1 THE VEMLTON SPECTATOR. FRIDAY woos? rilzgf I Egg new; [To SUALTIES I ' ENG ' e-V-VL1'(CP) Relatives were , , V 'L V w ~ ' ,'advisethyL the department « 1 L » ' " - ' ' L. v eg- ' r of" national defence that VVAVfi'V'thgr M??? "9130155; N ngard j fsive offiirfirs of, the Essex, . Scorte Within Week - V. V '3'??? V. '_'_ COttis' ,, egiment_of.Wixid--V ' V. ' H V ' L ' .flefioxesum b1 ,_ . . ' sorare missing and believeeg V 533mg? J 393,, 7 ' PP _ ' ' I 7 , je'd mzection."l'he,officers _ Itchgfigksn'g, Aug; 21.4313?) L_.V LL L ' V »» V Chinese troopehave recaptured the . 'h'iut"c°1;"Fre'l'«K- 'L-Ja§'. V. cit? "fif' L,Kwangfeng '_ in eastern Fawn, commanding Kiangei province. their second major '* ' 'Hamilton Producers" EATHSanw .' '* - V, UNERALS'} muse Awarded Subsidy Otiawa, Aug. 21. --- (CF) - The cadence t Vh s n " -' - Mrs. Nathan Greenwood War-time prices and trade boardVan- sumer aegis"? mo t ass-EL ual con e' funeral of Mrs. Nathan , TECH-med tO-day the Pal'ment, effec- r The sobsidy of 25 cents per 190 enWOOd, 13-; Harmony avenue, ave-September 1, 0: a Suhsidy 0f 35 pounds of milk over and above ulstanéing figure in the ira- £99743 'Per hundrefii Pfifinds to fluid minimum prices to producers will 1 life of Hamilton for many milk prqducers 11" certain urban be payable in many western On- srwho passed away yesterday Whigs .'Where the Present SUPP]? iario markets, including Hamilton the General Hospital, will he pooltlon indicates _serious shortage and mstrigt, A _ at; 3.30' o'clock on saturdayimlgh: develop durmg we fan and ' Announcing the SlibSidY. Foods "moon instead ol .2 o'clock, as Wmter months" L . r r ' Administrator 3. G- Taggart saiti Vi, mm ,anmunced, The funeral At thesang time, adaustments in milk sales for thefirsthau of 1942 be held from Truscott Broth- the retail Price- Of milk were '89" showed an increase of nearly 10 per . . H Clo Co, (5 an 02' Q Q, Wu Q"?- g V , £113 r§g1§3n%flfi V; »_ potory, in eastern Chma within a funeral home and burial will Rammed fOI'VanCOm-'el'. Halifax and 'cent. over those of. the correspond- ; 391' Q ,n, ,2 1V . S. j ' week 'a military. communique said, 'in, Woofiland cemetery. Besides Mcntrfiak v mg Pefifld in 1941,"Wh119 milk 93'0- Agth'MagoyDamfi DemeLV 'rtmd'ay' _V V V- _ V ' husband, Mrs. Greenwood In VanCOUVeI'. an increase from duction for all uses showed an in- Capt.W. L. McGregor; Kwangin Wastaken unimag- V V85 to mourn three fiaughterm 10 t0 11.9%" 3 gm" for 3'5 Per crease of 3985 than four 1161' eerit. VV'Capt'WDeVniS T' Ernesto '. Veda?" threé days after the Chinese ; 75, Arnold Hutchinson, Mrs. cint' grilflk: Fuflmmze'i 50m? fame: The amount of Vthe subsidy, it - / recaptured the waned. city? and '1" rge Dougan and Mrs. Edward aaox "'1 30 111130 effect September 1- ' was explained; will be added to the '19 r Sme Bmga» flier Churchill Mann, who is crePOI'ted. Safe "after taking ' V Part-*m;the;ltlieppe med, Hg L' cabled today that "his troops 9W Lmagnifioent." ' $21,311. of Burlington; her moth- Far Halifax £173 monueals an in" rice aid the reducer b the mil' I Mrs; Ellen Sharp, of Provi- crease september 1 9f one'haif Cent gistrilfutor. TEE: distribn'gcr will is: - ce, ILL; seven brothers, Rich- Per quart "'35 annaunced L133? the reimbursed, at the end of each ' jami Michael Sharp, in Eng- Ward 35 WESSSWY '0 comPletml 0f month, for all subsidy payments . 