725% 632241445 éWflWZ/flw CZY‘f-I ‘ " ‘ ° ~- Grsc was s ung and we all wezt down to oar Luncheon, during lunch, Greetin1s were ‘Sheuflflt from Farm Safety Co ncil, by Mrs. Allan McDonnell. “t 1.15 we hai ssemoly singing Branches- b1J of “uinte 1 Audrey told of harder School Chatterton - River Valley - The Trent diver- By: Mrs. Jack Bush Stirling ~ Flour Mill By: Mrs. Clifford Clancy unionu1lc ~ Birdale School By: Mrs. Harry Bliicker stllh ridge ~ The Post Of1ice BV; Mrs. Ellen Spencer Sidney south 1 â€n Old home By;J Mrs. Roy Nobes Pine Grove ~ Somerset Pond now Called Oak Hill Lake By; Mrs. Harold Dettor. {sport of Home Economist w Miss Mary Oliver. 11cncr1°7 Service for all who had passed away in the past year â€" Mrs. Roy Tucker. 7ernies icr friendship Ceremony ~ Collected $ 90.43. :‘e‘t SpeaLer~ Hrs. M. ardy, who lives west of London. Mrs. Pardy said that Instit11tes could ‘e proud of their pas . The orisr ization that puts up their feet to rest does not 1cconplish ‘ruch. â€e have the chcn.ce to ma Le this orqcnizatior s zreet thing. The making of a mood home rsirina Children, there is rothinq more Lrnor+"1t Out of the snallheM1nn1np started by â€delaide Loodles, hes core tie mrny difSerent .- C SSH zations of the Institute that . we hzve to day. Dhjectives oi the Inst t“te is Lnowleds e A» for +.e home. She said edidn’t know of anyo other orseri zat1on that would tcxe the tire to + 2 1 '.cn people, the diCSerert thinds that the W.I. does. It makes one set up on their feet and t to t lLing to people so that each Branch can get new Members. Divo1ce and Lhortion e discussed in orr reetinfls. we should also learn. to maLe Forei1n Food, as it will close; to those coming in from other lands. e should send .or a lot of A.C.N.W. s 17 5. Someone will ask u whet our ¢.I. does anyway and Je can hand them ore of these ard it tells them all about it. 13idney South entertained by having 5 Ladies and 2 Little Girls come out in old time costume zedc From 1867 patterns â€" A Pioneer lady, one in Evening Dress, one of High Style dress, in Purple, a Typical Street Dress and an Afternoon Dress. These were very nice. reetiris from Area P .R.O. - Hrs Molallen who said she was so appreciative of the “redramnes that have heen g iven her, for it has helped her so much. She hopes we will all keep n With our pennies as it does so much to help. wl1ch+s cf District Tweedsmuir Crrator - Mrs 10y E3ush., who rea.d some verses on the wee dsmuir Histories. :She did not have much time to talk so made 1t 31 lort. ï¬ominatinz Com. neportu By° Mrs. Morley Ayrhert. ,nlection h Installation of OFficers - Bv' Mrs. Rex Rollins Hell Call 1 Mrs. Vernon Harry IrVitaticr For 196? by Mrs. Edison Sine, to he held at Uniondale. ‘7nting or Teso‘utions - There were none xeporf c? Courte.v Convener - Hrs. Everett Phillips .ch1 Saï¬": The ‘Wieen By‘ Mrs. Alva Me_rers Typed By: Gladys Simpson / WVW t X; 2.74% r/Q7‘“