~â€"/§’7.1-â€" 1'71""1" ‘7 ' r. .\.‘1 O "‘ qr} "’NT‘T' T1? inn laid; J QEJliu ' Wlii hulTN' WW 1 , 'I 0 1" T ' ‘ ‘ n «. - ° 0 3: JQt J53413, 1971, a two day Course was held in :oxboro dnited Churca, With a, enthusiastic. ~“F. .rs, idlired Cilligan, Specialist, in clothing for the home Economics Branch, Toronto. l?‘7“;1 the Course. She was able to tell us of many ways and tricks when sewing with knits ... .s , forget many f the methods you have learned over the years of sewing. as many .zor*ts aonly and are unnecessary when using Knits. Knitted fabrics reflect the pace of the ‘â€â€œâ€œ7i ‘n which we live. They are wrinkle resistant so are excellent travellers and recuire ttle care. lhey are comfortable to wear as they stretch with body movements and are suit°hle ~ : an" type of clotting as they are available in a wide variety f fibres, weinhtS. 1 iterrs. colours anx textures. 0“ Will find notions especially made for knits. Ball Point pens and sewing machine needles, fer.eXample. From time 4'0 time, there will be a knit sold which cannot be sewn with an :rtinary needle but no problem with a ball point. Special thread is a must,stretch lace hem findings, unnecessary but pretty. 0 Tailors her, which we were taught, works very well, it is “rvisitl from both sides of the material and the thread does’nt snag your nylons, as it is hidden. Tï¬dmg sewers will fird knitted fabrics are a real boon, as they are generally simple and easy to tse and when you develop the knacks of sewing with knits, you can save time and have a better garment.Kni+ted fabrics are constructed faster and often less expensively than woven fabrics. knits are formed by one or more yarns in a series of interlocking loops, so are more stretchy ~ard resists creasing. Reports are that knits are going to be better and more plentiful in the future. When choosing your pattern, buy closest to your body measurements. If you are between 2 sizes, choose the smaller size, when the fabric is a knit. Since knits stretch more crosswise than lengthwise, avoid a pattern with seams in these directions, eg. yolks, raglan sleeves, bias and circular skirt seams. Choose a knitted fabric which is suitable for the style of the garment, such as jerseys, for a soft flowing designs. Before buying a fabric, check the grain, and if off more than 1 inch do not buy. Some finishes are permanent and cannot be straightened. when buying cotton knit, or inexpensive man made knit, allow one-eightb yard extra for shrinkage. Fan Made Fibres D‘l WOT Shrink, but mav have been stretched during manufacturing and when washed, will return to their proper size. Linings and underlining are c tional with knitted garments and are often better not used as tnev eliminate the b 9 . elasticity and drapability of the garment. When making the garment, complicated adjustments can be avoided, by buying the correct pattern type. Before laying the pattern on make sure the centre fold of the fabric can be removed, by pressing. Do not allow knitted fabrics to hang over the edge of the cutting surface, as they stretch and if pattern calls for bias binding, cut a piece from the crosswise grain. Use very sharp shears when cutting and to prevent stretching, always keep pattern pieces pinned to garment pieces, until ready to sew. A new sewing machine needle is best, # it for Med. to heavy knits, # ll for lightweights. Polyester or cotton and polyester thread is best. Use a short stitch 12 ~ 15 stitches per inch, or a zig zag stitch of the same length. fl slightly loose but balanced tension and a fairly light pressure on the pressure foot. hten assembling the garment, remove the pattern from each garment piece, as you are ready to work on it. Since knits stretch, always put a row of stay~stitching on the curved seams, eg. necklines. nnitted fabrics do not ravel, therefore do not require seem finishes. To prevent curling on light weight knits stitch one nuarter inches from out edge. decklines may be finished by (l) Facings, out on the same grain as the neckline of the garment. (2) dollars, To prevent the edge of the undercollar from turning out, the undercollar should be slightly smaller than the top collar. {3) Bindings and self bindings are quick and easy. it) Neckbands of self fabrics are ideal for very stretchy knitted fabrics. â€rmnoles are finished with a fitted facing, a binding or a sleeve. before cutting the sleeve for a knitted garment, measure around the sleeve and armhole. If sleeve is more than 1 inch larger than the armhole, make a number of diagonal slashes evenly raced around sleeve cap pattern. Overlap the pattern at each slash to make the sleeve measure BBC 4 not more tLan 1 inch larger tnan the armhole and sew in. Lipper ~ Use a light weight nylon or polyester. ’ens - 5 knitted garment should here 94 hours before making the hem and a tail rs hem is the l -~/ ~ m: :xcst satisfaCtory method for hemming knits. ' Summary day was held on Jan. lath at Stirling, With 75 women in attendance and a Fashion w . ?arade was resented by each W.I. T 0 members of each Institute were to attend. J A. B":â€" Jessica dampenev Tvped my?†Gladys Simpson @%W 1% ~â€" 77ml.) . ï¬VJ-‘éll/ gm/JZ/yé»