11; James, John, Joseph and the reorganization 0f 99111318 91'3995 upon completion of~a form approv- , moi, of Providence, and Her- 0" fluid m'u' "'lderlaken 155" .SRW'g- . ed by the commodity prices stabil- ' VV Feathers, of this city; 51}; sis. 1319 Diwali Prlcfim $13959 Cmes' 1,5 izaiion corporation limiter}, and a 5, Mrs. Jonathan Badman, Miss 1" cents a quart V . production of a certificate from the ' 1e Sharp, Mm Sarah mm and Fencurrentlyl. the bflafa fixe'i appropriate provincial milk control 5. Annie Newton, all in Eng-L minimum Vogue" firms--0'" 59" agency that the subsidy and the C1. Mm Clam Sharp and Mrs. llveredlga51sf--m all markets where required minimum Prices have hur Hart, both of Providenca, iélgcsufléy 15 Palm"? These SP5" been paid to the producer. ' ' ' o one grandson, Kenneth Hotel» , "CBS represen an average In each market, pa ment of the 'L . ' éicgease 0f about 30 Cents Per mm" subsidy will be aodigonal to and A 8 pounds- and the measure 1331'" conditional upon payment by dis- L L V ' r n are designed b ' their combined w - - - . Mrs, George Spencer Abrey e , 3 trl'outors of a Speleled mzmmum' effect to lncrease the returns of price to Dreamers, or the present 'Mgmhers 0f the Hgmllton branch fluid Milk Pmducers by 35 cents- alawful price to producerc which- ' Eng??? fempiti'fions Ogcgnéda If these measures are not suc-1 ever may be the higher" on mew raw 5% 313051?le a; Lafidzgegfi awful. the board said. "other steps basis of they appropri§te firovinéial f, - {Ear Abra}, known to 'am at: W111 have 10 be take? in areas 0f specifications for milk delivered at I n veg-em". across Candi; as sliort supply jco restrict less essen-; 91am, In, the absence of am; pm- other" Abra Mm Abra who $131 uses 0f milk and dairy products. Vincial specification, the basis to . _ 66 e f 'd. d h assure an equitabledistribution of be 3.5 per cent. butterfat for milk w . y are 0 age, 19 a 91" existing production, and give pre~ deliveredat plant. ' L ' ' LReIaLQtiV'es of members of r V. . V m 7 ,V . - V' ' V_ . ' _ seagort of 1Wenchow, which lies 9 it," ,_reglment hafi ,qmellfif within easy] bombing range of '- [ayvarteq news of casualtles Japan. V ; »_ , V some dispatches. yesterday ' V'The commons reported that ' ' V~ " ' the Japanese garrison from Kwan r ' c g ~ am, ed. word that the Scots i r m k S {as}! V We}? .1" action: The along the Kiangshan' railroad, V regiment-s reserve unit, Q18 Chinese troops were said to be » «V - VV _~ VV " 7 ' _' 30th; (Reserve) ,Reconnals- pursuingtheiapanese. r served with the signal section gauge Battalion Observed a, In'Chekiang, Chinese were report- . - ~ I» - ' . - . ed counter-attacking in the Sun - V'ronermmte Silence (hung yung: and a..ngng areas. Thge > Vite training acmmtlegz East Japanese were said Lto he firing V ' might out of respect for the the towns."pos$ilo1y in preparation errand-John, of fins city, and; Scottish who were lost. I for evacuation! _ (1,3163%. Mrs; Charles Church? '- V r V V ' V * l ----------'--------- 811 V {rs-Vi Vhoxmasv Rice. city; Mrs? but-had lived in Hamilton since he 3 ' fierfiifafigm thLGVVf fligngon, iahd was oneLyearVold. L'He attended "Hrs ex 33281? 5'. 