, _ th fficers and executive of Wind e. branch, No. 196,'Canadian Legion. Front row, left; to right {Harold igifil Kiri: Gordon Maycock, seoretary Brigadier 'Armand Smith, honorary preSident; Clark i Gilbey 'iiresid'ent " ur Bi ar James, McIntyr Roy Parke. .3361: ro.w,.£rfid Woodcock, Ross Harris'lreasurer; Ké hilil'flljldn'Hovver' H" 9W}: wifim'fi'eii fig'wey Easson, Edward 'Marfei, Howard Barnard and William Collin. y 1 'é'éurs. David z, Jacobs 'A ilesideni of Winona {or the last 2 years, Mrs. David Z. Jacobs died suddenly on Sunday .in' her 80th year. The former-' A barn Amelia Travis, she was om at Grassies, a daughter of.the late ' Mr. and Mrs. MosegVI'ravis',i moving to Winona. after she and her hus~ band retired from farming. They had observed the 58th anniversary of their marriage on January 16, , of this year. Mrs. Jacobs was a} member of Fifty United .Churchr and had been interested in all the women's organizations of the church and community. Surviving. besides her husband, , are two daughters, Mrs. David Thomson. OI Grimsby, and Mpg! Milan G. Krlck, of Niagara Fails, Ont; and two granddaughters: Funeral ser- vices will be held at Fifty United Church, JWinona, on. Wednesday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, with in- terment in Queen's Lawn,Ceme- {tery, Grimsby. [9 $4 7 ¥ ABCIDEACON MARKS 50TH ANNIVERSARY 0F ORDINATION--At St. John's Anglican Church, Winona, on Fri-- day morning, Venerable Archdeacon G. F. Scovil marked the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood by celebrating Holy Eucharist. Rt. Rev. L, W. B. Broughall, Lord Bishop of Niagara, pronounced absqluti'on and blessing. Ma'ny ministers of Wentworth Rural Deanery and former assoeiates of Archdeacon vficovil iaittended the service, later} having breakfast at the rectory. Archdeacon Scovil and Bishop Broughall are seemih the centre of the front town; this " 1,3"é35ifi? ifigfié'fi't'i 19;; Lfifi'i}; photograph, others in the group including Rev. J. L. Anderson, Stoney Creek; Rev. W. B. Irwin, Bartonville; Rev. J. H. fflgfléfiefflp'mfmbmmfy 25. 1947. Ferris, Arthur: Rev. K. G. Kiddell, Ham-ion; Rev. P. A. Sawyer, Thorold; Venerable Archdeacon A. C. Mackintosh, Dun- das; Rev, E. AKBrooks, Grimsby; Rev. J.'A. M. Bell, Oakviile; Rural Dean Luxton, Hamilton; Rev. E. E. Lake, Water- down; Rev, F. A. Hill, St. Catharinee; Rev. Wilfred Henderson, Hamilton: Rev. G. E. Morrow, Winona; Very Rev. R. H. Waterman, Hamilton. J/ ,v a I '1 1 ' - ,f--