Winona WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 3 1938-1965, p. 11

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' . DAY'S moweoemes f}? V' Highest temperature in Hamilton tor 2471;01:135--818. , ' z" A " ' ' Lowest for 2% hours--40.2. NUMBER 135 V M h'n v.» I - : moMASmBROWN LIEUT.»lAN H.1V.WRIGHT 'Kifled inAetion , '_ rmedgin'ficfiaox . f mm. B. s. BAISLEY, Killed in Acflfik SGT. WILLIAM J. BENNETT IL-oeL. SAMUIELL HARRIS -» _' Killed in Action Killed in Action DC. CoUeISELI; _ Killefl 51; Action _ r _---_.--- r Missing After all ' 2 CasualtyQList * I '. ' "on; l'lglfleemh" Tradition meme; llpbéele o NeiXt'9f/'ngT91fl _ r ' I Furioes Fighfiog Ibis Week on llae 0f casualties 121' 'Eeaebes of Frame 7 ' RtHfL'ItBafiahofi- llamilloo Home for Fighliegolee who :Feiimed o? ofiaegk' fill-Eels Woo glow - for lheirfioeelry ' -' r 1 ' Promily."'eom'owfifliywoheoifizensmof _-Han1ilton..1?evieweo ' today the gallant action of officers and men of the Royal 'IIa-milton Light Infantry on the beaches and in the streets of far--off Dieppe. Hamilton's oldest fighting, unit, upholding the traditions of the glorious 13th, attacked at the spearhead of British forces which raided France on Tuesday. Forward in the face of withering enemy fire, up and over the jagged mags and into the town, they poured in gallant procession. The headquarters company was almost annihilated. Among the missing are Lieut-Col. Robert R. Labatt, officer com~ mending, and Capt. Herbert Poag, the adjutam. If: is be- lieved Hoot-Col. Labatt is prisoner of war, Major F. 'S. Wilkinson, second in commané, is'reported wounded. Nine officers and eight men already are reported to have lost their lives. Two officers are "missing and presumed dead;" on- other two arerepmted "missing." One is reported "severer wounded," anti two officers and two men are reporteo 'Womded? These are the casualties known for certain at War's cruel toll ,istruck home to: 'Hamiltofiiane and district residents I ,toeday, as citizens learned'ythe price 'thei ' sfiad'paio in the ,_ ' ' ' gins ' Spearheao , . _ I 18 fl ree- fxcersfij ,, a _ y " , ' nanny are included m.zfihe~lehgthy. casualty'lxst from _7 {dent--Col, R. R. Lobe. ' _ { offil 'r'comm'aoding the unit, is missing ancifbelievedpribnef of war, and Capt. Herb it Poag, left. adjutaot. is officially reportedmiesing," 'followmg the commando attack. 11}; Dieppe. qujor Fred 'Wflkinson, right,,second- in command. of the RHLJL, was wound, infhe'engagement; ' - ' r ' . ~ ' ' ' a: 3mm - _~ . "é'il°lwi"fi°n * ls Missing"Affe'fl'em'i"?' _ i - I . 9176: , : {amuse Unit: into Battle ootbreak. 01: war. Early messages from the officer in charge of rec~' orde overseas told of the loss of 'many outstamiing young men of the R.H.L.I., flower of the coun- try's manhood. The casualty list of 27 names, as oompiled from information received by the Spectator from next of kin, listed .1? oificers and men killed in action; two missing, presumed __ y 5 killed; two missing, one severely Notify Next-of--Kin Beforef wounded, and four wounded. The ' I ' 7 3 ' majority o: the men whose names Pigth 1% hanks" "were listed were officers of the Ottawa, Aug. 21.",(BUP3' The "unit. ~- w ' -- - ' Jutoer two earsaotheSe _ , hst, of Caoadlan Gawaitles m the; v-ganait Izaders mirched gthrough noon to-dey and the list as by no means complete. ' battle at 919999 "any cemmened I This was part of the price of an action which thrifled the to reach therrecords office stole. ceea overseas--many of them never 3 allin Worlfl and took 3. heavy tollrof German'troops of the ,crowdecl doomtown streets to prom de artment of national; d'efen'e to return. Sacrificing all the fu- - < . J . 