0 V amiton. Earl Kitchenerschwl and gradual ' V .511le V V L' itth from V.VWestdele' collegiate, ' V' L L :3 V W, VV , L Shootingms'his hobbyand he was _ V V » "Pie. WilliamVA.,GrantV »: a. marksman of note, havmgpwon Killed_ik Action . ' ' V numerous trophies and miedals'. fil'ge' V . r > OntafiO'Ag'ricultural College. For a : 'While takin part7 intthe vcom-V 9mg" was}; 'm'emeer 0 than '8 V ,(¢?mmued from Page 7) .V year before goinngnVactiveV-semée m ' d' i ' "4,; j g '- ' ' - ' View 0'5 the BELL 31'" was 315°: 'ed them in good stead in the dark pm. 806 Indian road. followinga _ V . VV _ . . an 0 ml, on .Dleppe. Ptee W11 3. member of St. John. theEvan--V . » - ' a -- farmedgm Ancestor envhxs m z-VA} -- V-<L yd V tV V h -r . t h ch ' ' , and dinghy streets of Dieppe, gthy 11111985» 5118 was the wsdow . « - V . V V I 1 In 7 €5.05 V, _ 8X V ran ,; of gt e7 gem 30111: ~ ; . _' r » a " , They fought through persistently 1' George Spencer Abrey, who pre~ V MurdOCh, 0f Hamilton. and 0f the Ottawa street north, to Woodland r . » -. 13211;: amt; 3311,19 wasrk'med my Lleut.~Tmsley had be?" a. mem' in occupy Vkey VVpaintg wighm the eceased her last December. Since "33% GOYdGII'MUFdOCh- A machin- cemetery. Rev. S. H. Hill officiated L ;. .actgdn' git _WV-:revealeaim; a feign 336%! 01;}:th 913°? :0 3'3 city, And when the mission of m . inception in 1920. Mrs. Abrey lst by trafiel MT: MmdeCh "fats 801'!- and the pallbearers were: Alexander, L gram TL'reLceiVerl last» evening byliis 0" re 5°» In V uef "e Commando forces Vhadbeen attain define" a keen 13171539" in the named Wlth. Vamous mduStnes hem Thomas and 30h" Farm", PERL? g V , r V > r' V V faetgthatxthe Vcfimplement' 0? film" ed,'they fought aviolem; rear-guard , putations' association and, for before leaving 101' Detroit 26 years Suttie, Andrew McLea and James L mother, szs.,Clara Grant, l54Hatt cars wasupto: strength at the'time action " VV 7 . , 1 consecufivg years, headed a 830. He belonged t0 the interna- Hutton. ' ' street,,l'3undas.~I'tias~the notices-7V mocha departure of the imitdid _This, briefly,'isvtlie story of the Ligmup of women who served a tional Machinists' union. ' r . V ' H L > L uolly: reported in Dondasemong- not eccompenyr 1t. He Wentrvover- ELI-1.1.1. at'Dieppe. And the em. bristmas dinner to between 90 and This morning the funeral of Mrs; ' L' ,Gamhme, Agsfygamm- Eon cf, toe Vsegeral .town 1395(stth were seas m'Fehruaryr'lasfgyear; V of'Vthe .tmvn' and, memory of the 75 "Amps" at their clubhouse. Ac- This morning the funeral of: Guerino Brunacconi was held from ' 'Jqlm-»Gartyshp e" of n WISE? 511,33?- " V _» r 7 ~ Onsa'ofvthreer MYSImV F133 $131133?- courajgeons action _ which was; 've in many. philanthropic enter-- Phillp Joseph McCann was held be? 130319. 93 3383611 road. to H01? The e V : V rive. eVVGranfc had e\{1<leotlryytak-_hxs brothegppl.A.;S.Tmsley,_israt.fought mergrmuiemmazon already rises in Toronto analother places. from the funeral home at '1' East Seoulchre cemetery. Rev. Charles L' en'aabOIQ'pal't In, some of the-:com-y preeent' trammg es» an R.C.§.F- 59mm}. colours oi: the regiment. rs. Abrey had the distinction of avenue south to St. Ann's church. Mascari officiaiing at the grave. »L o;priclzlce,»_Vas,some-,ofulus'last. naysgatmn scleqol m Quebec. ,l'he V From 1855; dates the colourfu ' Bing an honorary life member of. Rev. Blake Ryan met the remains Thopallbearers were: Alberto Brun-- eVetrs re erred- ~briefly Vto lxjeav mailbox Walham' P; "Emil-mica history of the R.H.L.I. The. reg e Amputations' association. She at the church entrance and also acconl. Ricco Rossini. Gini anéti, - {men ,of wounds .138 had'recewed 10qu for active sermce. Is,a mom--amen; was organized under cm; was born in Atherley and nadlivec chanted the mass. Rt. Rev. Mgr. 