HAMETONE CAN ar Pe' ~ Wt 7h) '_ a _ » yafisis in, the early _ known as Winona. "Ids Show that On Efis'iiéil'iifi'segi fix, owned on December , .5, 1851 an '- 'fiy'ifheflame «iva WWW" on 59m Ll 1863' fonomhggszedemfionv . u . of the Provmce of ' Ontario. .f " .fi j" 'V V I soimn'aum 'The main industry-- believe it is the only-industry--tha the distriet has ever known is th 'firm of E." D._ smim 211d Sons Limited, founded in? I382" by th late SenatarAE, D. Smith, e~~pionee in the fruit-growing and rmarketmg land the ' ogiginator of the pure , V r _ 7 7 fruitc iam 'éIfd jellytm'aking industry ' - ' r '. u ' - ~ ,_ . . a , ., ;, in anada. ' madam makepo'rerfrmtjams god Jelhe's,'the E. D. Smith and Sons, Lomied factory, on It wasjaway back.;in 1377 ' that in the Win0na'area. With ZOGVemployeesfiheyear round,;antl a greatly Increasedtnumbcr E. D. Smith started fruit grossing u'al pay-loll of 'appgo, 'a'telerOOflQO, andgsh'ips'its products across rthe Daminion. ~1m+1 m & smalldwafy; tgeg hie: stgrtgd a the, last'fi'ze,yeamhaseamuntei smoc- x ' 1- * » I ~ s; 11302 $32318 started the {pore jam and jellyfmab 'ingd busiiiess. Still latenr green Ehouses were added and' the growing ,Qf roses was started. The firm" fine time had 31131-5er 'farins» Spread V'over a wide :area! but this endaof thebusiness has now been dropped and business is confined to the factory pend 'io greenhouses "for roses and-tomatoes. » ' Two hundred , employeesy, most 8f whom- are Winona residents, are employed atr'th'e Smith giant 'fhrou'g'heot the yeahfm'fthe sunk Vmer months, {the number, of washers greatly'iocmas'ed. For many 'of the workers, it {he only-place they ever'oworked and lengthy employment} is *a' feature» The animal; paymfllg 'is approxi- mately $400,009, a long stretch from the " original: 1313;13ij Ilia: en}: played only a haggifm of mean: ifiodpcts which 'glie ~firm n )5 makes j from Winona-grown "Emits and Vegetables and ships all acres Canaéa V' include ,jams, iellies, marmalade, catsup, chili sauce maraschino cherries; ,grape juice glace, cherries, fruits god» peels." The: third genetation ' of the V family Llewellyn and Alastair Smith at 1193371}: actively engaged ' in the V a eme'ni of the business. V Vyears;.S, A. ,Jooes,_727wyears,raocl 1:1. Butler,_28 years. fagther' Brigadier Amway A; Smith ' ' ' , ' " ' ' ' ' ' 50:1 dfythe fanaticais company presi dent; , v u . ' Two of the oldest residents 0 Winona are Egbert-M. Smith, $1 and John Budgegsl. 'Both & lived in the 76' iris: '11 heir l' gram/nun the farm and were burned in a kiln gundretl feet away from landmark, said to be oldest in Winona area, E Gordon Carpenter. 