'p _ [we held in store, that the free? occupation army. Grief shock team at the home of Capt. 'r' ' _--- Ottawa Receives Casualty: Lists; Sui fin ntenseepainiromefsew V L ' e'arm, Mojafifls. ' o » ,naxin' C'Gmmgntl of the-R .LJ. at Eieppe, msisfiea open 335110 ed, Liana-"Colgfixli. Lobatt, Dfistingoisked Soldier ------ V':.7'Moior F. 8.9..WilkinSon, Sewnd-s'n-Commnd, I " Wounded, med CaptyHerberf-V. Poog, - ' * _'.Adjuton.£,ls Missing _' ~ I . ' I , 7 _ , hege 1M wag deqcribed by of; am; they may soweu mighg five! £3: Yguighaziifigiggé,pgjriokloith, Aficgsg¥i dime of 335 sons, stony. ' r . l' V 1 - «3 - ~ '. ' i - ' - - - 13' ~ _." ' u A , they have laid down their lives for ten . 8.11 . . rig was repor e _l e . A110, or $011, -- not a, Bren . tm whee. soldier-son of a dxstm uzshecl $91616?» czals as faml} heavy- _ v . . . ' 'A' dis ' g" g ' The .tot'aL of dead. and wound their King and country- L'ove'rsef ' Lieut. Gerald Wright, is missing, presumed killed. ~ ADVISED OF SAFE RETURN gThese are the sounds of reckoning L Scores or officers anti men who? to come. And, across the channel, ' remmed to England safely advis- other Canadians lie in wait. The [Eli their parents by yvire to--day.'01d' familiar Semper Params (ab Ammg them."'35 1'19"" Joseph Ways ready--motto of Hamilton's Pigath 22» $03} (if 311'. am} famous regiment--expresses the Mrs' J' M- P'g'm' this 91$?- vigilance and determination of the semper Paratus Whole Canadian Corps. of . _ y ' was'not immediately available, t I; 7 The casualty list 13 as ionows' it \Vis Clindlcated tl'aat 992716de « ' KHLED IN A0119}; that ' a participate in ea a . ' v ' . . had had es seam; of the total. . 63:21:22?" 1" wammn' 1"" Authorxtles mdxcated also that Capt. George E. Matchett' least part oi the list Imght be ave, 25° . high avenue south. able to the public later on in t. ' ' r , Capt. Thomas James Brown, day, but such actmn depenoed 2,15 Jmon street west. , rmfied' 123$") fathomfthe officer oommwding the Royaleamnton Light -r .2?2§§§'3§;§§§Z§¢¥ Infantry, meet-Co}. R. R. Labatt, along with two ' other ' ' ' ' 'is'» Officers of his headquarters staff, has beenreported among _ e the ,casualties'ofrthe Canadians who drove'into' France in the . OW comma, .raid'on Dieppe. Lieut.--Col. Laba'tt is reported flsgfirjngrinfthe, REEL, missingrond, believed pfisooer of Swat", and, Capt; Herbert anther. bf Brant; w r wounded-lithology Hes'aid V. POeg is reported missing, "While Major F. S. Wilkin- f port- _ ' was leamedytoaoeig He is believed to havebeém killed in I-the: I iDieppe foam- v ' ' raid Lieut. Belizwas , L my effieerfLi'eutaCol. R; R. Labatt, ' ,'by hisimilltai'y instincts naturally and continued, to'addsois'tinction and ' some gimme wouldn't 15011.13 reported Wounded, according to advices reaching Hamil" \ hell [he was léevmsjthé, ton'tpaday,__ CaptamPoaglwas the unit's adjutant 'andeajor Brilhan' retention , 'A'bzilhant and courageous mfli~ wheat/the age'yof 39 had Been for Wo~-years the officer 'cofiunanding ; 'Frenchficoas't,' had a phenomenal ' in 'military life. ' * lieutenantacolonelfLébatt : came rhonourjto a. earneamany years. In», nbwned' in military circles for feats Divalent: rend loyalty to'the crow-n. ' I The. young commanden after, at- rtrh oyal Hamflton 1 which 393. argelyf the raid. 