'Walter Hanaka, Otalvi Rossi, and -- _ / ' méecantmoclg raids. ' - ' 7 her 015.1%. 52 squadron.- fiIrVCaClei: Vmand'ofLieuL-col. Isaac Buchan Toronto for 52 years. Three I Joseph Englert was present on the Vincean Cimadamore. Vi: t U _t a h h L I r - . , _ 5 service m the army "began corps, Westdale; V - Van in that year, the date ,of am gdaughters, all of whom are in To-- saoctuary and Rev. C. J. McColgan ~ * s; m ,e o are .. r some years Vagc With the Went- lronto, survive her. officiated at Holy Sepulchre ccme-- Yesterday afternoon the funeral L Weiiry, Andrew, 9:: Coleen. V Charles hasv been aley college 'and'the LiéuoilohnGaftskofc r 7' 31W? odedzseverely: - VAmong'VfitheV. Wounded brought back across the channel from: flaming :Die'ppe was-'VLieut. John A- e 11Menuiactur'lers' H "and ' homered ' instigation for mlitia units '1 V7 Surviving are h' L; - ' r V - ' worthVVReg'iment ianhich he WOII CM" 'EloydA Harrie L L L' Canad ' F ' ' ' ' 3 I _ ' t H: L I I ~ ,, M b, , , ' . ,7; a, V , tery. The pallbearers were: 136- of Marguerite Restwo,1nfant (fan h- , Walglmn, e r, V, a r - V V I sergeant'sstrlpes, but'attherrbegm 1:9?"de 'Waumged , r . He led the unit unfi11865,whe .2 __ ' Charms 01,8",er ward Schwartz, William Cole, Ed- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rgesa - _ g gar Daly, John Hessessey, 'Melville tivo, took place fiom the funeral 'V 11mg 9f thé'war'he 30111611 the'R'H- ' V r - v merit-Col. Booker took common , L._I. 'as a private. In August, 19%0, V Mrs' 1"" Afiflarm' 44 Locke 511.631" During the Fenian raids the regi gag}; tggatgogfiggmgf 513?:31g Banyard and William Cavanagh. chapel atrlfi Cannon street east to he went overseas with the 18an $61133, recein Word at 5 O'CIOCkV meat was in Sewige 'in Prescott}, V All S : .. . V V _ « r - M . V _ - . , ouls church. Rev. J. F. 8011- V 1111112: and was» attached to the V last mght that end Windsor aistricts. Later oil-Cheer at his home' 15 Harvey The funera} servgee for Miss Net. omi officiated at the church and in 1138 aqua: tam Company- ' V her husband regiment sent volunteers west to L reet' "web Imm'n and a mem' - r '. ~ . . - - V e Ga an f0 m .c y- Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Only during the past month, I'm- _ ' r is: u R d R1 r re] 1}. . her of Iowa lodge, AF. 8: $331., t1 1' er: 1' er]? (L 13 PYOV ' 5 vote Grant-married an En lish ' - ~ :Lanli {he Angling Club' MLChemer' ince finger nerth" was held this ' ' - ' .L V Mi: g: Presum.dflend V received 5 gilt Violet Green; King's: (€055, hadbeeo wound- mgggg駰fiaj§i§ee§g§1 fie figs I Wes corn" 1n England, coming to $2??? fgomt thetfuglegal home. 3111' Slmcoe..Cou1t _ I. A' ~ 7 .7 » I n ' \ ' memissign in "6343011" Gm" London, and his last letter spoke of , ed. Company {than Lie'ltrc'fl') S. C. Mewbumt this City .32 years ago and almost 3111 S fee was a fly street,E gimme! Aug 21__In local police ' 7 ~ Sergeant-Major in 1913 as either commanding th V ' ~ L V shore WV ended . V V, . ' - ~ ' - to Ho} Fam'l church. R 7. Fath . .1 Md'amn' Mali. Sévérily' ' » Va speclal honeymoon leave wmch fifl?'§f§§e§§g§§"§sgnhgfie£3. J. S.V1?IrcCowél}l? met the rialnains Si . court. this morning before Magi?" I Horris has been regiment and commanded it auxin " With . the RE. the early part of the war. Subse _ _' , €011€gé Wmfldvhave scarcely C9313 1'0: an bershi in the Plasterers: union the dam: and celebrated mass. H13 trate R. J. Gillen. two Sirocco r the Omar" Ag" Cultural millage: enghbefgre the gayesf rams}; V A * , Eéft JED mourn are his Wife the also officiated at the graveside. ln-- youths, Gnr. Donald McCarey and ~ 5 311135515'5511'5' 74 V3 "'1': Sho l?" "11.03. 