4 part of this fine old bnilt in 1785 by Hiram , M _ _ 3m alga; (53%;?! , THE DAILY-MAIL--Howard Bamard, postmaster at Winona , - _ . e _ . , , _ , m; Work is put {umber for the last 23 years, 18 seen at one of the mckets of Wmona's 113259130]??? £955; in 5 new pest office as he handed Don MoCollum, district fruit grower, his mail. _ 3mm row 44-- ,Woddfdrd, «27; years; Mrs. ISabell'McConnel, 39 gems; Alisa hymen 2633133531? _ ' ,V 31' years; ' etxiol»: ' 30 years" "Miss Nora 'Langdon, 2:; years. r Back row--ji- J. P. Davies, 38' years Harm-lam 35ayeaxs'; John w 113m; 73/5 years; Elbert S's/Vicki andl'is one'of very few remainingin posse» ' s » - '1" w » .L f .111; Ire descendants of the buxlders'of :c'en'tor n 'l 'r b' '1 'b ' ~ There were only seven subscnbers, r V a » ,V r V - _ 3' 350a t "r33 1311' Y L8H LLMS. {legal-d, "and VI' we" remember "16% H ogrgndfetller of the'present owner, _1n"1843~45, at a total cost, according to an old account first 1mg distame ea" 1 "a .ha'yw book listing; every flew, of $3,598.45. The carpentry work was done by a master carpenter £211 jigglfad 15f 'ianggatgmngrhlqugj Exfow'o'ogohglper whcl: recezgedhtotalpay of 280 pounds (Halifax currency) and» board for H ' , l ' emf; avs'wor'cmte o ; ' ' ' - {son the message was for bad no r J user In 1113 blH of costs, the owner allowed hmzself 200 , fl ' ' a» teiephone and I had to hitch up m5 : expounds for my own time and workyoverseemg, etc. horse-and drive a few miles tug , I _ ' I deliveifi ihfi message-e" L'was colarged and a school was much of the area waslcovered with!2 V L , ' CMr. Budge also tells of being later conducted in it by the 353525 heavy bush and timber, this havingiYeggmen Ge: the first, householder on Station ' Inglehart., . _ _. V givenf'way 'to fruit orchards anaé Gating": Que" MET" 24- (C?) " ~Romi't0fget electric light in his J-"The Fifty, U135th Church, originai_ vineyards. Therejare many recordsfsafficrmkers made Galina!" munic' house--in 1913' Despite his ad- 1? a Wesleyan Methodist, W33 es- showing that shipments by boatiipality $400 poorer in an overnight Tsancediage, hells actively engaged tabfished at Winona some 332* yearsiffom Winona docks were, at onei"§0 " on the safe in the municipal ingthe'insmnce Easiness which be age; at '37 time When, it is dafmedqnme, substantial. ' building, Quebec provincial police stérteliVseveral years ago. A}! 311mm wash!) Methodist Church, ml Winona's ,population increasesrrfipori- I active member of the Masonic .rfigmflmn'; V' Thapmsent building was! consxderalzly m the summer months} 3 » f '_ V - - r Orderyhe' islthe prom} owner 0f exeCtEé in 1866--69, subscriptions'mapy "Smell" 0f Hamilton 333Ving: ,WOLD RESIDENT --- John Budge, ' a '50syear medal received from fromglgurch members ranging allisummer 1105'" along thfi lake Sham."l V 81, has lived in the Winona area V'chivyorth Luége. " ' Eithewa'j' from. $476.86 down to: _ V 'si'nce'fie' Was-"13mm 01¢ NOW , Egbero'Sm'im spam--most of hisf$5£Gf¢An "agreement between Isaacf Next week's feature will tell about an guise insurance" agent, he at Wcrkgfig years in they fruit industry Bm'kholder, 'appointed sexton initfig Town of Dumas " one time "mad 3' metal, 539:3" A cousin of the late Senator E. 369,; and "LP-Vi _L¢WiS, Jamesr- . atCWinona, was'the first telephone 7 Smith; he started in the business? w'is', Henry R. Wilson and. ,operatprthere and the firstman on- in: 13377513181. expgfimc--mfing with' 11:: ' Pottit, represent VV the church,§ $tationRoad to'haVeVeleetriclights an varieties of fruits and rgmpwgovided that Burkholder be paid? m his home. , = , Hé'recalls the stage-coach days and V0- per year as caretaker ----§ ' ' ' .to furnish his own broom andfi, caning materials [and to keep thei its closed, alloWing no cattle, hogs \ , \heep'J/inside the churchyard, Be A «$13010 usher r people, particular-- ' 3 sttgngers, to seats in the cbpltthE ,, slouch" agreed to furnish him? ' ' wood in' 'cordwood lengthy-incl cul'it into stove-wood lengths. " In; addition to (the United orchyrwmoné has St. John's ' i 'Cimrch, 3 Gospel Tabo e, and-1'; Dutch congrega- "which' meets in the Legion _ 'Thcsezuf the Roman cath- , worship at St. Francis ' Climb, a few' miles up ghivéy a; Falkland. life early days 1 of settlementr 1 l E i T {he old toll gates on what is now , l I ' ' i' - N0.,_8 Highway." v I ', : REV; PEPE ' The building boom expertenced , 7 l- , V0,. . d or 7 7C (LW ,V fli _ ff yr" - ~ ' ' :,~ ' closer to Hamilton baa/rqu 2:: H " y- IV ' r7 v 'po t'eiic'e : 3; name memo, one a: est, ,e'posf 0 lee 'r . . r r , .,much'effect at Winona. 31e4so ,enedgm'Decemhefé, 1'851y Theneme wa ' 3:11, "god ioWinona on April 1,1868, The V ~ new homes have Esme 11? 3: refit e n w oceupiaS'its form}; site; twiCe on Si lion Road agdg'for'almest 530 years, thebzick ' " r years; the numbers not gr a. ' - g AS r o 669 Main St. East , EYES EXAMENEB 43-7462 200 - 5.302Wed. 9 - 22.30 Toes. 8: Fri. Eve. 7 - 8.30 »- Sele osmste}: How dVB'zmard; ofifi , r . h V Ir a >' i - -- - r' - ' - - *- , area alon No. 8 H1 hway from E 6 ~ "QNQ? Vmghway from'wilnch, 1t*VWaTS E. D. Strgxith [plant fastward tor the ' r V ' ' ' Lewis ,sidemad is now serviced by Iroodon, Ont" Moreh -171', (CF) . _ at" am I fr the, S 1th Pk'mt a Bandingle 730 to "churches on hm this, so far: is the only seetxon ,'Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec is with water mains. . contemplated by the Fellowship of 'Olgi'homesa some Of them will}: I Indepefident, Baptist Churches of V?" fine: are a. feature of me I C1 d D 0* S I no or. 'The Laws home, seen m a _ 7 one a, r. . . oppxson,'l'oronlo, Phetograph on this Page, 13 an out. ;de here at the annual fellowship standing example. Most of ma .eoofe'rencegry r 7 ~ _ - r lumber used in this home was cut Expansion into Newfoundland is ; ' beixigy eonsidered by the fellowship, * ' DerIappison,. chairmag of the church 7 - eéifieeoommittee xeporteé. _ , Rowe'NOrmah W. Pipe, Simcoe,rwas , i I elected'jéfiis secondvierm as modem-l r r 'tol'skr. a; ' ' ' 7 ' Clappisooasked for $20,000-in 1951 for the committee's foodie, help - build'sthechurches.dThe fund was or- ganized a year ago and has $5,000, _ V _ r _ , I , r {JesaidgMoney inythe'fund is tube. ,_ , -' r' ., r, V a 7 _ a ' ' r, .r ' »- roaneditogneiv'churches until the' ANBZJCOIVIMUNITY'HML firTherhalI» Opened Vs cgngkvAilgIS-'Ig ,_1§£o:tan:, are meshed; , » ' , y ' - z w? ' ' , »_-- v ' r mm final??? m Isygenera'store, V H;- '- t ,_ ' nenafiraeéhvlio; 1,96,,Canadlan12aegmmn1949: has ms gimme foundats'ofi the fl " 5 Ch: fr , _;_ {In}? pmvided thggvetemnsmm a-vmfiefingplacerbgt-hay Saltfleet and gistrict;'§Viléiife,'Con-_ HE," r SB 7 erovidedlrmefiw one: distriétiwithi 'évelleequipied Public} -: fifi'fiééfir'fl."ffié'émiigiiiiésafiié'l'v' §W= We a 24* (A?) . _ . ,, _. .