'of» r mg , . _ ' thon .Canafiia'n cricket't'em , " touref *qungIand' , to Reformatory Severai . , » ems,'ont;, Aug. 21. fie ' an? . ' spKnabe._r23, Bamgton roameatm. 7 f w'as'restored. r r ' r g s. , ' _ » ,, jhotel,j charged with. being; 'kflpli' ' of of) 003113333 in'imex ,R'ELL V H? cotedin 'theftheft. was sentenced to ,fContinued onjfpage 3.1. "column; 5} L 36711» barrister: of Allistbfiéfi Bar ie,,Ont.J Lieut._BeH J: V 111155 'th'the; 33.1.1.- ' or; momma. end M155. arr night} clerk I three-month? in'thevreform'afgoxy. n 3' 7 tending .Highfield, school emigrAsh-- liege iniQttawo,' began his Mote mason? -' WRIGHT ,7 Moons; hemmed Killed _' career when he entered Royal Mili- tary college at Kingston; He won a wlieutenant's commission in the RH. L}. on leaving the militaryucol- lege- , _ y . Forfour years, from 1932 to 1936, he Was captain and adjutant of the R.H.L.I.», then paSsed a military staff rank of major in 1986, Was at. Coronation Another stepvof interest to Home iltonians came when Lieutenant~ Colonel Labatt represented his'regi- meme: the Coronation inéLondon in 1937,, and he commandea the first Canadian detachment ever, to stand. guardjat Buckingham palace. V {At [that 'time'holding the rank: of ' captain; 'Lieut.~Col; Labett was satisfied from i all Canadian; officers "the goard which performed, duty at the/palace. Itwae the secondtime a; member» of (the; Lahett ; family bad/been represented at the" corow nation ,. a military Capacity. Lieutfiol.' R. H. Labatt, father of the youthful "oommenoer' of the: RELI, was prosent at the coro' nation of King George V in 1911: I first Great War in command of the Fourth Battalion, which was' re-. crooked largely fromthe old 13th Rowen. which later be? came e part of the'RHLJ, v ' ,'Eeceives Assuring Message comroand, has hadmanyr'years' sen v1ce m the militia in peace-time and the unit at the, outbreak .03? war. 'Hexwent. 'Overseas with the unit in July, 1943.111; wire was informed toy. an official message that Major Willdnson'Was'wmoded and a per-y gone! message was received today revealing that he , was '*'all right? In peacetime, Major Wilkinson was ;& (Coofinueooo gageépll, Column 1} Mk, ,. course which'qualified him for the " about $72 was reported to 901133 last night. "ofLynden, 'told tietectives that. <, left her, purse on the fruit. stood at tile Central market while self; ing a Customer and when she W ., noxtsof-kin being notified first. { 'war' the defence department 4 taken careful precautions agam» the next«of--ki11 receiving news any casualty through press or re V before being notified officially military authorities. . motions, it Was pointefi out, mll obServed just as strictly in the c of the Dieppe casualties. Purse Is Stolen Ever since the beginning of 2 These pr, Theft of ,a purse containin Mrs. Annie Tonkovi mi , Capt. B. 0. WV. Bowery, 3.1;. L1. Brentfora. ' ' - VHWEJM; H. V. Wright, Car~ tickleith, Ancestor. , - Lieuteuewellyn G. Counsell, Ancestor. V _ { Lieut. Reginald S. fiaisley, 'Wi'nona. ' « ' j i ,Lieut. L. Clarke 3e11, mo» 110nm; ., ' Lieut. Edward J. Norms, 'Naughton, Ont. ' " Sgt». William 3. Bennett, 18'? 