91" 110W 12-1» 1503? the, IaSt quent comanrling officers Were former May Louise Then-@5011; torment took place in Holy Sepul- FrancisLHaLmId Eloy, appeared on a V. r years 0 ' as ' ea" ' Wing alone Year-3 anfi Lieut*C01- 3- H: Laban (fatherfi foursons Ceca Chat-19$ 'of Mount chre cemetery. charge of'assault occasioning bodily : . ' when the, rage «meat-Col. Robert E.VLabatt, no Hammm' and George; Edward ' ' ' ' England,'her husband havmg med r mom: was cameo missing),"meut_.001_ a, D; 3am" Wesley'V and Gordon Win ince her youngest] son Went to , ' harm arising out of the deactth king ' ' he'gevefi-'lpehis 'Lieut-YCOL' R- A" .fred at home' his. daughter, Edith trict,.pro r ceeding "overseas V ,V in, the "first' x .v ~draft,,hisrfather told the . Spec-- ' tam: to-daY-Ee . Mchren' Yesterday afternoon 'Lche funeral Brantforcl of Julian Albert Core V V I I of William B. Thorbum, who lived. flier, of Brantford. (An adjourn. V ,ieutfcolr' Gordon, 3T. enders .. y e, 'rother' George. at 269 Houghton avenue south, was: ment for two weeks 'was "grantee. V V was.» ' 'V'V 'ofiterar'Mrs. helderomrhe runeal-Vhomeeelfill up?" request'offiefeme mimels- V 0 SM mm A, Victim . ' (naemehcmurable) cyw. G. on; ' V?" fiv'ifie'bfimfimrg gigs" ' ' ' ' VL _<H;u'm"gw§mndei V a n d enhsted. son, K.C., C.M.G. 9 L' 'msfmg;ea11i;WE:r1:§d 3:153 " ' V \ d, hm f m V f 191418 I in Action, h Just previgug £0 The regiment has been rigm' W0 grandmnidren Tog funeral _. .. ,' ,_ VV V V - - ' sa 1 '3; rom ewar o . I» . going overseas e waspromoe a 'widely'jor the excellenceo i :11} ' al olleglate H1ghfieid5chool~ V _ a former cape I V r ' VV - * - ' ~ "'11 9 he" mm "whome Mon" mm. mm VweVVwengm me- caes'fcogfiiflsg: $2.?" WW "'1 Pam-m w of tome-J :LOf'VESVgr'VET} fli'fi'lndag :waemfig Wigs; bipthel'slouis Grant, and two sis- ' ' V a V. ' L ,» V ' ' of the regiment in the last Gr'ea amen m L w an came 6.1L)" " @899- UV? Sexy%0eV%ary'lnj'1341f_' jters, Mrs. Robert Garry and (Mrs. c I Joan I VMO'mgomer'fi, __ War. , . ,VVVHe wentoverseasm Fe wary; V ~V CliffiordV filly all of Dunclas, are p ' ' ' His Majesty, King George VI,' Noel Grant, having died oiwar 9' a. 9' 1-!" .- o l1 8 c--r 'Q' ('0 Hz 63 D' E? :3 (N H m 8 H Mrs. 'Potrick Janes > _ _ V V I a Born;at'_Winona,Va' son of Mrs.' also survin Wounded in Action 1'. _ . e i entan ,, V Mrs. Catharine Daly Jones, "toe and'a'youngisons'GeOrge .Baisley and the-late John Baisé The Grant family come lo Doin- James Montgomery, B'eem'sville, giggfiégniggftiitggg. Mew; widow of Patrick JoneS, 54 Liberty ' ' ' '* street, passed away yes£crday in two} y'eereyh'isaparenis. Mr. - ley; he observe-duhis 36th.birthday dag fro. V r - ' ' - d ' r 1 t - V _ V .. V, . . V V V _. V. mEngland aboutso. years received telegraphlc a Vice as bum, QM'G. v.13. 1s honorary; Mrs' 3'3 ¥°L?ren' 31L Wighfig' '7°171.VAquustr '4'. LEE was educawdfi; ago, and Private Grant grew up flight that his son, Col. John James colonel LiGQLCOL'C' 3. Scott * ' Mm." H§mem ~ 3?? » tgrs' Vwmonamlbhc' §°h°°1"'Baam5Vme here, became a, " member 'Vof «St. Montgomery, BELL, was "wouud~ honorary lieutenantfiomna, M535'7Margaret Meme-n at home' Enghafing :Vocatlmfi: é50%°%.i?§§ James Anglican church, and was ed" in action. The wire stated that , ' C an" a ".5 53.90» g '75.?er- ve active-as an. 