Winona Tweedsmuir History, Volume 4 1972-1980
- Publication
- Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), [1972]-[1980]
- Creator
- Winona Women's Institute, Creator
- Media Type
- Text
- Item Type
- Scrapbooks
- Description
- - History of Winona WI
- Several short poems/verses
- Article on the Lewis house, Stoney Creek
- Articles on opening of the Erland Lee Museum, 1972
- Death notice of Mrs. Carscallen (WI member)
- Typewritten article, “Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario: Background History of the Lee Family and Home”
- Article, “Mr. and Mrs. Erland Lee Honoured, Historical Plaque at Lee Homestead Dedicated”
- Erland Lee Homestead serviette
- Article about the 69th Wentworth South district annual, 1973
- 70th anniversary Wentworth South District Annual programme
- Congratulations from ACWW on 75th anniversary of WI, 1972
- Program for 75th anniversary luncheon, FWIO, 1972
- Various articles about 75th anniversary of WI
- Death notice of Brigadier Armand Smith, 1972
- Death notice of Florence B. Nash
- Mr. and Mrs. Alvie I. Fletcher celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary
- Death notice of Mrs. Neil Hopkins
- Notice of Winona Horticultural Society Spring Flower Show
- Evelyn Franks retires from teaching
- Articles about “Salute to Saltfleet”
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital opens, 1972
- Photos of Winona Peach Festival, 1972
- News of local Girl Guides
- Charter members at Winona Women’s Auxiliary Tea
- Donald Bridgman wins the Outstanding Young Canadian award presented by the Jaycees
- Article, “Doug holds the keys to success on the farm”
- Article, “E.D. Smith rep on Calorie Control Council”
- Article, “Backyard gas wells help farmers in energy crisis”
- Article, “Winona now has own branch of cancer society”
- 50th wedding anniversary of Gwen and Russell Atkinson
- Article, “Where do all the roses come from?” 1972
- Articles about Jennie Morden
- Article, “Making children happy is Belia Van Essen’s goal”
- Article, “Winona Gospel has long history”
- Article, “Stoney Creek Boy Scouts are calling the Tunes”
- Article, “Once a Methodist church, Fifty United still going strong”
- Program, “St. John’s Ninetieth Anniversary, 1890-1980”
- Article, “Trees for Canada draws crowd”
- Article, “Get into the splash of things at 50 Point Conservation area”
- Article, “District Women’s Institute re-elects Mrs. Yachetti president,” 1981
- Wentworth South WI 69th district annual, 1973
- Photo of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II greeting charter members of the first Women’s Institute, Mrs. Gliddon, Mrs. Budge, Mrs Morden, Mrs. Van Wagner, 1959
- ACWW Stamp
- Article on Christina Smith
- Article, “Winona WI Wins Rug Competition”
- Howard Barnard retires as Postmaster
- Articles and memorabilia related to Winona WI 60th Anniversary, 1965
- Articles related to Winona WI 50th anniversary, 1955
- Articles about Bell Telephone Company in Winona, Stoney Creek, and Binbrook
- Article, “Winona Fire Hall Ready for Action by Mid-May”
- New Branch of Winona Library opens
- Articles about Winona School
- Lochside Beach Road washes out into Lake Ontario
- Articles about E.D. Smith death and purchase of E.D. Smith home by Farnciscan Order
- Winona gateposts unveiled, 1967
- Program of fruit-related Winona Festivals: Blossom Festival, Strawberry Festival, Town Centennial Festival, and Festival of Fruit
- Miss Gertrude Smith turns 100
- Armand Smith passes away
- Letter from Armand Smith to Winona WI, 1967
- 50th wedding anniversaries of: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry, Mr. and Mrs. John Budge, Mr. and Mrs. George Futter, Mr. and Mrs. Cudney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hand
- Various clippings related to Winona WI meetings and elections, 1940s
- New Legion Hall, Winona branch, War memorial
- 60th Birthday Calendar for Winona WI, 1965
- 50th Birthday Calendar for Winona WI, 1955
- Stoney Creek points of interest article
- Program, The Winona School Soldiers’ Memorial unveiling ceremony, November 11, 1921
- Souvenir Programme, Winona Coronation Day Celebration, 1953 - Dates
- [1972]-[1980]
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- 2006.001.001
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.20011 Longitude: -79.64962
- Creative Commons licence
[more details]
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Copyright Holder
- Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario (FWIO)
- Location of Original
- Erland Lee (Museum) Home
- Terms of Use
- For commercial use, please contact copyright holder for permission and details
- Reproduction Notes
- Contact the holder of the original. If the book is in a member's home, please contact the copyright holder.
- Contact
- Federated Women's Institutes of
552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6