'ICatharine street north. . Cpl. Murray Henfierson, Brantforfl. I ' Lance--Cpl. Samuel Harris, 49 avenue north. V ' .Ptrm William Alexis Grant, .7154. Hath street, Dundas. ' Channel waters will brea'l: to-day on those beaches of for Dieppe and egretslcry by the smoking ruins of cliff defences. shore that raged like an inferno item 'éawn to noon on Tuesday, the silent forms of Canadian sol-- diero blotch the wide white sands. The torch was theirs--and they held it high! Sims of the men of Ypres, the Somme and Vimy, gal- lafit soldiers of the glorious 13th-- : the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry '----have'left their dead on a blazing battleground of the new world war, New and then an allied bombs:~ Nazi Along the Carried Main Attack "The Royal Hamilton Light In- fantry regiment, With the Egge'x Scottish of Windsor anéi the Cal- gary Tank regiment, carried the main attack of the Dieppe raid yes- teroay right into the town itself and battled the Gexmans in the streets to capture the main portions of the town." That was the first briefbuliétin received in Hamilton which swelled the hearts of a thew pride. Right at the spearhead of British. Canadian and American forces, fought and died some of Hamilton's finest Soloiers. j The}; were nofi from any one dis- thunders Werhead .335 the Silent trict. The oldest names in Hamil- sands Hum" "'13 the" SUbflame'm lion military history were $6926» Send yarents with just and excusable. , -» onl'the continent, as an officer of 'b The father. went to France in the r 7 Major F. s. Wilkinson. second in ' was with the REL; for some " yearsbefore being.mobilized Wit}: " to get change the purse was _ D 1 ct. .meqtigat ;V'._,Pfie. Melvin Ball, Toltone the 'ehelleflng explosion of bombs. ésented among the. casualties: And mg. .9 e IVES are 1 7'. , ' rha'd,' Normmnhurst- 1m ' there were names from other parts the. _ George Cruiskshank, ' of the city--4mm the norm, the SAygomm-in. east and the West. I W'illiom L. Turner, Throughout themorning Specm» .Aoto'n.' tor' telephones rang incessanély. ' Pie.'Rnbert Meg'son, Oak'Ville. Parents, reported the loss of song. " ' mum ' Neighbours inquired about m- WmG' PERM?) Car moors they had heard, ' - _ hoot. Gerald Wright; Fought; in Dieppe Streets 7 ~ ficklcxth, Monster. ._ , Mo: K. E. McLaren, 31 Wy- Surely m Dleype on fluesday'the . me wanna promlest: tremtlons of he'glormus ' 13th were upheld-by Himflton sol. ' ' MISSING fliers. Officersoi the fighnent so- mono--Col. R. R.' Lebntt, 55 ' vanced up the beachesbefore their ' [Index-mount avenue. men and fought in th: Streets with ' ;.(}spt. Herbert Poeg, 5 Beulah the enemY- ' ' bungee. ' ' The appalling toll «E office: dead -' smvmg WOUNDE'D is some indication ofthe way they «,jIéiout. John Gartshore, An-- Ied their units. Pervert} in the face of withering enem: fire. up 'and caster. over the jagged eras, am} into the , '/ _ vi r WOUNDED streets of the Hit} French tom, ' Limit; .Georgo (Paisley, 1" . they'pourefi in galfim'. procession. 'Mountem avenue. ' At the West ené??the promen- I 0p; John James Montgom- ado at Dieppeis a'csmo taken over ory,'Benmsvillc. . by the Nazis. TthoyaI Hamilton major ~«erd woman. 29 Light Infantry masked and, occu- fipr'uoeside avenue. _ ' ' Company Sgt-Major Lloyd A. slim-rig, 44 Locke street pied it. , '. They pressed {1 13110 the town but!» _ JINJURED IN ACTION and Went throufl 501116 9f the. l heaviest fightinng the raid. Street, 'Ptc- George MeGhesney. Harm ten: l § . g | fighting. which lad fund:- a I V . . l ; weir training SEN-.5 OR 11. E. McEAPLEN V mental oart 9i 7 . Méilsemg, Presumed Killed ' "Continued manage 119,8011'21111 5) . 5,7 3- . ' l % PTE.' mum A. GEM" , Killed Action '-

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