'amateur boxer; further .pa'rticulars would be sent g t k 333'" We 9"th Sports 0%: two daye ago cards and later. V V ' ' B! C. W. an a one 'ofV'thelgestlpitchersv yr . - . V . V , L ' r m ~. geeeflexcesacm?" mm mm... W, Meeting AMONG, THOSEKILLE , V tone: f", nght 11' V w" W" " "L m S o Ancestor, Aug. 21.41.. mem- IN ACTION AT mgpp 'thia's anal :later; for the Wente ' L , IV V " ' ' r . B H V Pie Mam" a bers of the W. A. ,of Bowman Lworth'Regt. in'the'LGarrison'league; . r I . _ 'Fraternelly, he was a'mem'oer of Kdled mActlon 4 V ._______ ' ' ' ' church were luncheon guests of V (Continued from page 7) ~Mrs, Walter Hosteln on *Wednee had extensive training as 3 cm, Detroit, where she had been for .the last 'two weeks. A resident of 7': Hamilton all her life, Mrs. Jones leaves a wide circle of friends to iVmourn her demise. Surviving are a ' brother, Edward, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Bighorn, of Hamilton; three nieces, Miss Kathleen High- ram, Mrs. Jean Elliott and Mrs. Ellen Dorie, 'all of Detroit, and two nephews, Thomas Daly, of Hamil-- ,ton-and Thomas Higham Daily, in _ 3:031», bf: treat. West, also area action. was born 3: Lrsagogand wag Wentllr'ilrthulddgei &_~A.M-.V 0f V A grandson of James 3.1913 Mes. ' LL ' ' V' - ~ ' ' ' ' L Philadelphia. The remains will or» .V Ball, 280 Tol'ton road, Normanhurst, , , V_ V , , . V . , p ,r - - '. V . V day. Afterwards, a meeting was mando. mm 1.11 this city this afternoon at 7 "in wmm her remdfg'i Prior to en" held the prggram being supplied In civil life he'had worked , 2.10 o'clock and the funeral will be "fitment 03591" by "the following: Mrs. F. Wag- 'telegrapher- at Brantford with ti? For her home on Monday "In?" 1.?"1939' staff Mrs, N. Hetherington, Miss com. Telegraph company. an. . ' Pte'MeVlvnfl-'an' Heel. Alums, Mrs. T. w; Me- laterjomed theLstafiOf J. M. ye 'Who was mm- gDermid Land Mrs. J. J. >BI'GW'IL' A guson, a brokerage firm at Brant * bergd Vamong L letter of thanks waeread'for'jam' ford. At the time he went on ac the 11" 0f com" 'sent to England by the association. tive' service he was president 0 ' 113%"? $0,093 LRed .Cross'work Was clone. n'The the Brant-Norfolk Aero club, i med m Elmo?» September meeting will be held Vat which. he had taken an active par} was ;-b°1}n ' m' the home of Mrs. Hugh Hassock. ' for some time, He is survived by 'OHbV 8:2}: r _ 'his wife, the former Evel3gn§¥£ath 5. . V . r ' ' LL Dave! and his mother an to -V 22nd blrthday 1;; Death of El. W. Brown my Fr'ed W" both of '68 Superior July Of. fins Hanover! Qm': Augf 21""DY'EI' Street Brantford, and a sister, Mrs. Yea}?- /PI'10Y.VV110 mer W. Broom, of Neusmdt; {lied Edwix; E350}. of, Etobimke' Ont his enlistment suddenly yesterday morning athis ' for active ser- home fellowing a heart attack. He . vice he jsh'ad L'WaSLfi? years of age. ' , ' . as _ _' -» . . been .amember Dr, Brown [practised medicine in V. - , ., V , V V ~;Vi ' ' g "as "'13 Ball 015- the reserve Red Cliff, Alto, and in Hanover, bring V V r ; - -V V, r. . . glued-1'," 110303,}? _ - » L 'V battalion, 051119 R-H-L-L' He' at" as, well as in Neustadt. L He mar- WGIVXILthS 17369591011965"? 99.2% Father-bf foixrfi,children,.Sgt. Wil- tended Ballard school and the F. fled Miss Chm-latte Trowel, of To- ' forum?" 9 grmceDf Wales'sze" Ham}. Bennett,"29iyears,t lost his, ,W. 