-- q. _,' Vermany, are a »'ng:P],ace which 455 use "£63113; 61/"? might fifth? V I m "huh many quna-"imen' be' - Former General 'Wemer Izming #7,, , 7, _ l. V _ ,, , , _ , longhasidoneexcellentworkglong 0C5 Ki, f, ff ,, , 5 My ' , _-, .: ; ; I: , _, N V wildlifeconseflation links. ' ' £11.? 3: °V 5m ,m'rflmer's 3'41: ,_ . . , , l V , , _ r I ~ macaw/spew appomtecl an admer 0n civxl afigtionln the West German about: "Cfiflflcfli'ASkS Race freak Opened ~», , §;:§§;d¥:::::g;fiw maize gas-4mm; a, Hartfygkayaogsbbrjn,;§iquelgaosy Uilitetivfi'and, we shofildiyfadyerft'i'serthis' egg, ' ' ' neroflIhe HamiltonLabemcoi211§ l'Sleelworkezs-of America; .yj {:l'hat' zs'vyhy" toe 'rgfiommzyifiee advlses 'c41;o.,zmaa;nurses? eyenifig 'Toev'municipa'yc'ommieee ,wmiakoz'hfit, We swarms bursary A ~ ' d 'heérd afiem'gdwmg V '$V_sup.'check '17an teej'ij'JSeipiga'raikcad'cméJ-- 'a'rigs j organization" ut'gifig 7 illeisfjn'gybythe Dom .a , 3" Afternoon Baggy Riéesg Were Still P0533133" . _. . back in the year 1908 when ELLEN- ZVVEIG'S BAKERY starteti in business. merever3 the era of the. "homeless car-- riage" had already begun'and it wasgz't very long before The Sunday Buggy Rode- Was a fond memory. . V Tops in popularity now as m those Stays are the Bread 51er Rolls that have always been baked to exact standards here. See your favourite fomf store for ELLENZWEIG PRGDUCTS; , , SREE a, r ' ROLLS 18" ' n 'on Fauna}? "Iand Gave Goermg; "Eamon y ' mfitm , Eggs? (31gb pmperty baggage} Cgmgafiytgt was 'allegeé by (Eel: Caught'Desplie Beard" ' ¥ ' "Wail over 'to 'tlie'ciéy for {comer-egates-that traffic 7211:;ch up, at'reshl Numberg, Germany: 'V Max:911 24, " 'r '7 * ' - v ' * '" hours'afthis 5911:? 13m. , ' V §£Reuters) ---- Peter Martin Blelbtreu-- mn interresxdantzal lots ' . ~, 7 - r l . , 7 " . 'i l 1* », ' , It is likely that afirrsaryof an ,un-[theV man who clamsihe gfwe Her-r: ' {mid} "'0'?" was]: 37" othe- mg'istatecl amour}: will; glue! 65213161} toémafiieraering'ihe poison With which '13 pal/'cmfimittee'ofjhewunéilwas lMcMaster 'Unlversily'rby thelHam ihe Castro? 2:! suicide--ewas arrested: %e the Situation aodmake a'repm-'tliiton' Labour Council for the *Veducafihere rep" ;*.-IZ_le*West German news, , ltd 'Ihe'couocil ét :fhe neflymfiei--g'tiofl of:asongor'daughier of alabour' gene}; yepefted.'fl3urstlay.rrl'he mg only was txvo'week's'inrzhéiezorker; r g , V '_ gene}? soul a polygamy recogmzed yea;-- n'd itheni'causes'laconsidetablel Ernest"Blair;maple> reading the sug-glhe '29-yearoold Aostrlan ,zjoumahst 7 tr 'c hemp 59d brings'little?'»if anylgestion Offllhe edueafion committeeldesplle sax bushy heard he» had grown ' » ' Eh 'merehahis:'ésaid"saidj "Labour. Viogsj'gre'vhe're-gto stay for dxsgome; Pr _ A, VA -; , Realtor : ' 7' Vlmumncer'éAuie, {~me ._ V7 #3112" so; g,