has spent $40,000 on the home and the province‘s 30,000 members will be assessed 10 cents a year to build a mainte’ nance fund. One member donated $5,000 and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes in England sent 100 pounds sterling. ' ‘ï¬w wan/ugly X éfl- 7J7m v . toward furnishing a room at Trenton Memorial Hospital. Almost every year a delegate from Bay of Quinte branch has attended the Officers Con- ference in Guelph. Over the years they have, always remembered the less fortunate. the ill and the bereaved. Members celebrated their 50th~anniversary in‘ August 1971 at Sidney Town» ship Hall and all former members and all branches in Hastings West District were invited. The highlights of the past year included: a spring tea and sale in May 1971 at Glen Miller Hall exhibit (antique items used for setting of a dinner table) won 3rd prize at Quinte Exhibition; through the Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Robert, Campney, they met Mrs. Vida Blackburn from Onchan Jubilee branch on the Isle of 1 Man. Mrs. Blackburn acâ€" ‘ companied the group on a bus trip to Kingston in October , 1971. Since her visit, The Bay of Quinte WI has a friendship link, with the Onchan Jubilee branch. i.e. one member from this branch corresponds with a member from Onchan and reports at the meetings. They attended as a group the Quinte ‘ Arts Council presentation The Servant of Two Masters at Centennial High School Belleville. They assembled a float commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of Women‘s Institutes and enâ€" tered it in Trenton‘s Santa Claus Parade. They rented a hall for the Christmas party, invited husbands for a pot luck supper and euchre party. The Bay of Quinte WI has spon- sored a 4H girls club for the past few years. Two leaders from the WI attend a twoâ€"day training school and then teach the project toithc young girls of - the area. ' Two of the members, Mrs. I Peter Jordan. president and! Mrs. Robert Campney, PRO. ’ attended the 75th anniversary luncheon at the Royal York,‘ Hotel in Toronto on Feburary . 12, 1972. Officers: president - Mrs. P. Jordan, honorary past ‘president - Mrs. A. Ketcheson, . first viceâ€"president ~ Mrs. D. i Sandercock, second vice- l president â€" Mrs. A. Darlow, . secretary-treasurer - Mrs. S. Holland, district director ~ Mrs. A. Ketcheson, alternate ! district director - Mrs. R. Stickle, public relations officer - Mrs. R. Campney, curator â€" ' Mrs. C. Jeffrey, flower con- venors « Mrs. C. Curtis and Mrs. E. Curtis, pianist - Mrs. t R. McCormack, and assistant I pianist - Mrs. H. Dickens. Euchre Party /?')§’ The Bay of Quinte Women’s W â€"â€"â€"- Institute euchre party was held ‘ a Z48 on Thursday night at the hall with six tables in play. The men's high went to Everett Harry and low, Vicki Stickle. The women’s high went to Mrs. G. 'Loxley and low, Mrs. P. Jordan. , The lucky cup draw went to, Fred St. Hilaire and floatingI lone hand prize was won by Mrs. P. Jordan. flngtg â€WE/I MS -â€"-â€"