'MacBetli Boys' school and at 'mntg, who survives 31mg with oneV V ' ' "lifeVVinlaction..a message received: flie;.time:0f- enlistmept had been daughter, Mrs. William Shown, of V last night by his wife, Mrs._'Helen employed at "the ,Chlpman-Holton «Vpnmvme. _ He was a member of Bennett,'187tBetharlneistreetnorth; Knitting comoany. ' - ' the Lutheran _ church Burial 3 L V .Vlimthers. fiford V. _aisleLy,V"'?0f Cam-L L ' eron avenue; south " Hamith ' and V Mrs.Marga.ret Salway Mrs; Margaret; Selway, late of Blake street and formerly of 111:6, passed away at St. Jo-- V's Hospital this morning after short illness. She had been a AldentLof' this city for, 20 years 'aves many friendsin Toronto Hamilton who will mourn he: s. , Surviving are two sons, Percy _ Ward ,Salway, city, 3113 W'ifiiiam , ' L ' 'L WaL, ,to; four aug ers, V V Safe flnvmg~'N€§d3 "e $11.33;: nTressam, city; Mrs. Here's What You Get! Constanf Attentwn , fighBéown, Tel--031.131; M§S.J 3M3. Bench exams _Haml)er V ' ' . oronto,en rs. . . c- 4135,1135 eats gto Traffic V gm, 7 .V .i'ili°§.d.£%i.§e§a§'f£§§ -'4 Matching Pillow Gases Accident totals on the city r31 heme, Where service will '6 Ilifazrgelfiath ' L 0W8 S ' ghee" Sim" yesterday: eld on Saturday afternoon at3 Dead ........7........ 0 ' .- salmonella Miss Jennieeaisley. 'Winona'. ,- T -. ' * ' V". i Hié'wlfe-szl'ndmhilé are visiling jab 'Cohourg; and :VWordaof Lieut- "Baisley's' death was, telephoned to fherflast ' "5111;. 'V- VV * V V ' Vngi. Williamlfien l ., 9.' V advised}; This t'elegxf'am o5sz tlée; _V V V y 7 take Place on Saturday_afternoqn. _ Injured 1 on sale ' ' lag-Ear im'L'GIVarge 3'3 V'V'LrecmL S .38? :' V'LPte. George Cruickshank ' ' ' ' ' - y . 4 ' . Accidents u 1 m _ V L'gngeeggefingé£3:;?91{§%1;g£l§§' Killed in 463%" ' L 3938 Embasssy Bufldlng V V VTotals thus far: 194.1 1942 Mrs. Oliver 5. Bilhnan sawmill}? 0111:? ' r' L i V " V r ' h ' ', one; An {21.4mm A builcing'pur'chgsed for the Ar- ' Dead 13 22 .311_ d resident-Of Hamil. ed to achon.VFurther information Kltc ener _ g Injured ..;.'....318 245 LMrs'goOvfiver 8. Emma", (mad gentine embassy in Paris, but never used, hag been sold, Argentina'ac- Voeptmg an offer of 3,000,000 irenw. 'Vfollows when :-received.", The mes-3 ePfie. George Cryickshank, of v eager which told of, the" fathers a Vmember'ofv the Royal 'Eamilton xdeath came onthethird birthday UghtVVlnfrantry, of Hamilton. was, V or rave -.',soldier's youngest__ killed in the largeuscale comnianclo _-~ ' ' .éoeeeifiii..°e§£ 223.23Vlzegelseeeeofc fans the Pfgper mg 33mm Yam Lawn! V 11am, e n;.Helen, six, Betty. figmenglas ' gar ate-'11 donned _ I :;F E Completely; Authentic Hano-Book 0n _ I I . - ' "Vagunifoz'mr'with, ,he'R'HLl. or; .- a r. V V , g V, r r . ; _ ~ _ September 26;;1938,'and crossed to Plated 'st WOundedi-W'fl' 11°» 13"" _» ~ ' "l r U England;on-Ju1'7?25;19$6; andlast tlcularnglvens_VLieut- George Tms' 6133? '9": "if PRESS? ._ J v Janna "was awarded his stripes; 19y, 22fyea'r--old son of Mrs.-_W. 3?. '53,": 1°, you, c" In, a "semi 1?"? *1?! am he 33"; memos) Mountain avenue, is in. i . Today; _ g ' I - - W pegged-'4'" Wm" "Cams?" '3. eludee'm lhe casualty list. Hie V ,, ' V g ' i=7 _ , r r , er residence,L28i) Queen street h,-1ast~night. The deceased, the , e!" Marie Irene Forster, was I'n'in Dublin, Irelané, but had rinvfiemilton for 73 years. was a member of the Church 8 Ascension. Survivingere one lighter, Mrs. W. W. Richardson; L'erlyrkof Winnipeg, now of ten; one granddaughter, Mrs. V'MacDonald, of Saint John. no grandson, Lieut. William Richardson, R.C.N.V.R. The eVWill be held at the real- '39 On Saturday afternoon at Clock, with interment in Ham~ metery. ' George W. Sharkey Lflliam George W. Sharkey, late Shawenaga, Ont, died in the V Aooidente_.'......4.59 398 . >1 5. .. Regular $19.96 L' :gave'no'additional;inform afia , , ._ th , ed l 83. .Bennettlwas horn" 11$ 330- 'L m0 3" meal" : ' r ' r ' * ' - ' 'ilbon.éand lived hereon, his: life;,VIie' word-this mom- ' V "F "New." 5"" Leveuhould ea Without on: .was an em 1O 993133319 VDcmmion ' M _.' ' notwimil crusher. it you have & lawn or Want V ' p y ' ' mg" In Ma?' r I new I turn all-llama anthofitifive. unbiased informv : r 1940, he left 1115 . mm on how to; mu it no limit become! ' The clothes hamyer is 18" high, 22," Ion and 12" wide, a G company before enlisting. Hie practical an decorative item. father, .William Bennett, resides V at L - r -r V - . r~ -- - ' 'sition/ with L' Vv' "'- semi tor not my at thingmarnble booklet. inst L'" 1 168' Fame. "352' '33"- Smn'mg Vpo" ' r ' '» a '« " ' ' ' V' - L ' a be . V as are fine white cat- .aec areL'lthree-'sisters,£i;s. Yin: V 'fifizmiaitffig': ' V g g '3' . $2.37" '"'u°§':mnm'h"mm§5 ' ' ' m 7 11mg. Sgfigwmm I"? Wed'fi: £3: 333x99". Pillow Oasis t0 *A'tkinso' . Teresa u Ethan : l r n » IV ~ * ' {m 3m m. 'm 15 r ear. e was match. (starry bath WWW in- n cw" ' 8* flowers 3" '1' monoxw' 0 Mr. . andyMrs. George D. eluded, acme" Sim Choice 0'5 - .'/'v v' r »_ Bank of Nova V- VMre..Newell Woofis, all of Hamil Get your outfit today. ' angle" r '--V'-----L-L---L--LV~-- Here--g........._'_- * 7. 45d ton, and one brother, Patrick. V, V C"? What m. Spica s t" to "oin V V V . v « , " . c" 'a 3 MAIL M: room: msel.3-431;V»Haaa-ao¢k Contains: V 63?. and had been 111 for over $1325." , the R.'H. L. 1.. »- VV V ~: L . V . . ear The remains are at Blach- j ' L 1 » _€ 1 '81 trawl-3; " L' vine" Went 150' ' 335%? fiflfi£§§€§°§smf°m L L ' $3"'§§.'€3°§§"lf"fi§ 8: me's chapel. The Service ~ f N0 DEPOSIT REEL???) L '1 'p .5. V . V ~ :_ \ . Cam? ',B°rden H; .Senfl inc, withongobligation animal!)an Lyon: sud Bcagfkgfflfgéze torment will be held on 3311- ' ' ""' ACCflunt Due P c 0 I m Aclmn- I ,V - for trammg. He {11115:} hand-book unlined "no: in Graft Bountiful :fxé'hgegfinr 4 ' (35" of y' afternoon fin Shawanaga. . V . V _V. _ , , V V, . V n ._V, > V V , _. . .5. ,. , .; massages Vm V Tnebam announcement that their: V_had been 1{viola I _ I - ' ~ the Adolescent Lawn: V ... "we ' Lilies: n. " snnLerCpLSamuel Harmahad beenl the umt V Since L 'L 'mme' 'L ' ' ' " 'V'." " ' " ' " '" ' "' "1' "' ~ " ' ' w 'Lwn M'"""""' Alexander Murdoch he Was 16 years m "a has: is .m- é,» _ . ; - mm. «waged in flglplificd. no"; mefly 01? Hamilton' will i technical language tbs ' Mary mm: will undfi' Adina;.Wu""nun-cum"..-n.noun... 1-: E 52» g 23' m o :1 9.». H. :r m '33. to I and 'VMrs.' Andrew Murdoch, ' V maul ' . . L L ' 1 W166!!! 'esterday 1n Detroxt. memagimumflsfifi' 5 deceasefi'ywas the brother of Margaret Johnston and John. i 1 V V _ . is killedV'miection Wes comaineii in: r a i Because lawn mam" {elegram-received laStanght by S- VL- t ' of age an, re-- and 'Mr's. Home 49, West avenue VTinggy;%i$LE§¢§ ' Vceived his'coms { north. VAj'memberV of the V'R;H.L.I., ~ _ 1 in Action. mission wheohe orp' iflarrsxwas'ja native of Dam Volunteerecl' for "active oer-Vice. enlisted» 0 April 15,194Q, ,Lie'ut TinSleyL was born'inToronto, " ole